

  • Hi, I've done most diets going and Atkins was one of them. I went with the 20g of carbs per day and lost about 3-7lb/week for about 2 months. I looked great and felt terrible! Things to note - you crave carbs constantly - bread, sweet things, potatoes - the list goes on. - you have to drink gallons of water or you back up…
  • welcome to the site and good luck with your weight loss. I'm newish and looking to lose 45lbs.
    in Newbie! Comment by sav_c August 2010
  • welcome. to back up what everyone else has said on this thread already, don't treat this as a diet - it's the wrong mentality and in my experience diets = short term fixes that don't work. coming on here, having a set amount of calories as a guideline for you is a healthy way to lose weight and live a permanently healthier…
  • hi bebe, welcome to the board and good luck. I'd be happy to be a support for you, along with all the other great people on here.
    in HELLO Comment by sav_c August 2010
  • hi cindy, sounds like you have things well in hand with your exercise plans :). welcome and good luck.
  • welcome and good luck.
    in hi there Comment by sav_c August 2010
  • hi paige, good luck with the weight loss. welcome to the site.
    in newbie.. :) Comment by sav_c August 2010
  • Hi Sanj, I have a similar issue with not having time to exercise. Try going for a walk at lunch time. I find this is useful. Cheers, Sav.
  • welcome Danielle and good luck. I'm looking to lose a similar amount. Just keep logging your food and take up some exercise, no matter how small. just don't give up, use the boards to motivate you on. the people on here are great!
  • unsalted nuts are a great snack. another is beef jerky. it's not everyone's bag but I was shocked at how low the fat and carb content is.
  • Hi, Welcome aboard. I posted as a newbie for the first time today too. Good luck with your weight loss goals. Sav.
  • Thanks for the replies already! I have started to go for walks - probably about 30 minutes at a time so it looks like I've started along the right path, it's reassuring to know. I know I need to build up to something a little more taxing so will increase the speed to start with and then maybe break into a run.
  • I'm in. I'd like to lose 45lbs - possibly more. Mini goals for me are lose the first 5lbs then the next 10 and so on.