Feelings about eating Raw

I have heard good and bad theories on eating only raw foods. I'm not looking to only eat raw all the time. But I am interested in the pros and cons. And have thought about doing it occasionally for a short period of time. I would appreciate any ideas, concerns and comments on this subject. TIA


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    I found the evidence for eating raw less than compelling. However I have several friends who swear by it. Do your research and consider the sources of your information. Most importantly, decide if it's something you can do forever, because my understanding is that it's an all-or-nothing thing, at least if you hope to reap the health benefits promised by the promoters of this lifestyle. If you're doing it for weight loss reasons only, then that might be something you could try for a month or so.
  • ShawtyLatina
    ShawtyLatina Posts: 160 Member
    I have experimented with eating 75% raw for over 3 months. Although no longer only eating raw, I do often incorporate raw foods into my everyday. Eating raw makes the nutrients of the foods readily available to your body and does at great job at amping up the nutritional benefits, which have ranged from amazing energy to clearer skin. Besides the higher nutritional value, there is also some benefit emotionally in that the foods provide a fuller feeling from the fiber and a great satisfaction from the crunch and rawer textures. There is also some joy in meeting the challenge of making the foods taste like their cooked counterparts, making them equally yummy.

    As part of my catering repertoire for my vegan clientele, I have developed a few raw recipes that are great for getting your feet wet and are tasty to boot. Let me know if your interested. Happy to share.
  • jslane
    jslane Posts: 17 Member
    I did "raw until dinner" during my mid-20s. I saw significant weight-loss, muscle gain, and improved digestive functions in a very short amount of time. I personally think it really works, and would recommend it. It's not nearly as difficult as you would imagine. You just have to make up your mind that it's something you want to do. Good Luck!
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I would love to have some raw recipes, thank you. I know for a fact that eating raw is not something I could do forever. But I have a friend who has great results doing it occasionally so I'm interested in learning more about it. Thank you for your input
  • ShawtyLatina
    ShawtyLatina Posts: 160 Member
    Cool. Excited you're going to give it a shot. Over the next few days, I'll send some stuff to your inbox. Be on the look out for it.