Tofteberg Member


  • I did it! D3W5. 20 minutes without stopping!!!!
  • I'm on week five of C25K. I have been amazed how quickly I have progressed. I also lift weights and do Pilates or Jillian michaels. I can't say I love running but I see the potential. I really enjoy distance cycling and I thought that sucked when I first started! When everything aches and you feel uncoordinated all…
  • W5D1 done.
  • W4D3. Done.
  • Week 4 day 2. Ran outside today. It was much harder. More inclines and my allergies were bothering me. I'm going to try to stay outside but April in Iowa can throw u some strange weather!
  • Week 4 day 1. I'm enjoying this!
  • Wk3 day 3. Done!
  • I was impressed at how easy today felt. Then I realized I was doing the previous week! Oh we'll at least I did it!
  • I think venting can be a healthy activity. Knowing where and when to vent is also important! I counseled substance abusing clients for years. This is a group that doesn't always follow advice and rules! I learned to measure success in smaller bites and came to realize that every client learns something in the time you…
  • I think it's funny how some of us calorie counters seem threatened when someone is doing something different ! All of these " this is a calorie counting site". This site is so much more than a calorie in/ out log. There is tons of information about exercise. Many motivational threads. Success stories. Challenges. You can…
  • I'm in the middle on this. I agree the people supporting u don't have to do everything u do. However, eating a bag a chips and Ben and Jerry's every night doesn't seem supportive of either a healthy lifestyle or a diet. My husband sometimes eats like a kid when it comes to junk food but he is a runner and sheds fat. To…
  • It's weird how people lose fat differently. My back fat is going and I'm starting to see definition around my legs and arms, but the jelly roll around my my abs and butt seem stuck! This thread is a good reminder that it will come off as I keep going. Thanks for all the inspirational picks!
  • Week 3 day 1 done
  • I have 5 days left on level 3. I have had great results with lost inches. I had lost 4 off my waist at the end of 20 days. I must admit I'm getting bored at this point but I highly recommend this video. I can feel my core muscles. Those of u that have a smaller amount to lose will definitely see definition. Have fun!
  • Week 2 day 2 done.
  • w2d1done!
  • done!
  • I also liked to tuck into bed with a book and a snack. When I started weight loss I really craved these snacks. Like u I recognized this as a habit vs hunger. I didn't find any great trick to get past it. I had to tell myself " I'm not hungry". Knock it off. Etc. after a week or two of standing up to myself the cravings…
  • Week 1 day 2 done. I think my running pace was slower than my walking today! I'm doing this on top of 30DS and my quads are killing me!
  • Love the face pics. I get so focused on my muffin top reduction that I forget to look at the rest of me. Your face pics inspired me to look up!
  • You can lose. My scale has been moving very slowly. I started focusing more on the other benefits I'm seeing. I'm getting stronger from the exercise I'm getting and I've lost inches. If you eat healthy and exercise you will be successful. Don't give up!
  • I just started week one today. Keep it up
  • I have been slow on the weight loss but I measure every two weeks. My last measure day I had only lost 1 pound but lost 3" on my waist and 2 inches off bust and backside. If you were out of shape, your probably gaining some muscle. Also you mentioned smoothies when discussing what u drink. Smoothies often have enough…
  • Hi everyone. There is a 30 day shred group on this site. There is a pretty active accountability thread going on right now. It makes it a little easier to find if you join a group I'm on Level 2 day 3. Enjoy!
  • You can also go to the groups tab and find people on this site who will support u. I'm currently in a 30 day shred group and will be starting C25k as soon as my shoes get here! I use my group for both accountability and motivation. I believe that my family and friends want me to be successful but their own issues sometimes…
  • Thanks for all the ideas. I think the barcode is new since my last try and I will try using the recipes more. I like cooking and I eat salads with lots of veggies so I found it annoying to enter 10 things to get "salad". The recipe function will help.
  • Thanks for the tips.
  • 5'3" and almost 55. I lost 30 lbs a few years ago then just let it go and ended up with a new highest weight of 194. One day my husband tells me he weighs 197 and wants to get back in the 180's. Of course he is 6'1"". It was a turning point. I have started eating healthy and getting consistent exercise and am making…
  • I like the store bought fat free Italian. What really make the salad is feta cheese. It's so salty delicious that you can use a tiny bit and get big flavor. I also like crunchy on salads I usually use toasted almonds or sesame seeds. Of course lots of veggies and romaine and spinach. Yum
  • One nice thing with your omega juicer. You can make enough juice for two days at once. This is because that crushing style of juicer doesn't oxygenate the juice like the other style of juicer. I put my juice in glass ball jars in the fridge and grab and go! It is also super easy to clean, makes great banana whips and nut…