Is there anything you absolutely refuse to compromise on?



  • jsnv
    jsnv Posts: 24
    Wine. You can your butter and chocolate just give me my wine.
  • deliak2010
    Like a lot of the other posters said, I haven't given up anything 'forever' because I'm interested in making a lifestyle change not being on a diet just to see temporary changes.. so I've just learned to portion my food now and can have everything I like but according to serving size, etc. :). But the three things I would NEVER compromise on are Ferrero Rochers, Rice Krispie Treats and Buffalo Wild Wings Samplers (like once a year for the last one lol). This thread is making me so hungry!
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    everything. There is nothing i have eliminated from my diet, i just do my best to keep the unhealthy stuff at a minimum.

    ^^ Yep.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Real, full fat, tasty, yummy cheese. But I do weigh out my portions and work it into my calories.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
  • Mustlovepugs11
    Mocha Madness from Honey Dew! :D
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I haven't cut anything out exactly, I have just learned to live by the 80/20 rule...with a 20% room for error (or cheats! lol). This leaves my weekends open to have a piece of pizza, or some drinks with the girls.

    Plus, as long as you are living by the 3M's...then you are pretty good... Motivation, Moderation and Movement!
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    Adult beverages :drinker:
  • JennyBB125
    I won't give up any cheese or pizza. I just eat only two slices instead of my normal 6 slices that fill be up. Yes, big appetite.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    butter, cheese and good wine
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    dark chocolate. I hardly even share it :tongue:
  • deliak2010
    I won't give up any cheese or pizza. I just eat only two slices instead of my normal 6 slices that fill be up. Yes, big appetite.

    lol I can eat 6 slices or more as well... it's kinda gross when I think about how I used to eat compared to how I look at food now.. and I feel so blessed that I've learned how to moderate food now (except for the occasional cheats of course lol).. but good luck with your goals girl and keep up the good work! :)
  • deliak2010
    I haven't cut anything out exactly, I have just learned to live by the 80/20 rule...with a 20% room for error (or cheats! lol). This leaves my weekends open to have a piece of pizza, or some drinks with the girls.

    Plus, as long as you are living by the 3M's...then you are pretty good... Motivation, Moderation and Movement!

    love this and totally agree with it :)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    The only thing I refuse to give up is my whole milk. I'll "compromise" with myself, I suppose, and I started buying almond milk, but I still buy whole milk, just organic. So, I have a bit less of the whole milk, but I REFUSE to switch to any of the 2 percent crap. I grew up drinking that **** and I hate it.

    Oh, and carbs. A lot of people have told me I eat too many carbs, but you know what happened the other day when I cut back? I had a blood sugar crash. Went into the 40s (should be in the 80s). Know what I did to fix it? ATE SOME ****IN' CARBS! Had a nice little croissant and guess what? 45 minutes later my sugar was right where it should be. SUCK ON THAT.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Hot Coco! I have it on drives to school on Tue and Thursday.

    Oreos- "an oreo a day keeps the bingeing away"

    cheese- partly because its all my husband eats :)

    bread- kinda how i rate my fav places to eat out.
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    I refuse to go give up my icecream! Its even better now that I got a new icecream maker. I don't make it often but when I do its with heavy cream and 1/2 & 1/2! Its my splurge :smile:
  • Tskitzo
    Tskitzo Posts: 42
    I refuse to give up anything. Eating in moderation, and not eating a bunch of unhealthy foods is all I need to do. Some people might need to eliminate foods from their diets, but honestly in my opinion I feel that taking away something completely is why most diets fail. :|
  • HollyLLillis
    HollyLLillis Posts: 113 Member
    my coffee with cream and sugar... hate the no cal sugar subs.... and I will not buy low or no fat cottage cheese! 2% or the 4% cuz I want it to taste good, I'd rather have 1/2 or 1/4 and enjoy it than to eat more and hate it... :)
    :drinker: :glasses:
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    I'm still a cheesaholic - and now if I eat it, I eat the good stuff. I will splurge for the cabot cheddar over kraft, etc... Why waste calories on crappy food?

    I'm from VT, so I love all VT products (like real maple syrup, Cabot products, Ben and Jerry's, etc). I was lucky enough to find sharp Cabot cheddar here when I moved, so I always buy that (it's what I ate back home!). My boyfriend (who does not live with me and does not buy my groceries) doesn't understand what makes Cabot special. "You should just get the cheapest one. Isn't it just like any other cheese?"


    THIS!! Native Vermonter with a resounding yes.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member

    There's a lot written on the MFP-message boards about food and nutrition but so few folks ever mention about something tasting fantastic. :tongue:

    I love food and for me there is no compromise to good food. I'd rather have a side plate of my favourite foods than a bucket os some so-called healthy fodder that tastes like wet cardboard or straw.

    This too! I ONLY eat what tastes good. I do like a lot of healthy food, so that's good, but I won't eat tasteless oatmeal and dry toast for breakfast for the sake of "eating healthy". Instead I'll have what I had this morning, all of which is healthy and delicious! (scrambled eggs with sauteed bell pepper, a bowl of mini wheats with almond milk, half a broiled grapefruit with truvia, v8 juice, and a piece of wheat toast to eat the eggs on.)