What's your sneeky healthy trick?

This morning I was making up my breakfast, 3 strawberries, a C Monster Odwalla, 10 blackberries and a slice of toast. Lately I've been allowing myself a small amount of margerine to put on my toast so it's not totaly flavorless when I got the idea to put a blackberry in a spoon and smash it to make healthy jam.

Anyway I was just wondering if anyone else has any sneeky smart health tricks. Leave them below!

P.S. here's a picture of my breakfast! YUM!



  • asealy
    If were talking about toast toppings :p I usually do almond butter (which tastes kinda like pb but almonds are easier to digest!) or butter & cinnamon (cinnamon is supposed to help u lose weight)

    Idk if this helps but it works for me!
  • kirstand
    i like using mashed avocado instead of butter on toast/sandwiches/crackers/burgers...
  • hsmithway
    I made "tofunaise" today, but putting tofu in the blender with a little bit of tahini and wasabi, then I spead it on my sandwich like mayo. And I used baby spinach instead of lettuce.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    (cinnamon is supposed to help u lose weight)

    I hadn't heard that! I'll have to give it a try, don't think it will hurt to add a little to my cereal!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Kale chips!

    Also, balsamic vinegar (instead of salad dressing, or on roasted red onions, or mixed in with black beans,...)
  • hsmithway
    Also, balsamic vinegar (instead of salad dressing, or on roasted red onions, or mixed in with black beans,...)

    Balsamic vinegar is wonderful!
  • asealy

    Yeah that's what I heard! I did a little research though because I couldn't remember why it helps:

    "Cinnamon might help you with weight loss by helping you lower your blood sugar levels or increasing your insulin performance. The way your body processes sugar directly correlates to how much fat your body stores and how often you crave sugars and carbs."


    So it sounds like it increases your metabolism!
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I use no-cal butter spray for grilled sandwiches. Not sure if 'healthy' but it saves a lot of calories and fat! :D
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    I read that if you want to use less butter (or pb or any topping on bread really) then use less but eat it upside down lol that way you taste the topping more and all that... but thats not an issue for me really lol

    For sandwiches, I buy fat free cream cheese, and use a tbsp for each slice instead of mayo, that way its 30 calories and fat free (if thats an issue). I don't buy fat free mayo because I don't think I would be able to finish it.
  • southernyankee716
    Chia Seeds!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    This thing called...MY FITNESS PAL...shhhh! :)

    Haha, but really...this site IS my trick!
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    I use spicy mustard instead of mayonaise anymore, trick I learned in weight watchers. Also use the laughing cow cheese on alot of things, mmmmm!
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Blot my pizza with a napkin (several times) and don't eat pizza with pepperoni.

    Always have my salad dressing on the side and dip the tip of my fork in, every other bite.

    Put any leftovers in the fridge before I sit down and eat, at least if I really want it I have to work to get it back out!

    Laughing Cow cheese wedges for just about anything.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head!

    One more, I use Frank's Red Hot Sauce on Salads and many other foods. No calories, but watch the sodium!
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    I made "tofunaise" today, but putting tofu in the blender with a little bit of tahini and wasabi, then I spead it on my sandwich like mayo. And I used baby spinach instead of lettuce.

    Im intrigued. Been looking for something to substitute mayo and now I think I may try this. But not sure what Tahini is. Where do I find in in the supermarket isle>?
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    Chia Seeds!

    I just bought some of those. How do you use them?
  • melissamason941
    spinach in the smoothie...a huge handful w/some strawberries,blackberries,banana, whatever else, protein powder, almond milk,1T of ground flax, a packet of sweet n low (a weakness unfortunately) & you can't taste the spinach at all. lotsa good stuff. also i use 1t of land o lakes spread it has very few cal (30ish?) & just enough to keep the toast from being too dry
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    My wife makes homeade fruit toppings for things like plain yogert by putting roughly 2 cups of fruit of your choice (usually berry or peach for us) with about a tablespoon of REAL maple surup, stir and simmer on low til things get nice and mushy, put it in a bowl and use the submirsion blender and puree until it's basically liquified. Healthy natural goodness to put on plain yogert, icecream, pancakes, whatever.
  • boys4rmine
    (cinnamon is supposed to help u lose weight)

    I hadn't heard that! I'll have to give it a try, don't think it will hurt to add a little to my cereal!

    I put cinnamon in my coffee ( don't need as much cream) and cinnamon in my oatmeal...I had also heard that it sped up your metabolism and helped you lose weight...so far it's working for me! :)
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I made "tofunaise" today, but putting tofu in the blender with a little bit of tahini and wasabi, then I spead it on my sandwich like mayo. And I used baby spinach instead of lettuce.

    Im intrigued. Been looking for something to substitute mayo and now I think I may try this. But not sure what Tahini is. Where do I find in in the supermarket isle>?

    I've never used it but I know Tahini is used to make hummus, I think it's a sesame paste kind of thing. I have seen at at my grocery store near the peanut butter substitutes (almond butter, cashew butter, etc.). My grocery store has these items in a section not near the other peanut butter but more of a "special diet" section...gluten free, etc. Hope this helps.
  • flibberdajibbitt
    flibberdajibbitt Posts: 52 Member
    I stole this from the biggest loser a few seasons ago...

    When I'm making spaghetti, I take some zucchini and cut it into spaghetti like strands..
    I saute the zucchini in a bit of olive oil, garlic, and tomatoes...once it's soft I add a little cooked spaghetti to the pan. It makes me feel like I've eaten a huge portion of pasta when in reality I'm getting very little. :)

    Another good thing to do to fool your tummy is to pound a chicken breast thin before cooking it. It looks like you're getting a HUGE amount of meat :)