i had a blip :/

Fell back into my old habit of responding to a highly stressful and emotional day by starving all day then binging at night with food and over a bottle of wine and a few vodkas. So my mission today is to try not to punish myself by starving AGAIN, and not mentally beat myself up and such coz I know from sorry experience that these tactics don't work!! If they did I wouldn't have got so fat in the first place!

Just wanted to say it out loud and have someone come hold my hand for a while and tell me I'm ok, that I haven't ruined everything and am still gonna make it.. No wait I was s'posed to be telling myself that!! pffft why is it so hard to be kind n sympathetic to myself?? Oh well, no-one said it would be easy :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    one day hasnt ruined everything!!

    think of it as a metabolism booster!!

    you are back on track today, thats the most important thing! you shouldnt beat yourself up about it. if it was a friend telling you about it, what would you say to her? thats what you should be telling yourself!
  • dianita01
    dianita01 Posts: 19 Member
    I know the feeling. For what it's worth I'm sure everything will be fine :) And the way I see it, it's JUST one day. Now if you get super depressed about being human and giving in and that day turns into weeks, then that'll be a problem. Everyone has a setback here and there, don't let it define you.

    I lost 70lbs and I kick myself for not having lost it sooner, and the reason I never did was because I would let one set back hold me back for too long. I didn't give me a chance. Know that this is going to happen now and again (if food wasn't an issue, we wouldn't be here :)), try to prevent it in the future, use your current disappointment to your advantage and tackle tomorrow with even more determination. Rome wasn't built in a day.

    And you have such a pretty face and a great smile! Stick with it- this endeavor is something you're not going to regret.
  • finding_sammi
    @Tavistock, yep you're right, thank-you! and @dianita aw shucks thanks :blushing: :smile:
  • Terree_G
    Terree_G Posts: 69 Member
    As others said, don't let one blip (or one day) get you down. It says right on your page "Time to quit quitting!" So don't quit now. Promise yourself you'll get on your bike tomorrow and instead of a 1-hour walk, make it a solid 1/2 or 1-hour ride. You will feel so great afterward for keeping that promise to yourself. That is really my best way to treat myself well -- it's to keep my own word to myself. You can do this.
  • finding_sammi
    thanks Terry! And I'd never think your advice was unsolicited, we're friends silly bean x