jslane Member


  • That looks delicious!
  • Wow! What an incredible transformation! You look amazing!
  • I've found that almonds and protein bars stay with me longer...most of my snacking is due to cravings though (not lack of fullness), so I like to keep special k bars around for sweet cravings, and 100 calorie snack mix around for salty cravings. They usually do the trick! Hope that helps!
  • Hey, I reached my goal weight a while back, but I only had to lose 15 lbs total. I thought I'd never lose the last 5! (I finally was able to do it, once I discovered mfp) I'm doing maintenance now, but I'd love to be mfp friends, for support. Feel free to add me, if you like!
  • While I do think you can lose weight eating junk food if you create a calorie deficit, you're certainly not going to be healthy eating that way. I've been "skinny" my whole life, but I haven't always been healthy. I'd choose healthy over "skinny" any day!
  • I did "raw until dinner" during my mid-20s. I saw significant weight-loss, muscle gain, and improved digestive functions in a very short amount of time. I personally think it really works, and would recommend it. It's not nearly as difficult as you would imagine. You just have to make up your mind that it's something you…
  • Needed this! Thanks for sharing!
  • SIze 4?!?! You're such a skinny-minny!!! :)
  • Look at you! You're looking fantastic! You should be so proud! Can't wait to see how great you look once you've reached your goal! :)
  • At my first teaching job, all the teachers would sit around and gossip about people in the community. (small town) One day, they were talking about a thinner, well toned woman who walked regularly and attended Weight Watchers. They were like, "So and So doesn't need to go to to Weight Watchers", and all I could think to…
  • I usually don't respond at all. Since I've always been skinny and smaller than most people, I always ran into disapproval any time I tried to eat better or exercise. People don't seem to understand that there is a big difference between being skinny and being healthy. When I said something to my mom about how I had put…
  • You had me going there for a minute!!! Congrats on being a loser!!! :happy:
  • Wow, congrats! That is awesome! (This is directed to amm703)
  • Thanks, you guys! It sounds like most of you saw results using the products. I'm not really trying to lose weight or even inches, but I was hoping that maybe they could help me tone up a little more, along with the changes I've already been making with my diet and exercise, and also who couldn't use more energy, right?! I…
  • Wow! What an amazing transformation! You should be so proud, and you definitely are an inspiration. I will feel lucky if I look as good as you when I'm in my 40s! You ARE fabulous! :)
  • Hey, I've actually already lost the 15 lbs I put on after getting married, and am back to the weight I want to be (thanks largely in part to MFP). Now that I'm skinny again, ;) I want to tone-up! I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but I'd be happy for us to help motivate each other and swap suggestions. I actually just…