spoulsen82 Member


  • i was just thinking about this the other day as well. i just bought another bottle of "designer whey." i'm kinda thinking it doesn't fit so well with the "whole food" thing though...
  • i DO have a bread machine, in fact. that was going to by my next topic. since i can't get the good breads over here, what about flour? what types of flour does everyone use? or consider whole/real?
  • thanks for the ideas! unfortunately, over here in turkey, i can't get any of this... BUT i am looking for similar, local options.and i can't wait to get back to the states to try these!
  • these look great! i'm excited to try them!!! thanks for posting.
  • hello, all! i'm seth. i have two kids (3.5 and 1.5 years old) and a wonderful wife who is able to stay home with them. i am active duty in the air force and we are currently stationed in turkey. i recently started reading "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan and have really had my eyes opened. i was already starting to…
  • i am starting as well! anyone else care to join us???
  • definitely the eggs in a carton, cracked and cooked! only way to go!!!
  • welcome to MFP! i got your add! count me in. i will be happy to lend motivation as best i can! i am married, as it seems most of your friends are, but i'm not complacent about my weight just yet... my wife and i are both on here and trying to shed some pounds. see you around!
  • i agree with the OP. supermarkets are set up to get you to buy more of what makes them the most money. as was mentioned earlier, the processed crap the fill the middle of their stores with. the stuff on the outskirts of the store, produce, fresh bread, deli, etc, is where the make less money due to spoilage. so they make…
  • how do you all feel about eating eggs??? good, bad, "whole food" or mostly whole?
  • that's about where i am too! the more i try it, the more i like it!
  • i have similar issues as the OP as well. i tend to just do whatever on the weekend. as a result, i typically WI on thu, so i can make up for the weekends. BUT NO LONGER! i really like this idea and will also change my WI day to monday. as far as motivation, what everyone else said! pre-plan, track, hop on MFP when you are…
  • mmmm... cadbury eggs are one of my weaknesses too!
  • i use plain milk for the same reason...
  • definitely agree with this!
  • choc milk... but i recently realized how much added sugar choc milk has (thanks to MFP). i don't really like the fake sugar thing so much anymore. so maybe some plain milk and fruit? should still get the right combo of sugar and protein, right? thoughts?
  • i try to be 1-50 calories under. especially since MFP only give me props if i'm under (not if i am right on)
  • i love seeing all the healthy eaters out there. some great stories! thanks for sharing.
  • i would definitely NOT eat 250g of protein in one day... i don't even know how you could! as far as i know of, there are no "magic protein pills." there are tons of protein powders out there though. also consider beans! they get a bad wrap but have tons of the stuff.
  • i agree. don't over analyze. i just went with what it recommended. but definitely track everything and do eat back exercise calories (at least most of them).
  • i did newman's own. also because the ingredients are simple. and because they aren't in it to make money...
  • i don't really limit my fruit intake. but i do count the calories. to me, i would rather use up the calories on fruit than on other crap. but i am a big moderation in all things kinda guy as well, so i don't think it should be excessive. couple or three, no problem! half dozen is getting up there...
  • how long have you been doing the MFP thing? and losing weight? from your awesome before/after pic it looks like you may be down to the exchanging fat for muscle stage (apologies in advance if you've heard all this before). weight itself isn't bad (muscle weighs more than fat). that's why they also have the measurements on…
  • i am not a 100% "real" food eater yet, but i am working on it. i am reading the book now. i'm only through a couple chapters, but i already love his view and reasoning. i also have to agree with some of the posts about "organic" on here. organic does not equal real.
  • hey "new guy" i am still pretty new myself. i stuck with MFP for awhile and then lost interest. i am trying again and this time looking for friends to help out. i am active duty myself and looking to lose the weight i have put on since my kids were born. i am wondering about splurge days, too. i don't seem to think they…