clydethecat Member


  • well, clyde the cat is my middle cats name. i like the name so i stole it. he's a total weirdo, i'm a weirdo, it works.
  • i nannied for a two year old. he melted down in public twice. the first time i took him firmly by the hand, led him out of the store, put him in his car seat, brought him home, put him in his room and let him cry it out. we then did nothing the rest of the day but read books. no tv, no outside, no park. the second time we…
  • yes, and it was bold enough to sit on my counter eating a carrot staring at me, while i stared back at it holding a wooden spoon. i tried to hit it with the spoon, but it hightailed it down the refrigerator. days later, my cat came in and brought me the mouse. he promptly ate the mouse, then threw up the mouse and the…
  • 1. vaporizer - look it up, best way to injest it. (eating it is ok, but it metabolizes differently, turns more into a hallucinogen) 2. medical is a life saver. it saved my sanity, and saves millions of others from a myriad of other issues. 3. there is nothing wrong with wanting to get high. its better than getting drunk.…
  • well, i work with my parents and my husband and i live with my brother, so yeah, we're pretty close. i wish my mother in law and sister and brother in law lived closer, they're 3000 miles away. my parents brother and husband and i get together all the time. my husband works with us too. we see each other at work and at…
  • baby kitty, she has six toes clyde the cat, and persie fatty fat, hes 22 pounds (we're on a diet together)
  • all depends... whats the bj situation like?
  • i hate the weight gain the comes with meds. it sounds like you're doing the right things by dieting. maybe add a walk every day, start out slow, just 5 or 10 min. every little bit helps. its hard to get started, but once you do, it gets easier. i take seroquel and it drove my weight up 50lbs. i'm still struggling to take…
  • southern comfort one night. one horrible horrible night. "oh yeah, lets have shots of southern comfort, it tastes good." brilliant! blech....:sick:
  • i love sleeping with my husband. i go to bed at around 730p every night due to medication that i take (it makes me pass out), he tucks me in and gives me kisses and i love yous. then he comes to bed around 10p and i wake up and we have a little conversation and we say our i love yous and snuggle. i go right back to sleep.…
  • this is f'd up. that dog should be put down. the people who know the dog think is should be put down. that kid needs support and isnt getting it. this is just f'd. that poor kid. that poor mom of that poor kid. why choose this as a cause? its sick. and sad. and f'd.
  • has anyone noticed that this is the op's first post and that shes hasnt come back to the thread. just a troll thought.
  • in my early twenties i worked phone sex. i was young and dumb. so i would have a one sided phone sex conversation with the telemarketer. usually just the men. it was funny, at least to me and my friends. now it seems pretty dumb. now i hear them out, its only a minute of my time. then i say no thank you, have a nice night,…
  • dogs children/babies the sun nuts in anything coconut
  • you asked what to say when someone calls you fat to your face. i say, "wow, is that the best you can come up with. i mean, i can fix my weight, but there is no cure for stupid." what it looks like your issue is is that your mom has some serious personality flaws. parents are supposed to make their kids feel special and…
  • amber madrone.. not bad
  • my friends and i sat as far away from the other kids as possible and they still found a way to come to where we were and call us lesbians. they would throw food at us, yell obscenities, call us *kitten* and queers. jocks suck.
  • exactly! awesome pic :)
  • sweet
  • i'm bi polar and i binge eat. i'm also a closet eater. there are a few things going on here. first you have to get control of the bi polar disorder. that doesnt necessarily mean medication, but you and your doctor should decide on that. whatever your doctor wants to prescribe to you, make sure you do the research and find…
  • hey, a check in is a great idea. i'm bipolar 1 mixed episode, things are turning around now, meds are getting straightened out. i'm taking serequoel so thats causing a lot of weight gain, but i think i finally got on top of it. the worst for me is depression and that seems to be lifting. i just got back some lab work that…
  • GO NINERS!!!!
  • hope i didnt offend :)
  • A drunk staggers down the street with his car keys in his hand, staggering from one parked car to another until he is finally stopped by a policeman who asks "What's the problem, buddy?". The drunk replies "Someone stole my car! *hic*". "Where did you last see it?". "It was right here on the end of my car key ..." the…
  • Two drunk guys stumble out of a bar and get into their car. After they've been driving for a while, they see a ghostly face appear at the window. "It's a ghost, dude!" "Roll down the window, ask him what he wants!" The driver rolls down the window, and asks the ghost. "You got a smoke?" They give him a smoke, and the face…
  • i plan on playing tonight new years eve, havent played in a month or so. i have 5 paladins, and a few others, on silvermoon, all alliance. i'm almost to 90 on one of them. i like to play by myself, mostly doing gathering and quests. i'm a boring player, but i like it. i dont raid, i tried once and everyone got mad at me. i…
  • cuz you never know, i may be a cat :)
  • we have a christmas party every year and play steal a gift, so everyone gets a roughly $50 gift. then we give a bonus of around $200 - $1,000, depending on how long you've worked there. and, we give everyone the two days after christmas off with pay. we're a small company, so we give as much as we can and our employees are…
  • kitty wins. kid loses.