

  • i wish someone would post some answers! i have that question too. as best i understand your body burns up those sugars quickly, they are a source of energy easily accessed. i don't worry too much about them (not at all really :) i would think as long as you're not over-eating in general, fruits are one of the best things…
  • Oooo, don't mean to be so ruuuude but the 600# life kinda grosses me out. Im fat enough but I don't understand how a person gets sooo big, especially when at some point, someone has to be bringing them ALL THAT FOOD! And imagine how much $$$$$ they have invested in all that fat??!! Foods not cheap
  • I used it for a month, & had NO problems since I eat fairly healthy anyway. Of course if you go against their advice & eat fatty foods, you will have problems. It works by 'expelling' excess fat to keep your body from absorbing it. My train of thought is, every little bit helps so why not use it? The only issue I have is…
  • omg yes! i've had soo many trainers tell me 80% of losing weight is all about what you put in your mouth. try eating about 1200c a day & see what happens. of course you will lose more if you workout...
  • yeah i think its pretty sorry too, boys are always gonna be hormonal *kitten* dogs but when did girls start being that way too?? when i was a kid you were a SLUT if you did stuff like that
  • if nothing else can't they think a minute about mono, strep throat, the about HERPES?? geez, that never goes away & something like 80% of ppl have it! grooosssss
  • I am totally breakin' w/my diet tonight...Sausage & mushroom pizza & wine...mmmm & no gym... I am good all the rest of the time & little 'cheats' now & then keep me on track. I've lost almost 25# in 7 weeks so I think I'm doing something right. Besides, my honey lovesssss pizza, so it's more for him, hehe
  • homemade egg mcmuffins (less than 300 cal) & if you're feeling ambitious & own a waffle iron there are good recipes for low cal whole wheat waffles (also less than 300). smoothies when i'm in a hurry w/frozen fruit, almond milk,a packet of sweet n low, flax seed, spinach (can't even taste it) about 200 cal
  • make sure you have had plenty of water & drink a glass right before you go (30m or so). then just chug thru it, it will get better. don't eat too much becuz your digestion kinda shuts down during exercise, a half a banana before or some almond butter & apple. Also do you use an ipod for music? i have been doing an…
  • If you have time say on a Saturday afternoon you can make a big batch pretty easy & pretty cheap & if you eat it with whole wheat angel hair (2 dry 0z=200c) you can have that & a salad w/ olive oil/balsamic vinegar for about 500c +/-. Plus it freezes great & you can thaw it out quick for another night. will supply a 5th…
  • spinach in the smoothie...a huge handful w/some strawberries,blackberries,banana, whatever else, protein powder, almond milk,1T of ground flax, a packet of sweet n low (a weakness unfortunately) & you can't taste the spinach at all. lotsa good stuff. also i use 1t of land o lakes spread it has very few cal (30ish?) & just…
  • bran flakes & fat free milk w/some fruit is always a quick, easy & low cal option. cereal=90c, milk 1/2c= 45c homemade egg mcmuffins w/2% cheese,canadian bacon, whole wheat high fiber english muffins & one egg=less than 300c smoothies w/protein powder about 200c I made whole wheat waffles this morning, didn't have any…
  • wow. my bf & I (40&50 y/o) just moved in together after 4 yrs & just got engaged too. He is not making much money now although he is used to make 250k a yr while I have never made more than 30K a yr. we don't have any kids together, & I basically "work" for him @ a company he owns. we never fight about who pays…
  • yes, but dear we are talking about PROTEIN, not other substances...
  • protein is filtered by your liver & too much is not good for you. i don't understand high protein,low carb diets. we need a balance of everything. do some research & figure out a good balance for you. we don't need as much protein as we think & most of us eat too much any way. good luck
  • I do it, track everything you eat, don't eat crap that doesn't count (too much coffee creamer could be a prob for me), & DONT EAT CRAP. Eat low calorie foods you can get more bang for your buck! Some days I don't even eat enough so I eat some air popped popcorn or fruit & yogurt to get up to 1200c. Do some research & see…