Need to lose/cut fat

5 ft 8 in
bust - 36
waist - 30
hips - 37.5
thighs - 23/23

I am mostly bottom/hip/thigh heavy...I KNOW you cant spot train, but I would like to know some extra stuff to throw in with clean eating and Turbo Fire to cut that fat away!!

Thanks everyone! <3


  • ysaidpie
    I am not sure what turbo fire is...? I have been running and it had done wonders. I am down an inch per thigh, and about a half an inch each on my waist & hips (since I started measuring 2 weeks ago- been running daily for a month). I do outdoor terrain & trails so I get a lot of variance like inclines & such. I also do the old fashioned scissor maneuver leg lifts, not sure the real name lol. Where you lay on your side and just lift your leg up and down. I Always squeeze the muscles when I get to the top. Sometimes I add 2.5 lb ankle weights to this. I got these bands a couple years ago for my waist and thighs- they are like sweat bands I guess. Rubbery on one side which you put against your skin, and they Velcro into place. So when u work out it makes those areas get hotter which is supposed to burn more calories (heat = energy) and fat in those areas. Not sure if they really worked. I always would drip sweat in the spots where I wore these band things- my thighs and waist would pour with sweat. I noticed these areas where definatly leaner after using them- but this more likely was just due to water weight from the sweating. I never stuck to enough of a routine with them to be able to tell for sure if the worked. I got them at a Marshall's store with the yoga supplies & weights. The waist band was sold by itself & the thigh bands came with a thigh-master (again- not sure if that thing really worked either because I never stuck to it long enough!)
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm shaped like you describe as well...I'm doing the Turbo Fire/ChaLean Extreme hybrid program (I'm currently in week #11) and the cardio from the TF is definitely getting me a more lean look overall. I refuse to give up lifting weights, though, as I know that adding lean muscle mass is going to help me achieve the goals I want.

    You're on the right track...especially with the Clean Eating aspect. That's truly KEY to leaning out. Unfortunately, though, your body shape is your body shape. You're probably always going to appear heavier on the bottom than you are on top. I'm in the same simply will have to lower your total body fat percentage. I've found that once I've really leaned out in the arms and core area, the hips and thighs finally start to follow along. In general, the first place you put it on (for us pear shaped girls, our hips and thighs) will be the last place it finally disappears from.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I would love to hear some pointers on this, too. My measurements are almost exactly the same as yours. Except I am 5'3". I am at a healthy weight/bmi. Everyone tells me not to lose more weight. And I feel good about the way I look. But according to the charts, and to my fat-measuring scale, I still have too much body fat percentage. So how do you lose fat without losing more weight??