How long do you usually spend in the gym?



  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    Actually doing things, 35-45mins.
    Add in getting changed, shower etc... more.

    Because of where my (brilliant) gym is, I can only really go at lunchtime, so I just have to power through my weights and get back to the office.
    My programme currently has me supersetting, with 2 batches of 3 exercises in each workout (so rotating between 3 different exercises for 3 sets, then another 3 exercises for another 3 sets), no dedicated rest time. I also do a bit of foam rolling at the beginning, and stretching at the end.
    It's tough but works best for me.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    45 minutes - 75 minutes depending on what I'm doing. This is 5 days a week. I have 3 young kids, got other crap to get done.
  • Carl_Carlson
    Carl_Carlson Posts: 85 Member
    Before I quit power lifting I'd spend 1 1/2 hours three times a week in the gym. Then another hour every day with ice packs and heating pads.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Minimum 40 minutes if I'm over scheduled, left to my own devices 90. I go 6-7 days a week.
  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member
    30-60 min, 5-6 times per week
  • girlgeeklula
    girlgeeklula Posts: 85 Member
    Not the gym specifically (though I'd use a gym if I had a membership), but I dedicate 1-2 hours for workouts in the morning so I can get the distances I want as a walker but also not have it cut into my time to prep for work and get stuff around the house done.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    1.5-2 hours lifting, 5-6x per week.
    Around 45 minutes for warm up/working sets on my main lift (squat/bench/deadlift, separate days), and 45-60 minutes on hypertrophy work. Sometimes 30-45 min cardio after, but I usually do cardio in the AM and lift in the PM.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited July 2017
    The only thing I do in the gym is lift 2-3x per week...I'm typically in and out in 60 minutes.

    My cardio is mostly cycling...usually 4-5 days per week anywhere between 30-60 minutes and usually a bit longer ride on a Saturday or Sunday. I also like hitting up the rock climbing gym on weekends...I usually spend a couple hours their monkeying around and like to go on the occasional hike, but that's most often reserved for when we're camping.

    I think spending hours in the gym is a waste, particularly if you're not following some kind of very specific training protocol...more isn't always better.

    ETA: if I'm going to spend hours being active, it's going to be "play"...rock climbing, hiking, site seeing ride, etc...spending hours in a gym sounds like torture.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    My gym is in my garage, I'm typically there for 45 minutes 5x per week
  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    Anywhere between 60-90 minutes from warm-up to stretching for 5-6 days a week. I started trying something different this week and am trying to keep it to no more than an hour, so I can get to work earlier.
  • MrCool85
    MrCool85 Posts: 54 Member
    Juz 30 mins, then i feel so sleepy. :(
  • Ghostofachance
    Ghostofachance Posts: 305 Member
    Sixty minutes most days. 45 if I am in a hurry or 90 if it's Saturday and a good movie is playing in Cardio Cinema.
  • Vevvie
    Vevvie Posts: 12 Member
    45 minutes strength training, followed by 45 minutes on cardio. Then, I reward myself for another 15 minutes either in the pool or jacuzzi. :) 4 times a week for strength training, and 5-6 times a week on cardio.
  • Mallyycatt
    Mallyycatt Posts: 118 Member
    I always tell myself that I'm going to get in and out within an hour and a half, but that never happens. I usually am there for about two to two and a half hours. Granted, I do 1 minute rests between sets, and then there's always the time that is spent waiting to get on certain machines/benches!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    edited July 2017
    I lift once a week for about three hours (includes warm-up, lifting, cooldown, stretch), 90 minutes Vinyasa yoga 3-4 times a week, cardio twice a week (one HIIT, one steady state with stretching after, about 1-1.5 hours).
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited July 2017
    60-120 minutes, depending on programming and rest periods.

    eta: 4x/week
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    35-40 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week.
  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    45-60 minutes, five days a week.
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    About 45 - 90 minutes.
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    edited July 2017
    I work out 3-4 times a week. When I can afford it, I prefer working with a trainer. For those sessions I'll come in 20 minutes early to stretch and warm up on my own, then I'll do a full 60 minutes with the trainer: very focused, very intense, minimal breaks, and minimal chatting. It's never the same workout twice in a row, but is usually some combination of body-weight exercises, traditional strength-building moves (squats, deadlifts, etc.) and core work, punctuated with either sprints on the elliptical, or jumping rope. If I'm on my own I try to do a similar mix, and keep up a similar level of intensity, but I don't always achieve it. I usually end up doing plus 45 minutes (not including warmup) or so in that case. I track all my workouts on my FitBit, and the heart-rate difference between a trainer-directed workout and a self-directed workout is, um, interesting!
  • cornerstonerswag
    cornerstonerswag Posts: 3 Member
    4x's a week - usually 2& half hrs. That 1st half hour is spent bullsh*tting tho..... Come in, sit there in the locker room like 10mins getting my mind right... Then gotta pee. Then put on "gear" (Rx pain patches, freebrese 2hide that herbal smell from the parking lot, sweat band...etc). Massage chair/Finding my Youtube-Pandora station time....gotta pee AGAIN! Then its off to the actual gymnasium floor to give my body over for an hour to The Crucible....aka that damnable Elliptical yo! Then weights....then back 2that parking lot....ya know? ;)
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    1-3hr 5/6x wk
    powerlifting, long rests between sets
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    2 to 5 hours - Monday through Friday. Except this past week because I pulled my shoulder/neck or something and couldn't turn my head. It was heinous. I had to stay home all week and actually try to eat 1200 calories. :s

    curious - what do you do in the gym for 2-5 hours per day?????
  • work_on_it
    work_on_it Posts: 251 Member
    45 minutes, 3 days a week. I think i need to do more days, but any longer per session and i don't know that i'd be as efficient. Maybe that will change as i start targeting muscle areas, but i feel pretty good after each work out.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I spend about 2-3 hours lifting per week. I also run, cycle, hit the heavy bag, HIIT, etc., for another 2-3 hours
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    45-60 minutes, then I bounce.
  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    My gym is my basement, and I spend one hour max 4-5 days a week. I do half hour cardio half hour weights, I am pretty taxed after an hour. Even though I have all the needed equipment in my house I have no desire to spend countless hours working out, I have learned more is not always better.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    2 to 5 hours - Monday through Friday. Except this past week because I pulled my shoulder/neck or something and couldn't turn my head. It was heinous. I had to stay home all week and actually try to eat 1200 calories. :s

    5 hours of exercise?
  • Nathy_F
    Nathy_F Posts: 40 Member
    I spend around 2-4 hours in the gym everyday, i don't have any friends so it's kind of my happy place

    Same lol.. I prefer to work out alone.. my free time and I enjoy it
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    3ish hours when I have the time. 1 hour during the school year.