

  • I am SOOO right there with you! I lost 65 pounds back in 2009....and now am back to my starting weight. I teach school, so I keep telling myself it will get easier once I'm on my regular schedule, and have more activity added back into my day. Sometimes it's helpful even just to come here for a few minutes and read just…
  • Wow, you all are fast! Thanks so much!
  • I think a pound a week is great! Believe me I know how frustrating it can be... are you eating your "excercise calories"? As long as you're losing, I'd stick with it:smile:
  • How do you have your calories set? To lose 1 lb. 1.5lb...how many per week?
  • Yup, I love me some apple and string cheese:laugh:
  • OMG, did you SEE the shakes on that list!! Holy Moly, but I do have to confess, the Peppermint Patty one sounded good:laugh:
  • I'm sorry you're not feeling well...I think I'd rather have the world's worst cold than the stomach bug...ugh...I hate that!
  • That DOES sound really good, but I don't think I like raddiccio either:laugh:
    in Lunch Comment by Teach381 February 2009
  • So, do you like how I'm spinning off of my own thread?:laugh: What are you eating for lunch these days? I just love getting new ideas to try:smile:
    in Lunch Comment by Teach381 February 2009
  • Wow, what great ideas! I think I'm going to have to switch it up. Maybe if I have a more satisfying breakfast, I won't get really hungry during the day! But time is at a premium these days, so the more time I can save, the better! Thanks for all the ideas:smile:
  • What is everyone eating for breakfast? Currently I usually have 2 pieces of Wonder Light Wheat toast with butter spray and cinnamon/Splenda... and of course my coffee with FF coffeemate. But I'm thinking I'm going to have to up it, because I haven't been losing like I used to...and think variety may be the key here. What…
  • My name is Lanie, and I am LOOOVING MFP so far! I'm 30 years old, and teach 1st grade:0 I lost 65 pounds with weight watchers, but recently have managed to put between 10-15 of them back on. Sadly, I have no real idea how it happened, but it could be a result of the medication I take...who knows. But I'm excited to be…
    in Hello! Comment by Teach381 February 2009
  • Thanks everyone:) That makes me feel better. I just changed it so the fiber and protein aren't shown in my log:laugh: Whatever works, right?!
  • Every day, I've gone over my protein and fiber goals. Do you suppose that's a bad thing?? I just can't figure it out...I have some type of lean meat in my lunches and dinners, and occasionally, a light string cheese as a snack, but I can't figure out what I can cut! Suggestions?