sroseber Member


  • What a huge difference! I've lost about 14 lbs from my highest weight and have a hard time seeing much difference myself and it's not been enough for very many others to notice or if they have few have said anything. But seeing pics of what a difference about that much makes is encouraging. You have a great attitude as…
  • One of my first symptoms has always been extremely sore/sensitive boobs. Anything touching them hurts from the water in the shower to with this last one (which we lost) my daughter would sit on my lap and start to lean back against me and I was like "don't even think about it!" What sucks about the TWW is that PMS and…
  • I just had my first appointment with an RE last week and she thinks I have PCOS (pretty sure, waiting on lab results to confirm the diagnosis but I have all the others signs and symptoms). My cycles have been crazy irregular for about 2 years since going off BC and no luck getting preggers in over 18 months but we finally…
  • All good points. I'm not concerned too much about it. Although it is nice to hear. I know I will hear it eventually. I was just trying to remember from previous efforts how much I'd lost when people started commenting. I was thinking it was around 10-15lbs. and I'm in-between there now. The other thing is it's usually…
  • Does the steakhouse you are going to have a website? If so you could check it out and see what you can eat there and stay within your calorie budget. I usually go with a 6oz. sirloin with side salad and steamed veggies and avoid the bread. Sometimes I'll get the chicken instead. If you can't get a steak that small or if…
  • Great job and way to stick with it even though the road is long. Congratulations! You look fantastic (and your boys are adorable!)
  • The water your body stores from working out may not have left your system yet. Try weighing on Sunday or Monday morning instead and give your body some time to process the workout. Drink lots of water too. I read somewhere to "fight water with water" Good luck!
  • Haha...if he's sending you out for his snacks you should bring back healthy ones for him! :laugh:
  • I lost quite a bit of weight a couple years back and my husband never said anything about it, though he was fairly supportive of changes I made, I never thought he noticed and I'd lost over 20lbs. I got really discouraged and quit doing the things I needed to be doing and gained it all back and then some. I later realized…
  • almonds...full of good fat and easy to keep with you. If you can make yourself eat a "snack" every 2-3 hours and make that snack be around 200-300 calories you should be good. Keep stuff like almonds, protein bars/shakes, hard boiled eggs, string cheese, fruit, raw veggies, etc. around that is easy to take with you if you…
  • When you work out (especially strength training) you are building muscle and for muscle to build it gets little tears in it. You're body stores extra water and glycogen (I think this is the right thing, I've wondered this same thing and looked it up one time but I'm no expert) this makes you weight a little more after you…
  • it's just part of the process. Sometimes you will go over but you can't let it get to you or you will end up quitting. Just accept that it happened and do good today and maybe workout a little more/harder to make up for it. And move on. You are doing good so just keep it up. You are going to have times in life when you eat…
  • I'd say keep the rest of your day full of low cal filling options (lots of veggies, fiber, protein) so that maybe you won't be as hungry when you go and therefore not want to eat as much but also keeping your cals low for the rest of the day. Also try to get a good workout in that day or at least several times that week…
  • I'm the same way. I've been trying to fit in 5, 10, 15, 20 minute workouts here and there whenever I can (usually while I'm watching TV in the evenings or on my lunch break) Hoping that maybe getting more active in general will make it easier to motivate myself to get up in the mornings. The few times I have managed to…
  • If you work out that much and you aren't eating back the calories you burn you may not be eating enough calories. You could also be gaining muscle which weighs more. Are you measuring too to see if you are losing inches? Or are your clothes fitting any better? Hang in there. You can do it!
  • SO TRUE! You look absolutely amazing! You almost don't even look like the same person! Congratulations!
  • I am just starting week 3 and had the same thing happen in week 2. I lost almost 4 lbs. in week 1 and like half a lb or less in week 2. I think that first week is such a shock to our bodies we lose a lot and then things start to balance out in week 2. Just trust in yourself and stay motivated by the fact that you ARE doing…
  • I've always heard you are supposed to eat back your calories. My goal is set at about 1350. If I work out I try to eat back to where my net is at least 1200 because that's the least you are supposed to have each day. Sometimes I eat them all back or close but I usually just try to get back around 1200-1250. I don't have a…
  • lots of protein and fiber and water...these will all help you feel full longer. I tried the 1200 calorie plan for a while and it is really hard, especially at first. I'm now at about 1350 but sometimes only net about 1200 after workouts (I make sure I net at least 1200 though). When I feel hungry and it's not time to eat I…
  • Welcome to MFP! You've got a great attitude starting out...keep it up and don't let yourself get discouraged along the way. As with most journeys there will be ups and downs...accept the downs and move on to turn them into ups. And celebrate the ups...even the little ones! Good luck, joining MFP may have been your best…
  • You look amazing! Great job! Keep up the good work and you will get where you want to the right stuff and your body will catch up.
  • Thank you for understanding the daily weigh-ins. Seems like everyone else's response was just to weigh-in once a week. I know what happens when I don't keep in check daily so I'm not going to go to once a week weigh ins. What I wanted from this post was advice on how to keep fluctuations (especially the ones that go up) in…
  • Thanks, I didn't realize the exercising made that little difference in the weight loss (I understand I still need to do it for the toning and building muscle since muscle burns fat) that explains a lot about what's been going on. Thanks for the info.
  • Good to know, thanks!
  • I got the same way when I did it before. I was a bit frustrated this morning that I didn't have time to finish it. Once I recovered from not actually fainting or puking I had to rush to get ready for work and get my kids to school. Tonight though.
  • Good's such a tough workout I think missing one day might make a difference in how difficult it is the next...even if it's just perception. That was my problem when I quit doing it the last time for vacation. I went several days without it and mentally couldn't make myself start it up again. I look forward to…
  • Ha! I can only imagine! I actually like doing the ab stuff, and don't really mind being sore from it (I say that now, ask me again when I am sore, lol) because if I'm sore I know I'm going to be seeing results in the near future. That is one area that I really seem to notice changes happen faster...which is a REALLY good…
  • Thanks for the encouragement and understanding everyone! :laugh: I got through about 21 days or so of it about a year and a half ago and then went on vacation and well here I am, I never got back to it (or anything else) after vacation. I remember it not looking too bad ("it's only 30 seconds or a minute at a time and the…
  • Congratulations on the wedding and the start of your new life! I have been an in and out kinda girl the last couple years too but I just started today with a 100 days challenge (not stopping for 100 days) if you want to join me. There is a book I'm using that has motivational daily "lessons" but you don't have to use it if…
  • was craving chocolate and (so far) have avoided the candy machine and the bowl of hershey's kisses in our break area. Grabbed a piece of sugar free gum and water to get me by until dinner. Time goes by slow when you're hungry (or think you are)!