body types, which one are you?



  • JennyBB125
    I've actualy researched this a lot because your gym routines should reflect your body type.

    Im a combination of Mesomorph and Ectomorh. I was called chicken legs and monkey arms (not because they were hairy but because they looked so long like a chimps arms) when I was a little girl. I remember my sister saying "ewww your leg is so skinny!" when I was about 16. I would eat what I want and it took a lot to put on weight. I have a very fast metabolism and my bones are super thin especially my arms and wrists. Then when I got into my 20s it was easier to put on weight especially around my stomach and thigh,butt area. I'm not flat chested and I have very broad rectangular shoulders (not small shoulders) If I eat enough and do strength training to build muscle (which Ive been doing) I probably now consider myself more part of the mesomorph type because I'm now more athletic looking but Im naturally an Ectomorph...

    Ectomorphs should increase calories and do few reps with heavier weights to build muscle. You should tailor your exercise to your body type. Also ectomorphs should limit the cardio.