

  • Thanks for the insight. I don't want my supply to suffer & I thought that I was being safe by not restricting calories too significantly (I thought 1800 was reasonable). I am ALWAYS hungry & I eat until I am full. But maybe I should be eating more. I knew dieting while breast feeding was complicated. I EBF my first born…
  • Mmmmm.... Turkey hill diet tea is my favorite brand of iced tea!! So yummy- think it's the "Cold brewed & kept cold" that makes it taste so good. Stewarts diet iced tea isn't bad either- same type of flavor. I try to stay away from artificial sweetners now days, but when I crave iced tea these are the best
  • Stay away from just about anything at McDonalds. Even the salads with grilled chicken are loaded in sodium (especially the balsamic vinagarette or light Italian!) high sodium meals make me retain fluid so bad, I am not big as it is, so I gain 2 lbs of water & it's awful, I am weighed down & uncomfortable the rest of the…
  • Thanks hpsnickers for posting that blog site. I have been discouraged because everytime I start working out, I gain weight. Today i am at day 15 of 30 day shred- level 2, And I am up 4 lbs!!! My clothes are tight, so I have not lost inches. Just hoping if I continue to push thru it, everything will catch up & I will have…
  • I am in the same boat. Sooooo hungry!! I usually have no problem staying within my calorie limit, but tonight i don't even care that I have gone over a bit. I keep snacking on nuts & had toast with peanut butter. It was so good & felt like my body needed it. Maybe our metabolism is increasing?
  • I just found this topic- I started on January 6th. I started on level 2 because that is where I left off a few months ago (when I quit the Shred a couple weeks shy of 30 days). I took two days off since the 6th- trying to let my muscles heal. I am gaining weight instead of losing :( Not sure if it's water retention from…
  • I am glad I am not the only one! That's a relief & helps motivate me to complete the 30 days. I have not had my clothes get any looser yet (actually they are getting tighter) but maybe just maybe my "muffin top" isn't as flabby lol. I feel stronger & I feel muscles now all over my body. I was just concerned with getting…
  • Whole grain pasta tossed with Sautéed garlic, broccoli, spinach, and a few chunks of tomato. I only use one teaspoon of olive oil, then add some of the starchy water I cooked the pasta in when i toss it all together. A little parmesan cheese mixed in before you take it off the heat so it melts & mixes all the way…
  • Hi there. It may sound cliche, but workout videos. I bought the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred about two weeks ago, and have been using that instead if running (too cold to run outdoors anymore). It doesn't burn as many calories, but combines strength and cardio which is good. I feel it working. My muscles are sore & I…
  • I breastfed my daughter for a year. When I drank more fluids, ate healthier, and got more rest... My supply would be up. I also had some random leaks here and there (which was a rarity for me too). I think leaks can be hormonal. You release breastmilk as a result of the let-down reflex- stimulated by the hormone oxytocin.…
  • This sounds good, thanks for the recipe. It's soup season already! I will be trying it, assoon as I can locate barely in my grocery stores. Is pot barley the same as quick cooking barely? I have been looking for it in the stores since summer (to add in a salad recipe that was posted on here) but all I can find is the…
  • Oh yeah- and I just started the 30 day shred this week so that way I have some exercise even when the weather doesn't permit my outdoor run. Also to get more of a routine to my strength training, because I haven't been too serious about it (just lifting 5 lb weights and squats and crunches like 3 days a week). The 30 day…
  • My experience- MFP is accurate with calories burned. I have been hearing ppl say that they over-estimate calories... But mine are never too extreme. I don't wear a HRM so I can't say for sure. But at my weight (115) running at 6 mph for 25 mins says that I burn like 220 calories. Which seems fair to me, for the exertion I…
  • The level 1 kicked my butt :) I like it though because there isn't moves that I can't do. Some workout videos have complicated moves that my uncoordinated self spends more time figuring out how to do, rather than actually doing. I am glad I started this workout & funny that just when I wanted to slow down Jillian says, "I…
  • Soy milk. Silk vanilla. I use 4 tbs which amounts to 2 oz, 25 calories. It's very yummy! Adds some sweetness with the creaminess. Tastes 1000 times better than whole milk or skim milk. I still need to add sugar, but I am not willing to give up my sugar or substitute for artificial sweeteners. I used Splenda for 6 years,…
  • Yum!! Thanks for the recipe. Wonder if I could try a little more pumpkin, a little less applesauce- to increase the pumpkin flavor? I will be making these this week for sure!
  • There is no way possible that 400 calories can make u gain one pound, let alone three. 3500 calories equals one pound. I tell myself this same thing atleast 5 times a month, because my weight fluctuates extremely as well. It is water weight. Maybe from sodium intake or maybe just hormonal. I gained 4 pounds one day this…
  • I lost 100 lbs without surgery. The first 75 came off in a year. The last 25 was slower to lose, maybe 6 months. That was 6 years ago- a lot of hard work and dedication is all it takes- no magic pills and no going under the knife. I had thought I was just meant to be fat, because I was a chubby baby and stayed chubby thru…
  • I am in :) This will be my first challenge on MFP. Do we need to check in at all? I have been doing crunches sporadically, this will give me a reason to do them daily!
  • Great idea karincakes- about the chicken tenders! I have been buying purdue shortcuts chicken & it I full of sodium! That was my other suggestion- make your own lunch meats instead of buying them. Like buy turkey breast or a whole chicken (usually very cheap) and just roast it, then cut it up & weigh it out thru the week…
  • I am annoyed that they sent home the younger girl tonight, and kept the older woman who had been thin once before in her life. Not that everyone regardless of age doesnt deserves to be a healthy weight- I just feel bad for the younger girl who went home. She never experienced being thin & has a lifetime worth of things to…
  • It's set right... Mine is really low as well & it's the only thing I go over. Go to the mypyramid website & they discuss sugar intake. I think added sugar is supposed to be only like 4 teaspoons per day. We get natural sugar in fruits & milk- the mypyramid says this is ok. MFP does not differentiate between these natural…
  • I bought the Weight Watchers scale. It's digital & you can program your age, height, & sex and it gives you a reading of not only your weight but your BMI and body fat percentage. It also calculates your percent of water weight (metal strips on the scale are supposed to be like electrodes that are able to read all this)…
  • Yeah I read that you can freeze pumpkin in ice cube trays- then pop them in a zip lock bag & keep frozen to have pre-portioned amounts for later use. I used to do the same thing when I made baby food for my daughter :)
  • Forgot to mention- add a pinch of salt. It really brings out the flavor.
  • Thanks jeanine! I did not know that egg whites help to bind! That's a great tip! My friend uses corn syrup to make her granola bars stick together- but thats not exactly the healthiest ingredient. Mmmm... Chocolate, PB, & banana... Yum! The chocolate protein powder is a good idea- that would turn these into power bars :)…
  • I am not sure what turbo fire is...? I have been running and it had done wonders. I am down an inch per thigh, and about a half an inch each on my waist & hips (since I started measuring 2 weeks ago- been running daily for a month). I do outdoor terrain & trails so I get a lot of variance like inclines & such. I also do…
  • oh yeah- forgot to mention the late night eating thing! I don't think it matters too much what time you eat. It's still calories you ate in one 24 hour period whether it's at 5pm or 10pm. Just remember that the food may still be sitting in you when you wake up in the morning. Food holds onto fluids as it is digesting and…
  • Are you eating back your exercise calories? If not- start doing that! Also, you said you started exercising hardcore this past week... is it a lot more than usual? I started running a month ago and my weight kept fluctuating up and down. I read that your body holds onto fluid while your muscles heal. Also, the sudden…
  • My diary is all over. I add every ingredient I put into what I eat, so I don't know if people would even know what I ate. And I don't add some stuff that is zero calories- like my coffee. So it just looks like I had sugar & soymilk when in reality that went into my coffee. Plus I eat.... Like, a lot!! Only 1200 calories a…