

  • This made me chuckle. Thank you!
  • You are so welcome! I especially wanted to put this out there for all the new moms, so I am very glad I could help. Your body has been through a lot, so enjoy your beautiful little girls and take things slow. You definitely can do this!
  • Actually, no, that is a new one. I love her, though! The one I get most often is Zooey Deschanel.
  • We're close! I am 5'8. Good luck. =)
  • Hey I am just curious... any anemic breastfeeding mothers out there? I became "slightly" anemic while pregnant but my doctor reassured me I would be normal after giving birth. Lately I have been feeling SO tired and passing out, so I went back to my doctor and apparently I did not regain a normal hemoglobin level like they…
  • It worked for me! Before my vacation I was at a plateau that I could not get out of no matter how little I ate. I went on vacation and didn't count a single calorie. I gained 1lb after several days of cheating, butI have been back for only a week and lost 4lbs! I I am 3lbs lighter than before my vacation. This cheating to…
  • Wow, Kristy. Not binging at Olive Garden is impressive!! Every time I go there I gobble up their breadsticks. I would take over posting the topic, but I am also getting super busy.
  • I've been keeping my eating under control so far. However, over the past few days I upped my calorie intake on purpose because I am at this frustrating plateau. After a week of eating perfectly and even exercising, I didn't lose anything in inches or in weight! So I spent three days eating more than usual to try and…
  • Kristy, I am glad you are back on track. Your attitude is great, I know you can do this!! Day 5 for me, and still going steady. Today has been a little bit of a struggle for me, though. I was sending a package to my husband overseas which included all of his favorite junk foods. Candy, chex mix, and granola bars (the…
  • Hey everyone! I am so happy to see everybody joining in together, I think the support is amazing! So far I am on day 4 of this challenge, and I have been doing well. I usually plan out each of my meals at the beginning of the day so I know what I can and can't have. It helps a lot! Today I slipped up and had a starbucks…
  • I have also worried about the same thing! Somtimes the weight seems to be coming off a little fast. Sebsites I have visited say that the ketones released can enter your milk and alter the taste so that the baby will not want to nurse. I don't know about you, but my LO still nurses like no tomorrow! Also, they say that…
  • You certainly do need more calories if you are breastfeeding. If you exclusively breastfeed you can burn anywhere from 300-500 calories a day. Since it isn't advised for a normal person to go under 1,200 calories, make sure you are eating at least 1,500=1,800 calories a day to lose weight! You can add this to your food…
  • Sugar free pudding is my favorite. Add some raspberries or blackberries and it tastes like sin!!
  • Using this TONIGHT!! I totally agree that the computer makes people ADD... that I am posting on this forum is proof. :laugh:
  • Sugar free caramel pudding with frozen blackberries. 120 calories but soooo delicious! I eat it almost every day. =)
  • I LOVE whole wheat sandwhich thins. I have a brand that is only 100 calories. I add turkey, mustard, and pickles. Since mustard and pickles have no calories, I end up with a sandwhich that is 160 calories. I usually add a snack pack of sugar free pudding which is 60 calories. Easy and delicious meal!
  • I do the same thing!!! Bathrooms gross me out, but I can't handle having to clean them. I do my "business" and I get the heck out of there! haha My biggest procrastination is homework. It drives my husband nuts that I procrastinate in classes we are paying good money for. I can always find an excuse to watch one more…
  • Search the food database for "breastfeeding". There are a couple options you can play around with. For some you can total up your calories by how many ounces of milk you produce if you pump and keep track that way. Or what I do is the "breastfeeding - exclusive" and it subtracts 500 calories from my food diary. I have…
  • I've never stuck with anything before either, but this site definitely helps! Just make sure to log on everyday, and if you have an bad day do not get discouraged! I left the site once after a bad binge because I was too depressed/ashamed to log in everything I ate... I didn't come back for weeks, and needless to say those…
  • Oh goodness, I do the same thing! Unless I am absolutely stuffed, I will always finish what is on my plate. This becomes a problem at restaurants when the portions are huge! Your binge does not sound bad at all, but I really like your thinking about correcting the small mistakes to avoid big ones. A small binge can always…
  • I looove eating Sonic. however, one of their burgers is almost 1300 calories...what some people should eat in a single day!! =0
  • Isn't it funny how most social gatherings are focused around food? My group of friends are the same way. Even though you are working hard at your goals, don't forget to have fun too! Good luck.
  • haha, I need to go around sticking HALT on people's foreheads too. It is so easy to give in to binging when others around you do. But hey, I think the opposite should work - us not binge eating together! I am going to start keeping track in my signature how many days binge free I am. I have seen others do this and I think…
  • Thanks for the advice! It is encouraging to see someone who is lighter than when they got pregnant. That is eventually my goal. I know what you mean about cravings! Ugh it is so bad. I really let myself go and eat almost anything without thinking when I was pregnant. I think my body is used to midnight fast food runs, and…
  • Hello, ladies! I would love to join you all. My daughter is 5wks today, and I have about 5lbs of baby weight left. However, these last few pounds are being so stubborn! I think because a lot of my weight during pregnancy was water, and now I'm finally down to burning the real fat. Anyways, I also want to lose additional…
  • I would love to join you all! I am soon traveling to visit my family, and when I am with them I binge for DAYS and mess up all my hard work. This time it will be different! I just love HALT. It is going to be my motto from now on. I know it is terrible, but I sometimes binge when I am sad. Last week my husband deployed…
  • I recently bought Orowheat 100% whole wheat sandwich rolls and I am totally impressed. I highly recomend this brand of rolls. I normally do not enjoy whole wheat, but these were so soft and flavorful! A whole bun is 100 calories, so I added deli cut turkey breast, lettuce, pickles, and mustard for a total of 170 calories.…
  • Hufflepuff. damnit I said I didn't want this house!
  • I am definitely thinking it is something in the genes! I had to explain to them after our daughter was born that we needed a few days of rest and relaxation and ALONE time. I tried to say in the nicest way that was non-accusing, and they were actually understanding. The key is to express your needs and use phrases with…
  • My family also does this, and my family is also Irish. :laugh: