dianita01 Member


  • I totally get needing motivation. Please add me!
  • Hi! I'm Diana. I'd love to connect with you on MFP - I've been struggling to find my motivation lately, too. I think I've had the app since 2012 and it's never been this hard before! I'm 32, mom of one, I'm probably around 165 and would like to drop to 130 too!
  • Hey Diane! I’m looking for accountability buddies too. Feel free to add me!
  • Thank you!!! This is awesome. I’ll send you all friend requests
  • Well, what I do is I let myself indulge in one unhealthy craving a week. I find that my cravings usually don't last, so I take my time deciding what that'll be. By the end of the week there's usually one thing that I really wanted and I can eat it without a guilty conscience. Don't worry too much about burning it of…
  • Actually, I believe rest days are encouraged. I read that somewhere- I believe it was something like 1 day between levels. However, results are supposed to be much better if you don't take any. Jillian Michaels said that the name of the DVD was largely marketing. And I'm so glad we have a group! Thank you. I can do cardio…
  • I didn't think to make a group, but this all sounds great! Thank you :) I'm so glad I won't be doing it alone this time.
  • It's Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD work out. You should take a look at results people have posted online, for reference. It's actually not that bad. It's a fairly intense three level 20(ish) minute workout and you're supposed to do each level for 10 days at a time without taking too many days off in between for better…
  • kiksayv: You're in for a world of pain. I always have trouble walking the first couple of days. But it's a good kind of pain, obviously, totally worth it. It should be even more worth it if I can stick it out. Good luck to you, too!
  • The sending the message part sounds good. We should weigh and measure ourselves tomorrow, too. If we get excellent results at the end of it that'll be all the motivation we need for the next time around lol. And I know what you mean- holidays really throw everything off. I stopped counting calories on the 24th of December…
  • Oh, you're awesome :) This is great!! Do you plan on doing the 30 days straight through, or taking a day off here and there?
  • And what kind of data do you need exactly? I quite clearly stated that that math worked out perfectly for me. How much simpler could I have made that? 3500 calories burned= 1 lb lost for me. It's not rocket science. Try reading before being snarky next time.
  • Yup, it's always been true for me. In fact, looking at it as a numbers game is what motivated me to keep going. I would break down my goal into days- I always knew how long it would take me to reach a certain weight, provided I stuck to my eating and exercise plan properly (no cheat days, etc.) Isn't it great? :) Of…
  • I'm no doctor, but this sounds like you MIGHT have a thyroid problem. Make an appointment as soon as you can and ask for a blood test. I hope you find out what's wrong- because it does seem like it's a health issue and you should look into it before it gets out of control. You shouldn't be gaining on a 1200 calorie diet,…
  • I know the feeling. For what it's worth I'm sure everything will be fine :) And the way I see it, it's JUST one day. Now if you get super depressed about being human and giving in and that day turns into weeks, then that'll be a problem. Everyone has a setback here and there, don't let it define you. I lost 70lbs and I…
  • Honestly, if there's one thing that irritates me, it's generalized advice. Everybody's body is different. The important thing to do is to listen to your body. Do you feel full with your current diet? Energized enough to work out? Any health issues arising? I run for varying periods of time and on the rare occasion that…