21 day NO BINGE Challenge-Kristyo25

Hey all! How was your day??? Mine was not that great, but I'm kicking it to the curb and moving forward. I was bored today, which I had things to do, I just didn't do them. Anyhow, boredem lead to mindless eating, but it's all good. I'm determined to kick this bad habit and I believe I'll have some minor setbacks on my journey to kick it so it's okay! I truly feel like "binge" eating will not be a problem in my future!!! Tell me about your day:smile:


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Wacky eating day overall, but no out of control bingeing though! Heading downstairs to run on the treadmill cause it's TOO HOT OUTSIDE!
  • kellydharriso
    So far, I have been doing good on the challenge. You are right about eating a lot when your bored, I do that, too. :yawn: I am a little nervous about tomorrow, it is my first day off in about 8 days and on my day off is when I usually when I eat too much. Y'all think about me tomorow, I am gonna need all the prayers I can get....
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    Made it through today well, since you started this challenge I've been having more good days than bad :) We can ALL have a good day tomorrow!!!
  • drejen
    drejen Posts: 19 Member
    We had a bbq with some friends today. GRRR it started well with a veggie burger instead of a beef hamburger, but the chips got me. Looking back I wish I would have just measured them out and ate only those. I picked all day but at least it was fruit for the most part. Looking forward to a better day tomorrow.
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    met some friends lastnight, and ate what wasn't healthy a la chocolate mud cake! grrrr... ah well, changing the wheels and getting back on the wagon. i'm so glad I haven't had a meltdown or just totally given up, so that's a plus. Hope you're all doing better than me! :)
  • princess_elle
    I've been keeping my eating under control so far. However, over the past few days I upped my calorie intake on purpose because I am at this frustrating plateau. After a week of eating perfectly and even exercising, I didn't lose anything in inches or in weight! So I spent three days eating more than usual to try and "trick" my body! Today I started eating my normal lower calorie foods and in a few days I am interested to see if this worked. At this point I don't care in which direction they go, I just want the numbers on my scale to move!! :sad:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad:
    So mad and disappointed with myself. I have spent the last 2 nights in the city in my daughters unit with her. She has only recenlty left home so this is a big step for her and I. We are very close, she is my only child. We work together every thursday night so rather than get the train home late I stay over with her and we some special lime together. Thats all great. This week I had 2 nights went in wednesday night after I visited my mum who doesn't live far from the city. Wed i did ok even with eating out. Thursday, not too bad, either. But Friday today well its past midnight, got out of bed feeling so low. Once again mindless eating. i was so determined to be successful this time and then Its like I just forget. Got to the train staion to come home, grabbed Hungry Jacks again. I don't know what I was thinking, I wasn't thinking, obviously. I even had a nut bar in my bag that would have done till I got home. Its as though because I'm on own I think know one will know, but I know, and i didn't stop myself. And to be totally honest I had already eaten potato chips and dip. Uggg.... What gets me is I am so good when at home, and i only eat healthy stuff. I'm vegetarian, have been for 20+ years, I eat wholegrains, and homecooking most of the time. Why do i go off the rails away from home, there are plenty of healthy choices I can make. Now I have to wait a whole week again to try and prove I can do it. And we have my husbands family coming for a family birthday function end of the month. This is always stressful for me, so not easy to stay focused and not hide behind food and booze like I have before. Sorry, for this long winded, whinge at myself. I have to somehow find the strength to conquer this next phase in my journey.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Honestly....reading this posts gives me hope.....I feel less alone about 'binge eating'....as sometimes I think 'GOSH whats WRONG with me....i'm the only one that binges on food!' But I realize I am not...its a real problem for a lot of people!
    You are all inspirations to me....and I am going to do my best to stick with my healthy eating and NOT binge....I've done great for the past 4 days......:)
    Good luck everyone!
  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    I ate a whole packet of Doritos Hot Mexican Salsa Corn Chips yesterday. (175g). I was so stressed with my toddler, and moving. Grr.