Savyna Member


  • Original starting weight - 205ish pounds June starting weight - 158.8 June goal - 154.8 Ultimate goal - 145 (weighing in on Fridays) June 7 - 158.6 June 14 - 158.2 June 21 - 155.8 June 28 - 154.8 Total loss for June - 4lbs This week I hit 154.8 on Monday 6/24 (I use a TDEE calculator and do weigh daily because of it, but…
  • Original starting weight - 205ish pounds June starting weight - 158.8 June goal - 154.8 Ultimate goal - 145 (weighing in on Fridays) June 7 - 158.6 June 14 - 158.2 June 21 - 155.8 June 28 Total loss for June -
  • Original starting weight - 205ish pounds June starting weight - 158.8 June goal - 154.8 Ultimate goal - 145 (weighing in on Fridays) June 7 - 158.6 June 14 - 158.2 June 21 - June 28 Total loss for June -
  • Original starting weight - 205ish pounds June starting weight - 158.8 June goal - 154.8 Ultimate goal - 145 (weighing in on Fridays) June 7 - 158.6 June 14 June 21 June 28 Total loss for June -
  • Original starting weight - 205ish pounds June starting weight - 158.8 June goal - 154.8 Ultimate goal - 145 (weighing in on Fridays) June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 Total loss for June -
  • This is the list of recommended routines that r/fitness has from full body and PPL type beginner lineal progression to some more advanced ones. I would choose one of their PPLs than the one you posted. Review them and see which one sounds like something…
  • Im trying to picture what a fecal transplant is.
  • OP, you may be interested in browsing they have a lot of material on bulking, cutting and maintaining with a primary focus on progressive calisthenics. FitnessFAQs (a youtuber) also has a lot of videos on his bodyweight fitness journey (dirty bulking, cutting back down, maintaining his…
  • I'd just leave them alone. However, I had one man who was asked if he could work in at the power rack, suddenly start telling me how to do the barbell row. I just said oh ok and smiled. I generally want to be left alone though.
  • 34, has a partner, works in auto shop.
  • none of those are unhealthy
  • I watched Sense8 recently. It was pretty good =)
  • My food stamps were recently decreased and I had decided to make them last longer by only buying meats with it. Before I used to sometimes get sandwiches and seltzers or sodas on it because I had no cash to get lunch. The other day I was splitting up my shopping cart to buy the meat (chicken and some beef on sale) and my…
  • This is my final week with SL 5x5. My squat is now (since last session) 182.5lbs, ohp 67lbs ("unfortunately" wasn't able to make as much progress here as I'd have liked to but it was better than before so it's something :smiley:. Deadlift at 200lbs, bench press at 102.5lbs, barbell row 107.5lbs. Currently I weight about…
  • I got a new pair of chucks (real ones this time, not a knock off). They did well with my workout yesterday. I've kept up with my foot and calf stretches/mobility work and haven't had an issue with cramping since last month thankfully. Thanks again everyone for the input.
  • Breakfast had an apple. Lunch had baked beans and sauerkraut. Dinner had stewed cabbage.
  • Do you have classes back to back at school? If not does the school have a gym you can dip into for 15 or so minutes to do something? If not walk everywhere on campus, and take the stairs. In response to the livingroom workouts: I'd involve the kids. The husband can continue to watch tv but if your kids want to crawl around…
  • I ask them how many more sets do they have and that lets me know if I should hang around or go do something else. For some reason at my gym, people act surprised if you ask them if they'd like to work in. 2 times so far while I've been in the middle of my exercise, men have hovered to finally ask how much more do I have…
  • I wish my gym were like that. It's usually a battle for who can get to either the one power rack or the one squat rack. I got to the gym at 4:57a last Thursday. Was pleased I got there when it was empty. 5:10am 15 or more people already in the weight section. 5:30a people hovering me for the power rack. lol. Usually no one…
  • There are times when I stop but I do keep track in my head of the ballpark figures of how many calories I've eaten and have continued to lose weight. For the most part though, if I'm not adding it up here, I'm noting it down somewhere or I'm making a conscious effort to eat a smaller portion/eat 80-90% of what is on my…
  • I bought a gym membership because I wanted to do deadlifts. I then proceeded to never do deadlifts and only pop in every so often to run on the treadmill for 10 minutes and telling myself I'd only go to the gym if the weather was inclement (and even then I didn't go, I just preferred working out at the park or at home).…
  • Today was gym day. I did the calf and foot mobility stretches I found yesterday, along with my usual warm up. I also bought a different flavor of gatorade (glacial cherry) and some coconut water and mixed it together. I sipped on that during the workout and made sure to pace my water intake to make sure I wasn't somehow…
  • I lift in converses since I heard that a hard soled shoe was better for weightlifting than a running shoe.
  • /shrug/ Good luck with losing your stomach fat.
  • From my experience I felt horrible after 5 days of eating about 300-600 calories (a long time ago when I was afraid to eat and thought 1200 was too much). I was in college and just felt like death on that 4th night. I don't understand how someone could eat as little as you say you are, workout as much as you say you are…
  • if you have a food processor, making your own peanut butter is pretty easy. Just take some peanuts and begin grinding them. I added a bit of coconut oil to make it smoother, and some salt to taste. :)
    in Keto Fats Comment by Savyna July 2017
  • 45-60 minutes, then I bounce.
  • Thanks to all responses with your supplementation suggestions and stretching suggestions. I will update next week on how my feet were after my time with the barbell.