HOWEVER if you want to fit into a special dress, pair of jeans, etc for an occasion.... not so bad
Oh NO.... I lost 15 pounds just from stopping. It was making me hold the weight. I weaned my son at 1year and 1 day, by slowing stopping 1 feeding at a time.
DIVINE! You had me drooling on FB!
I don't think so. You can look at my diary. I know I had hummus on Monday. [/quote] It shouldnt be- chick peas are low fat and high fiber. I love deviled eggs.
That was totally rude- no question about it. I'm sure she is intelligent enough to consult a doctor for major medical concerns, and am jealous that everyone has such great medical insurance they can run to a doctor for every minor question ....... personally at $165 a whack after my co-insurance, I save the doctor visits…
I have never heard of this MIM thing before the other day- still so fascinated!
Anyone try it yet"??
Thanks!! I made another that was similar but I was aiming at low carbs and its delish!!
wha what WHAT? I am totally amazed. 1 month into very low carb and this looks AMAZING.
I dont know if this software, but I started a blog to keep all m recipes. Its easy to share and I can access them anywhere!
can of pumpkin + spice cake- amazing :)
We just took the Carnival Magic to Jamaica, Grand Caymen, and Cozumel- AMAZING my favorite was Grand Caymen
You dont even need the egg whites- just a box of cake and a box of soda in a Tupperware stack cooker and you have awesome cake in minutes. Trust me- I am a Tupperware lady :)
I have always done it with butter or EVOO but never actually sauce. I have GOT to try it :) thanks for the reminder
awesome recipe share- thanks!
I dont think I am close enough- but sounds great!
I LOVE green beans and roasted veggies but have never thought of this! Cant wait to make some.
I had one of these at th TX state fair- AMAZING!
Throw a lemon or cucumbers in it to jazz it up. I found a profound difference between how much energy and hunger I have, and how differently I feel overall depending on how much water I have consumed.
Rhode Island born but living in DFW and loving it!!! Collin County here :)
does coca cola count as water?
HA I saw it a few minutes ago on my blog roll ;)
I dont ever eat canned soup either. Its cheaper and healthier to make a big pot once a week and freeze some if its too much for your fam to eat. Between the sodium, and the weird way the chicken looks in the first place, I want NO part of it!
Awesome info girl!
Ginger, What is a flax egg? and thanks Lorelei!
I dont't have them on this one ... but I always recommend that you throw your specific ingredients through the MFP recipe creator since it can vary so much depending on what butter/spread, pasta, broth, cheese that you use :smile: