

  • They usually say the first place to gain is the last place to lose so I think once you lose more if will start coming off your belly. If I were you I would keep losing like youre losing and start strength training to gain some muscle and tone your abs.
  • I have the sportline 1010 but I dont recommend it. If youre not wearing your chest strap its hard to get a reading. Youre supposed to touch your finger to the metal part but it doesnt always read. It was 54 bucks at sports authority and works good otherwise. I would recommend something you can enter your sex, age, weight…
  • I'm a third shift nurse who works 3x/week. I work from 7p-8a and its so difficult to adjust to eating and sleeping the right way. Im not sure how it affects my metabolism but when i work I eat throughout my night as if it were my day. I sleep from 830a-6 p when I have to go back to work. One thing is I dont eat heavy…
  • I think more on the cut side and medium bulkiness. I dont like when guys legs are super thick but not when they are skinny/scrawny either. I dont like huge arms either, it makes them look like the incredible hulk and it looks unnatural. They dont have to have an 8 pack either just some definition and a bit of muscle…
  • I've actualy researched this a lot because your gym routines should reflect your body type. Im a combination of Mesomorph and Ectomorh. I was called chicken legs and monkey arms (not because they were hairy but because they looked so long like a chimps arms) when I was a little girl. I remember my sister saying "ewww your…
  • Mainly I knew I was going to start this in the new year because Ive been so busy with school and then a new job I never had time or motivation to work out. Plus Im going to the Bahamas in March BUT the main thing was I went over a bump on the highway and felt something I never felt before. My belly jiggled. hahahaha! Then…
  • do you you thing my body should be changing after one month?
  • Ithink you will definitely see a difference in 6 weeks. I small perdson like you or me will notice a difference. I increased calories but not really carbs and oils I increase my calories with mostly protein like lean meats (although I did awful over the weekend. I continued with cardio but I just cut it down a little…
  • I hate my skin but I love my smile I hate my butt chin but I love my eyes I hate my love handles/belly but I love my arms I hate my freckles but I love my height (although it may not seem like it a lot) I hate my nose but I love my hips/butt
  • I dont know why but special K cereal and cold milk satisfies my cravings.
  • Im in the same boat as you. I'm 5'8" about and 125 right now. I have a little more weight to loose around the hips but in general just want to tone my body and mainly my stomach. I've been researching this a lot. I was scared with strenght training I would get bulky but I was told by several people that women just dont…
  • Im a nurse that works at night and sleeps in the day 3x/wk so my sleep cycle is everywhere but I learned to adjust. Have you ever tried Melatonin? I used to take it because I would wake up at 6a every morning when I first started and it seemed to help. Otherwise, I would suggest no naps during the day, decrease amount of…
  • SW- 129.8 CW-125.4 GW-122.0 My main goal is to increase muscle though. :)
  • I won't give up any cheese or pizza. I just eat only two slices instead of my normal 6 slices that fill be up. Yes, big appetite.
  • Well, I am a nurse and it takes me a lot to get offended by something really gross. My brother in law has sent me tubgirl and it was gross but I don't get offended. It bothers me a little when people make comments about ME that I don't believe is true or I don't like things that are super super raunchy so I give myself a…
  • Thanks guys! Going to increase calories and lower my cardio. I did pilates and abs, legs/butt and arms today and increased my weights. I understand what you are saying one more question though. If I want to burn the fat on my sides do i do that through cardio mostly or will it come off strength training? Im not sure the…
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. I'll increase my calories a little so I can gain some muscle and also increase weights. The thing with the weight coming back is I know my body pretty well and I have a fast metabolism which is probably why I'm losing so fast and I've seen myself down two pounds and up 3 in a matter of a…
  • Ok Ive been dating an 100% Italian guy since I was 16, so 9 years now. We eat dinner there A LOT. I started dieting in the new year so when my boyfriends mom asked us over for dinner he had given her a heads up that I'm eating healthy. Every night is pasta night so she made wheat pasta and I served MYSELF a little ladel…
  • Great pics everyone. Remember this isnt a post about not loving your own body. I'm glad that people posted pics of people with similar body shapes like larges bust, smaller frames and bigger or small hips beacuse it sets a realistic goals for yourself and it's individual. Also, everyone has a certain preference so no…
  • I love Marilyn and I love that she has some meat on her bones. A lot of models these days are too skinny. I also agree I like fuller bodies and curves. Embrace the curves!
  • Would I be super lame is I said by garlic press? Someday it will be a stainless steel kitchenaid soon as I buy one,
  • You are all beautiful! I have to say I rate most of the people higher than they rated themselves. I think I'm a 7 but I have to admit I'm in bed right now in sweats so I feel about a 5.:tongue:
  • Mushrooms:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Anchovies Sardines Cauliflower Raw Artichokes (they smell like a cadaver) Raw tomatoes (I LOVE SAUCE, SALSA AND COOKED TOMATOES THOUGH) Broccoli Rabe (I GAG) Anything very processed Sausage Casing:noway: Very stinky cheeses Rabbit:cry: Pigs feet Corned beef Anything still bleeding:heart:…
  • I'm Jen and I will be 26 in one week. I joined MFP on January 5th and lost 3 pounds in 13 days. This is a lot for me because im not a big person. My goal is max 7 or 8 pounds and I would like to increase muscle and get rid of my little chub belly which is already getting flat. If there is anyone out there who knows a lot…
  • I have freckles, my hair is now below my shoulders and I'm 5'8" in height.