beachquilt Member


  • I do this alot for lunch: put a tad of butter/margarine on muffin, top with a slice of any cheese, sprinkle with garlic salt, and then broil. YUM!!!
  • I agree totally!! Love mine!
  • I run to 50's and 60's music! Love it!
  • I don't think there is anything wrong with walking part of it. You will always find people walking parts of races - 5ks, 10ks, etc. I have done 5 5ks and there are always a few walking here and there. I am doing my first 10K in Aug and know that I will probably have to walk part of it. No Shame at all!! My husband and I…
  • I LOVE Zumba - been doing it for almost 2 years now! You can add your own exercises in. Most of what I do, I put in myself so it is exactly what I want. Be careful, though, on figuring out how many calories you burn - most sites WAY over estimate how many calories you burn with Zumba! I use my HRM to get a more accurate…
    in Zumba? Comment by beachquilt May 2013
  • I, personally, do a weekly calorie count and it works for me. I exercise a lot during the the week but not as much on the weekends. I usually am under my calorie allowance several days during the week which then allows me extra calories over the weekend.
  • I went on a 7 night cruise in September. I didn't gain an ounce! We always took the stairs on the ship - only took elevator 2 times. We went up and down the stairs many times per day. We also walked a mile on the ship several times. I felt like I ate quite a bit - always had dessert at lunch and dinner! On excursion days,…
  • I am 50 and just ran my first 2 5K's. The first was 36:32 and the second was 38:04. My husband and I have just started running this year and are really enjoying it. I was sad that my second race was slower but it was a good run - had a good pace and felt great the entire time. We have another 5K on Dec. 1 and I am hoping…
  • Good for you on your progress on the program!!! I too have been doing it recently but that is after having "failed" many times before. I used to have to spend a few weeks on each week. I have done better this time around. But as soon as I hit week 5, day 3... I thought I was going to die! This program does a good job of…
  • Well, this explains alot!!! I put my starting weight in there and I am actually just about where this tool says I should/would be. I guess I am proof that this is pretty accurate. I do get extremely depressed sometimes that the weight is not coming off faster but at least I am losing and hopefully it will stay off because…
  • Yeah, but for some reason MFP WAY over estimates how many calories are burned!! I got an HRM and my calorie burn is usually half of what MFP was saying. I think this is why at the beginning of my journey, I was not losing weight. After I got my HRM and got an accurate calorie burn, I started losing weight. Don't trust the…
  • Thx! I kind of figured there was nothing I could do. FF and next do not work. I had it set up right as my husband got home so it was ready. We talked for a few minutes and the dumb blu-ray player turned off. I figured okay... I will just push play and it will bring it back up to where we start.... OH NO!!! Had to sit…
  • Fabulous story! Keep up the good work (on everything)!
  • The food database on here... I usually look at a few different calorie counts for certain foods on here to see if they are basically the same. It is amazing how "off" some are - I don't think people pay attention when they add some stuff in. I have seen them 100's of calories off!! If I see a big discrepancy, I either…
  • Hi, I live in Monroe (just 6 miles north of the IL border/45 min SW of Janesville). I have lived here for about 2 1/2 years and LOVE it! Wisconsin is a beautiful state and I love the weather.
  • I have a Polar FT4 - it works great and is very easy to use! I don't think they're too expensive if you shop around.
  • That was an amazing story!!
  • I really like FB as a way to keep in touch with my family. We are spread all over the country and see each other rarely. On FB we can share what we are doing, play games together, share photos - be a part of each other's daily lives. I have no drama on my FB; I am only friends with people I know/have known from my past. I…
  • I was using and then got an HRM. That website had my calorie burn way higher than what it actually was. Be careful... Having an HRM has been an invaluable tool!! Don't be afraid of Zumba - it takes a little while to learn the routines but just be sure you are moving and all is good! I love Zumba!!!
  • I love my new Polar FT4. It does exactly what I need it to do and the price was quite reasonable. It is very easy to set up and use!
    in HRM? Comment by beachquilt March 2012
  • We have one lady at our YMCA who insists on blow drying her hair and putting on her makeup... stark naked!! And it is right by the door so it is hard to avoid her! Yikes!!!
  • I used for awhile.... Then I got a HRM.... that website was WAY overestimating my calories burned. So be careful if you use that site!
    in zumba Comment by beachquilt March 2012
  • I can't be of any help because I am having the exact same problem.... I can't wait to see if anyone has any good tips or any reasons why this might be happening... It is extremely hard to stay motivated when you work so hard for nothing...
  • Sorry, can't se the pics...
  • It is best to get a heart rate monitor. was way overestimating how many calories I was burning!!! You can add your own exercises in the database so you just add Zumba, the length of time you were at it, and how many calories you burned - easy! I love Zumba - have been going for at least 9 months. I can…
  • You can just add your own exercise of Zumba in. Then it is there whenever you want to log it.
  • I got this off the but it is the same thing my trainer told me the other day: "TRAINING ZONES Healthy Heart Zone (Warm up) --- 50 - 60% of maximum heart rate: The easiest zone and probably the best zone for people just starting a fitness program. It can also be used as a warm up for more serious walkers.…
  • What I have found is that 2 oz dry is about 1 cup cooked... Hope that helps.
  • I had been using to estimate my calorie burn for the Zumba class at the Y. I just got a HRM so I could more accurately know my calorie burn. I was so disappointed to find out I was burning only 55% of what had figured for me! I am not sure how people are burning so many calories with…
  • Week #1 Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 893 calories burned (Zumba & stationary bike) Tues: 622 calories burned (Zumba)) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories burned (how they were…