How does your job impact your weightloss/fitness goals?



  • I'm a third shift nurse who works 3x/week. I work from 7p-8a and its so difficult to adjust to eating and sleeping the right way. Im not sure how it affects my metabolism but when i work I eat throughout my night as if it were my day. I sleep from 830a-6 p when I have to go back to work. One thing is I dont eat heavy meals. If i get hungry I eat some fruit or yogurt but have one real meal (usually a sandwhich) at 1am. Its hard to balance especially with logging in my meals. I eat normal every other day of the week though.

    On a positive note, I sometimes walk 6 miles during one shift so thats a benefit of my job. Im also always lifting and pulling people so using my arms a lot. I do get time to sit and do paperwork but never an official break. Id rather be up and doing things than sitting at a desk all day. I could never do that! But I think the eating at night and now that im 26 its starting to catch up with me and the weight is very difficult to lose off my waist (my problem area)
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 142 Member
    Most of the week I'm teaching in a classroom or sitting at my desk. So I walk around the building at lunch. I bring my lunch too. On days when I take students to the hospital, I never stop. Last summer I took the stairs all semester and lost 10 pounds!