"You don't need to lose weight"



  • HelenTheKitchen
    Tell them to lay off the haterade.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I reply "b!tches be crazy."

    And then shake my head with a wry smile.

    And then change the subject.

    I might have to try this from now on! It's great :laugh:
  • mom2renni
    I'm in the same boat. I know I don't NEED to lose weight, but i'd like to tone up and look amazing (in my eyes) in a bikini this summer. My daughter just recently found this silly "about me" book that I wrote in when i was 15. I was 123. I am now 35 and weigh 127. I'd just like to lose a little...maybe 10-20 pounds, particularly the booty :) Just a little toning...but I am soooo bad at getting motivated and I love to eat!
  • allie_00
    allie_00 Posts: 73
    Great answers, everyone! Honestly, it usually comes up at work when I'm eating my typically healthy snacks. Of course, this is observed as being diet-esque and then the conversation continues. Lol. As noted above, it's usually from people that never exercise and are very overweight.

    Anyway, good luck to you all. Let's hope that the naysayers stay at bay!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Well looking at you in your profile I'd agree. Not to say we all can't be healthier and change our body composition. You seem to be a healthy weight and BMI but if you feel you can be healthier go for it.

    Just remember you can weigh more and have lots of muscle tone and be smaller. ;)

    Also some larger people like myself can feel offended because we NEED to lose weight and get the feeling that people are judging us. Not saying it happens now with me but when I was younger I had a size zero friend who always complained she was fat. UMM yeah not buying it was always my thought. But getting fit is always an option if you feel jiggles or trouble zones.
  • ToniDH
    ToniDH Posts: 3
    Those comments are so darned annoying! It's my body...if I want to lose more weight, try to maintain weight loss, or tone it up then that's MY business! Could you imagine going up to a heavy person who you see eating a candy bar and asking if they are trying to gain weight? Ridiculous! I either tell them that yes I am still trying to shed a few pounds or that I'm just trying to maintain my loss and tone up the flab! I am very tall and always carry extra weight well, and tend to look pretty thin at a very healthy BMI so I get comments a lot about being too thin or the purpose of my weight loss. My body = not your business unless you have a positive encouraging comment. :)
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    "Unless I ask your opinion or advice, don't offer it. I don't care if you're "really concerned" or "just worried about you." Boundaries people, learn to love them again. If you can disrespect me enough to offer your thoughts on my weight unsolicitedly, then I am very comfortable respecting myself enough to move from your presence. I'm done with those kinds of people in my life."

    This needs to be stitched on a pillow, absolutely love it!!!! I'm already hearing it from certain members of my family and I'm not even close to goal weight, except that what I hear is "Oh, I'm so glad that you're losing weight, but don't get any smaller than a size 12/14. You would look funny/skinny/sick any smaller than that." wtf? I'm 5" 5 with a medium build. A 12/14 is NOT going to look "too skinny" a 12 is still going to look like I have some chubbies that need to done away with >:/
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I say I'm working on a healthy lifestyle and fighting the bad things in my genes. I love to work and and it makes me feel good. Its just a personal choice and its not for them to judge.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    How do YOU respond to such comments?

    I would say "You're right. What I need to do is lower my body fat level whilst preserving lean body mass and strength. However, i haven't decided if my focus should be myofibrillar or sacroplasmic hypertrophy in my resistance based training. What do you suggest?"

    That should shut them up. Most people are clueless.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    People can mean very different things with that comment. Some mean it as a sincere compliment, and I thank them. Others are confronted by the fact that if you need to lose weight then they need to lose weight, so they avoid their own weight issue by demeaning your desire to be healthy. I don't really have a "come back" for them, I prefer to "turn the other check." I just share my thoughts as a way to express myself here in a community of like minded individuals (on weight anyway.)
  • jslane
    jslane Posts: 17 Member
    I usually don't respond at all. Since I've always been skinny and smaller than most people, I always ran into disapproval any time I tried to eat better or exercise. People don't seem to understand that there is a big difference between being skinny and being healthy. When I said something to my mom about how I had put some of my weight back on over the holidays, her response was, "You needed to". Even when I was 15 lbs. heavier, everyone would tell me how they liked the weight on me, but they don't have to live in my body! I think a lot of times, it really does just boil down to other people feeling insecure about their own weight. You probably already look far better than they do, so it makes them feel even worse when you're still trying to improve yourself. I try to avoid talking about weight or clothing size with anyone I know is not going to be supportive, including family!
  • jslane
    jslane Posts: 17 Member
    At my first teaching job, all the teachers would sit around and gossip about people in the community. (small town) One day, they were talking about a thinner, well toned woman who walked regularly and attended Weight Watchers. They were like, "So and So doesn't need to go to to Weight Watchers", and all I could think to myself was, maybe that's why!