

  • SHBoss1673 Hi, I've drank a lot more water today and I'm going to see how it persists - but I agree, if the headaches don't stop, I'll make an appointment with my doc after Xmas and get checked out. I spoke with a couple of personal Trainers I know and they both think I've maybe been over doing it a little with exercise…
  • Hi, I was never big coffee drinker. I tended to make maybe 4 small cups a day - but never finish them. My dad gets mad cos I leave half empty cups on the side. I've reduced it so I'm having 2 'half' cups lol I'm gonna try the water thing. It seems to be the most common suggestion ppl are telling me, via text, in person or…
  • Training with Tony - Hi, I have reduced my caffiene intake, and I have reduced carbs and increased protien - but I haven't cut them out. Should I put the carbs back up a bit more. Is it about finding a balanced level of carbs that's good for me? I eat alot of veg - I've been making home made soups up alot cos I'm skint,…
  • The water intake is something I've actually increased on and I've been drinking water with lemon juice too, to improve my skin. Wonder if I am straining - maybe it's from the 'sit ups'. I'm not very good at them, but keep trying when I get chance cos I want to improve my stomache. I thought I was doing them ok though. The…
  • I'm back on track with my workouts now. I had a terrible week in that my whole body lacked energy and was aching. I just wanted to sleep all week. However, after a good break I went yesterday for a short session before popping to my friend's and managed to jog more, and I went again today and did ok. Still not as strong as…
  • Hi, first of all, I wish all the best to your friend. It's so sad when weight and food become an obsession. I had some trouble throughout my highschool years where I would hide food in a bag that I'd not eaten so my parents would think I had. I lost a lot of weight and got referred to see a specialist via the hospital -…
  • Looks like KatWood could be right. I've cut back on the workouts this week. In fact, I didn't go all last week other than Sunday and Monday, then again this Saturday - partly cos I'm feeling so totally drained and run down from working my late shifts - and today, one week later, I've lost 2lb. That's good enough for me. At…
  • KatWood - thank you for your in put. It does sound odd that I should eat more - but this calorie thing on here actually set it to that automatically so I've just been sticking to it. I'm not perfect and some times I go over - but then with the workoutrs it works out within range, if that makes sense.
  • It's def only 1200 calories, although I admit there's days where I crave chocolate and I do add it all into my food diary - but I also go to the gym too and have really good workouts. In terms of burning more than you eat, you must burn a hell of a lot of calories lol How long do you go to the gym for at a time? Are you…
  • Hi, in response to the coffee thing, I used to think it was good for slimming but it's not. It keeps you awake if you have too much - which I've done in the past in boring office jobs. It also dehydrates the skin badly. That's why I only have about 3 small cups - and they are small. They're like childrens size cups lol.…
  • Hi Hepy, you give some real good advice on some aspects - eg, I've heard of food diary, but never thought about dividing up my total calorie intake between the meals. As for exercise, I'm at the gym for 1.5hours around 5 times a week. I spend anything from 30 mins to an hour on the treadmill and the rest on weights or…
  • KatWood - I need to lose it to get back to what I used to be - it's been my goal to get back to my old size and weight by Xmas for personal reasons and if I don't make it I just know I'm gonna be gutted. I can survive missing it by a couple of pounds or maybe 4lbs, but I just can't be the same weight at xmas as I am now.…
  • What's P90X? I've never heard of it.
  • Hiya, I did used to eat every 3-4 hours when I was in a routine, but with me not normally getting breakfast till late - it's uaually around 11am after I've been to the gym and showered etc, I tend not to have anything until tea time f I'm home, or if I'm on shift, and I have an afternoon break at say 3pm or 4pm I'll have a…
  • Having been really demotivated after some really hard sessions at the gym for the last two months and not losing ANYTHING, even though my measurements have shrunk a little - I really need to this month!! So... it looks like the annoying food diet plan's gonna have to come out. I'd not wanted to 'diet', I'd wanted to keep…
  • I used to but it became an obsession with me. I'd weigh myself 12 times or more a day just to ensure I'd not put anything on. I was younger then, but remember the pressure I'd put on myself so these days I try to weigh myself weekly / fortnightly - although this last month I've not weighed myself at all. Just be careful.
  • I'm dreading having to say the words 'I'm thirty' lol But dreading saying it and looking unhealthy too. I look younger, so would be nice to be a hot 30 year old instead.
  • I'm turning 30 next and dreading it. But I want to look the best I've ever looked for it and have an awesome party so I can wear whatever I want and look H.O.T.T lol I've a few months off yet so plenty time. The problem is, once I've lost it, I need to keep it off! Good luck
  • Oo, thank you. I've never heard of that site so I shall check it out.