Luckee_me Member


  • “The Mists of Avalon” was an amazing read and a pretty well done adaptation. I would read the book first, and the movie is hard to find to stream.
  • Hi all, I’m reading “The Invisible Life of Addie Larue”, by V.E. Schwab and “American Royals” by Katherine McGee. Both books are excellent and I would recommend them.
  • I have a German Shorthair Pointer, she is such a character, I love her to bits. I’m going crazy with her whining, she has to tell ya about everything that is going on. LOL This group should be a lot of fun. Thank you for starting it.
  • Hi all, I’m 56 and have 62 pounds left to lose. I could use a few accountability friends.
  • You sound like me, I’ve cut out the snacking especially at night which was always when I did that, I am able to go out with friends and family (Vegas is opening up a little post virus) and actually order something I like, plus still have room for a snack before my window closes. I do feel like that I will continue this…
  • Hey me too! Look we have something in common. 🤣
  • Thank you very much. I jumped right in with 20:4, some days were a struggle but honestly it got me out of my head as far as the “6 little meals” idea. I thought about food, but just as far as “what wonderful meal am I going to make?” Instead of how will I manage 3 snacks and 3 meals in 1300 calories. I will say that I had…
  • @eminater I clean fast just water and black tea in the fast and I usually do two meals a day. My window is usually 1pm -5pm. So I have a nice meal and then a snack before my window closes. I’m still trying to stay under 1300 calories in a day.
  • I’ve been following IF since 10/1/19 I drink water, sparkling water(unflavored), and hot tea while fasting and then a can of diet Dr Pepper with my meal. In my case when I stopped drinking diet pop I didn’t crave sweets and food during my fast.
  • I eat 1300 calories, that’s what MFP says for my height and weight to lose 2 pounds a week. I haven’t quite got OMAD dialed in and it’s usually a 600 calorie meal and a nice snack before my window closes. I really need to stop saying I’m IMAD because I think I’m really TMAD. Anyway I digress, MFP will give you an idea of…
  • I’m in, I’ve been at it awhile, just not many friends in my list that IF
  • GREAT JOB! I’m sure the pupper had a great time too.
  • This is a great NSV, I also find I do a lot better when I record everything. Makes me more mindful.
  • I’d be up for weekly posts. I’ve lost 34 pounds since 1/1/20. 20:4 clean fast but not to picky about macros but try to keep under the calories MFP says I need. Glenda
    in 2020!! Comment by Luckee_me May 2020
  • Hi all, I started fasting 10/1/19 and lost 50 pounds some time in 2019 I’m going to say most of it was after I started fasting.(didn’t weigh from 1/1-12/3) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I started clean fasting 1/1/20 and have lost 36 pounds since then. I try to do OMAD, but it’s usually one bigger meal and then a snack when my window is about…
  • Hope everyone is doing great and staying healthy! see all of your posts, but don’t know where to start responding. Everyone have a great day. Glenda, Las Vegas
  • Pics of my home town! Vegas baby. Glenda, Las Vegas
  • Hi all, also looking for active people to add to my hostages oops I mean friends list. LOL
  • Well now after all that wondering and good advice from you ladies about my friend, here’s an update... Hubby and I start out on the motorcycle to go to my friends, I’m a desert rat born and raised and it’s hot, 101+/- but if the bikes moving it’s not to bad! I’ve got water (never leave without water) , soda, beer, and…
  • Thank you so much for the pep talk, you are of course correct. I’ll have to talk to her.
  • Good morning everyone, hope everyone is doing well. So needing advice here today, how do you deal with people who want you to drink 🍸 with them? My best friend always takes it so personally when I don’t want to drink with her. I feel like she hears what I’m saying, but always wants me to make an exception when we are…
  • Good morning and happy May Day. A little about me.. Here are my stats 56 years 5’9” SW 400+ (scale only went that high🤷🏻‍♀️) CW 265 Gw 199-190 to start. I look pretty methy any lower than that 🤦🏻‍♀️ Thanks for reading Glenda Las Vegas NV
  • Thanks for starting us off. My plan for May is I’m gong to start dancing around my house to burn calories. This was very successful for me the first time I lost this 200 pounds. Hopefully I’ll have success with it again. Flexible is a great word for 2020. Glenda Las Vegas NV
  • Hi, Just sent you a friends request.
  • Hi, I’ve been doing 20:4 IF with OMAD or TMAD since 10/1/19. I’ve found it to work for me, mostly because it gets me away from thinking about those 6 small meals everyday. My old way seemed like I was always thinking about food. I’ve lost 35 pounds since 1/1/20. I still try to maintain my calorie and nutrition goals but…
  • Hiya, I’m not really tech savvy, 🤦🏻‍♀️I couldn’t find the invite. What is the name of the group maybe I can find it that way? Glenda
  • Thank you so much.
  • Birthday bindge part two, today was my younger daughters birthday. I planned to stay right at maintenance calories for the day. I DID IT!! Not saying it was pretty or healthy food, but I planned what I was going to have and stayed in my IF window. Much better than last weeks birthday binge.
  • How do I join the group? I sent you a friends request. I started 2020 at 299 and am down to 265. Anyone needing a new friend please feel free to add me.