21 day NO BINGE Challenge--Kristyo25



  • hi ya, am definitely keen to join this challenge. I feel as you do - some days I am fine, then other days it's like I'm a food processing machine on auto-pilot and my hand automatically puts things in my mouth.

    HALT is AWESOME! will definitely write that down and put it up on my wall at work, and all over the house. I am definitely an emotional eater. It is so hard when my friends (who are smaller than I) binge eat, or want me to miss the gym with them. I find it hard enough to motivate myself let alone having to deal with others emotions as well *sigh*. I may need to stick HALT on my friends foreheads as well hahaha.

    thanks for this - has encouraged my day :)
    haha, I need to go around sticking HALT on people's foreheads too. It is so easy to give in to binging when others around you do. But hey, I think the opposite should work - us not binge eating together!

    I am going to start keeping track in my signature how many days binge free I am. I have seen others do this and I think it is a pretty neat idea. First day complete! I am feeling good about this.
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    I am going to use this HALT system in the coming weeks...we have 2 camping trips planned with groups of friends, and when we camp we eat A LOT...It seems that the entire trip is based around food! As soon as we are done cleaning up from our enormous breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, french toast, biscuits & gravy etc...) we start talking about what is for lunch and dinner etc... My goal is to get up early every morning and go for a run, only eat when I am hungry, and get in lots of walking! They have wifi at the campground so I will be on mfp trying to stay strong around all that yummy food :)
  • I am going to use this HALT system in the coming weeks...we have 2 camping trips planned with groups of friends, and when we camp we eat A LOT...It seems that the entire trip is based around food! As soon as we are done cleaning up from our enormous breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, french toast, biscuits & gravy etc...) we start talking about what is for lunch and dinner etc... My goal is to get up early every morning and go for a run, only eat when I am hungry, and get in lots of walking! They have wifi at the campground so I will be on mfp trying to stay strong around all that yummy food :)
    Isn't it funny how most social gatherings are focused around food? My group of friends are the same way. Even though you are working hard at your goals, don't forget to have fun too! Good luck.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I am going to use this HALT system in the coming weeks...we have 2 camping trips planned with groups of friends, and when we camp we eat A LOT...It seems that the entire trip is based around food! As soon as we are done cleaning up from our enormous breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, french toast, biscuits & gravy etc...) we start talking about what is for lunch and dinner etc... My goal is to get up early every morning and go for a run, only eat when I am hungry, and get in lots of walking! They have wifi at the campground so I will be on mfp trying to stay strong around all that yummy food :)
    Isn't it funny how most social gatherings are focused around food? My group of friends are the same way. Even though you are working hard at your goals, don't forget to have fun too! Good luck.

    I agree that pretty much being social = eating or drinking. So I just have to plan ahead and know I am going to exercise before the social gathering, or I will have to just have very small bites of all of the delicious food (and I know I won't want to do that!

    My day one was a meh day - my husband and I had been planning to go to the state fair today for weeks, so when we went I definitely had some high-calorie food (ribs, a slushies, cheesy garlic bread, one of my hubby's fried oreos...) I didn't exactly binge in that I didn't hate myself for eating one bad thing and then go crazy and eat everything in sight in order to "punish" myself - but I wasn't exactly within my calorie goal, either. I'd call this a 50% win 50% lose day.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    btw - i'm new to this site, and not sure how to follow this thread?

    You can also friend Kristyo (the original poster) - she will republish this topic to the message boards each day and then it will show up on your "my home" page, and you can click to access it.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Fellow Bingers. Tonight its Monday evening here already (10.30pm), I was preparing my supper , was feeling hungry (went through HALT, yep hungry) had done a zumba class. And I decided to have some sourdough toasted with cream cheese. Thats ok, but what did I do well there was only a little bit of bread left and instead of just cutting myself 2 slices, NOOOO, I cut the whole lot, which was only another 2 slices and the little knobby crust bit. You see i cant stand waste, that little bit would have dried out or so i convinced myself and then i would have thrown it out, such a waste. So eat it instead, but really it would have been fine to have as toast tomorrow. I did have the calories still, but that's not the point. Another lesson, its ok to leave a bit there. put that one with the mindless eating of yesterday's chocolate. Ok these are small binges, but I am looking at the whole picture. Had many big binges last week, one being, a large packet of bbq chips with french onion dip, and 4 oreo's, for supper. I feel if I can learn from my small mistakes I may learn to avoid the big ones.:laugh: :happy: :tongue:

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Goodnight all.
  • ashleyolivia
    ashleyolivia Posts: 41 Member
    I've really been struggling with binges lately. And I've been putting on weight because of it. I had hit my goal weight but am now about 7 pounds over it due to binges. I've had too much free time/alone time lately and that always seems to trigger them for me. I'm starting the 21 day NO BINGE challenge today, July 11. I think 7 days is the longest I've ever gone without a binge, so I know this is going to be tough, but if I make it to August 1 (and I'm determined I will) I think that will be a big breakthrough in this battle. Plus, I leave for vacation on August 4, so it would be so nice to start my vacation feeling good, rather than bloated and depressed.
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    I hope it's ok to join you! I usually have one binge every 1-2 weeks. I (like the person above me) got to my goal weight and put it all back on again through binge eating. I binged for the last time yesterday. I have a vacation on August 5th and I want to make it to then without binging! :(
  • Fellow Bingers. Tonight its Monday evening here already (10.30pm), I was preparing my supper , was feeling hungry (went through HALT, yep hungry) had done a zumba class. And I decided to have some sourdough toasted with cream cheese. Thats ok, but what did I do well there was only a little bit of bread left and instead of just cutting myself 2 slices, NOOOO, I cut the whole lot, which was only another 2 slices and the little knobby crust bit. You see i cant stand waste, that little bit would have dried out or so i convinced myself and then i would have thrown it out, such a waste. So eat it instead, but really it would have been fine to have as toast tomorrow. I did have the calories still, but that's not the point. Another lesson, its ok to leave a bit there. put that one with the mindless eating of yesterday's chocolate. Ok these are small binges, but I am looking at the whole picture. Had many big binges last week, one being, a large packet of bbq chips with french onion dip, and 4 oreo's, for supper. I feel if I can learn from my small mistakes I may learn to avoid the big ones.:laugh: :happy: :tongue:

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Goodnight all.
    Oh goodness, I do the same thing! Unless I am absolutely stuffed, I will always finish what is on my plate. This becomes a problem at restaurants when the portions are huge! Your binge does not sound bad at all, but I really like your thinking about correcting the small mistakes to avoid big ones. A small binge can always lead to a bigger one (and with me it usually does).
  • KristyO25
    KristyO25 Posts: 28
    I've really been struggling with binges lately. And I've been putting on weight because of it. I had hit my goal weight but am now about 7 pounds over it due to binges. I've had too much free time/alone time lately and that always seems to trigger them for me. I'm starting the 21 day NO BINGE challenge today, July 11. I think 7 days is the longest I've ever gone without a binge, so I know this is going to be tough, but if I make it to August 1 (and I'm determined I will) I think that will be a big breakthrough in this battle. Plus, I leave for vacation on August 4, so it would be so nice to start my vacation feeling good, rather than bloated and depressed.

    If we can last one day, we can last 7! If we can last 7 we can last 21! If we can last 21, we CAN last a lifetime!
  • KristyO25
    KristyO25 Posts: 28
    Fellow Bingers. Tonight its Monday evening here already (10.30pm), I was preparing my supper , was feeling hungry (went through HALT, yep hungry) had done a zumba class. And I decided to have some sourdough toasted with cream cheese. Thats ok, but what did I do well there was only a little bit of bread left and instead of just cutting myself 2 slices, NOOOO, I cut the whole lot, which was only another 2 slices and the little knobby crust bit. You see i cant stand waste, that little bit would have dried out or so i convinced myself and then i would have thrown it out, such a waste. So eat it instead, but really it would have been fine to have as toast tomorrow. I did have the calories still, but that's not the point. Another lesson, its ok to leave a bit there. put that one with the mindless eating of yesterday's chocolate. Ok these are small binges, but I am looking at the whole picture. Had many big binges last week, one being, a large packet of bbq chips with french onion dip, and 4 oreo's, for supper. I feel if I can learn from my small mistakes I may learn to avoid the big ones.:laugh: :happy: :tongue:

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Goodnight all.
    Oh goodness, I do the same thing! Unless I am absolutely stuffed, I will always finish what is on my plate. This becomes a problem at restaurants when the portions are huge! Your binge does not sound bad at all, but I really like your thinking about correcting the small mistakes to avoid big ones. A small binge can always lead to a bigger one (and with me it usually does).

    I agree, it doesn't sound like your binge was bad, but at least you learned a valuable lesson: It's okay NOT to finish everything on the plate:) Kudos to you for learning from your mistake and moving on!
  • motv8ed
    motv8ed Posts: 13
    One of the quotes they used to tell us in weight watchers was: "waste it or waist it"!!!! So true!
  • Antlerdancer
    Antlerdancer Posts: 19 Member
    This sounds like a discussion I need to be involved in. Hi all! Just started getting my act together today - here's to no binges!
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    This is my 4th day, no binges! No urges to binge either. I feel like I finally have my motivation back.
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    hi Kristy! and everyone...day three for me yesterday, and I had a late snack lastnight. Was a bowl of cereal with yoghurt and a banana... not like my usual night snack... but THAT tipped me over my daily calories, and I was doing so well! hahaha, ohkay beatingmyselfup time over.

    I'm still doing well with no binging tho, and not over stuffing myself with fatty foods, instead i will eat more and more veges or low carb/fat foods, drinking lots and LOTS of water. I've recently quit smoking in the last 4 months, so I have extra cravings. I'm enjoying this challenge, as it is a test of the nerves and inner strength.

    Oookay... in saying that, does anyone know of some super tasty night snacks? It's winter here in NZ and I find myself hungrier than usual.

    bring on the weekend, HOORAH!
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    DAY 6: weekend didn't go so well, I failed miserably on Saturday which I am trying not to beat myself up over.

    Today is a new day, bring on day 7. Here I go for the next 14 days. Hope everyone else is doing better than I am :)

    Great day to all!

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Day 3 accomplished and happy with.

    Well I did start this no binge much earlier but have had to reset the clock. Really want to achieve 21 days straight.

    I am looking at the calories I am consuming. Trying to make them all good for me. Looking at having low GI so that it sustains me more, keeping it natural, the least processed if possible, lots of natural foods (fruit and vege), protein, dairy and eating regularly. Drinking water and exchanging black tea for green tea at least once a day. I feel by shifting my focus on to the quality of the calories/fuel I am putting into my body, may help me resist urges to binge particularly on the wrong stuff.

    Natp274.... I could also do with some late night healthy snack suggestions. I am in Australia, so winter as well, and the cold makes me want to eat. Also does anyone know what is best to have late at night. carbs, protein etc.

    Wishing you all luck today with no binging and if you have had a bad day, no worries, just start again, its all a learning process.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Is this a closed group or could I jump in on this now? I've been going through this cycle of doing great at resisting my binge urges (because honestly, they're always there) for about 4-5 days, and then I just break down. Some binges aren't so bad (an ice cream or a few slices of pizza), but some can be pretty bad.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Jump in,Schwiggity. I have now done day 3, with good eating. Although the day isnt quite over. (10.40pm ) but I will not give in to temptation. By writing this now i hope it keeps me away from the late night snacking.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Alright, well yesterday went well. Today's the start of the new day. I think doing this along with my running training will help me keep structured and away from the binge mentality.