does anyone have an obsession with weighing themselves every

svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
gosh, i tend to jump on the scale every morning before i eat or drink anything......
does anyone do that also besides me.


  • yes!!! everyday!! Sometimes I weigh myself in the morning and at night. I have a problem!
  • I think I have an issue. I weight myself everytime I go to the bathroom. Whether it is 8pm or 4am!!
  • I do my best not to, I have put the scale out of sight and try to only wigh myself every week, and take measurements.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Not an obsession. It is a necessity. How do you change something if you don't know where to begin? How do you know to lay off your favorite restaurant meal that is pack with sodium if you do see the excess show up on the scale? Constant monitoring = awareness.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    My (almost) 5year old does...Everymorning he comes in my bathroom "Mom! I weigh 44.6" . I have no idea where he picked THAT up at!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    I do every morning and for me it is not a problem. It is motivation either way for me. If I see a loss, I want to keep going. If I don't, I want to try harder. I know people say don't weigh yourself everyday, but it works for me!!
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    I do it too, though I'm trying to cut down to every other day.... but as obsessions go, I think this one's acceptable (maybe because it's mine :tongue: )
  • I definately weigh myself every chance I get. I have weighed 210 for so long, seeing that I don't weigh that anymore tells me that I am doing something right and to keep doing it.
  • Yes, mostly Monday- friday. The days I work out. It is completely ok!
  • I used to but it became an obsession with me. I'd weigh myself 12 times or more a day just to ensure I'd not put anything on. I was younger then, but remember the pressure I'd put on myself so these days I try to weigh myself weekly / fortnightly - although this last month I've not weighed myself at all. Just be careful.
  • I weigh every morning, but only "record" it once a week. The times I neglected weighing myself for a long period of time...are the times when I gained a lot of weight. I have to hold myself accountable daily...or I have a tendency to slip...
  • estherguas
    estherguas Posts: 113 Member
    I have this same problem...I weigh myself everytime I go into the bathroom that has the scale in it...I really try not to do it and everytime I step on the scale in my head I am saying...this isnt it? How do I weigh more/less than and hour ago?

    I guess I am obsessed with the damn
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    lol does anyone NOT have that obsession? i weigh daily, sometimes i will weigh before bed too if i've worked out extra hard that day or ate very light or something.

    the daily fluctuations used to really, REALLY bother me. i'm talking ruin-my-day bother me. i've since let go of that frustration and accepted that yes, weight is going to fluctuate but if im doing everything right with diet and exercise, then there's no way that an upwards fluctuation is anything other than water or muscle, neither of which is detrimental to my long term goals.

    now i can take the upwards strokes in stride, and be oh so pleasantly pleased the majority of other days when the scale is going in the right direction :)

    and i agree with IS a necessity for me. if i am not on that scale every day, i tend to slip off my regimen, then i avoid the scale out of fear, and we all know how that kind of stuff can snowball. :frown:
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I used to until I hit this darn plateau!! I was doing it at least twice a day at home, and once at the gym. I'm not losing at the moment, so I haven't been obsessive about it.

    But when I AM losing, I AM obsessive about it!!!
  • I think I have an issue. I weight myself everytime I go to the bathroom. Whether it is 8pm or 4am!!

    I do the exact same thing!
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    I weigh myself every morning and I log it here as well as in a spreadsheet. I also weigh myself at night and occasionally another time during the day, just out of curiosity. Strangely, I don't really think weighing myself as an obsession (it probably is, I do tend to be obsessive about things like this). My morning weigh in I do for two reasons, 1) it starts me thinking about fitness first thing in the morning and I get my exercise clothes on right away so that I will exercise in the morning before anything can get in the way of that, and 2) I know that my weight fluctuates a lot throughout the week and by monitoring it daily, those fluctuations don't bother me at all, I just log them all in my spreadsheet and then look at the weekly average and week-to-week trend.

  • KSPEACH: I think we have similar goals and weight similarities, so I wanted to ask if I could when did you plateau? I was doing GREAT the first 2 weeks as far as weightloss went and now week 3 I havent lost an ounce!! In fact according to the scale I gained a pound. I cant think of anything I am doing differantly other than I started excersizing this week 10-15 mins on the Elliptical and today I started walking 40 mins brisk pace. Thanks for any advice you can offer. :o)
  • first day on this site, and hope to join in the boards, I'm guilty of being an every day weigher! I dont let the results affect me mood tho, motivates me to see it going down and I realise that there is a reason if its gone up!
  • I weigh myself first thing in the morning, and sometimes at night to see if anything changed. I find it helps motivate me....if it is a good weigh-in, makes me want to keep eating right, and if I've gained, I know I have to work harder. I see nothing wrong with doing this!!
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    Yes!!! I do too. I need to stop :(
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