

  • So proud of you...keep up the hard work!
  • Can totally relate.....finally decided a couple of weeks ago to only weight once a week. My scale too was determining my outlook for the day....not good.....hated being down on myself if I was up it's nice to see 3 and 4 pound losses for the week....also helps me focus on the "weekly goal" and work hard to…
  • I've been on my journey since August 1....and have lost a total of 51 pounds. Keep getting up, keep eating healthy, and keep moving...even when you don't want to. It's the prize at the end of the race you are looking for. Yes, there are days when I don't want to workout, but getting rid of this weight is something I've put…
  • I decided that THIS was my year to buckle down and get in shape.....I have been totally committed..finished one round of p90x all 13 weeks and now on the 4th week of my second round. There are 12 different workouts, so it's easier to stay've got to push's HARD....I started with 244 pounds and…
  • What a great accomplishment....very proud of you! Lots of hard work and dedication for sure! Cheering you on towards your goal! You can do it.....keep up the hard work!
  • Keep working hard with the p90x program. My husband and I are in our 11th week. I didn't lose any weight the first very discouraged....but kept pushing play....I've lost 33 pounds...been supplementing with other exercise as well, I hate cardio and I huff and puff through every cardio workout...just a sign you're…
  • So inspired by your dedication! Keep up the hard will continue to shed! Cheering you on!
  • proud of you! Loved your Dr.'s recommendations....I started August 1 and haven't eaten fast food since then...have been eating on a salad plate, working out about 2.5 hours a day....but don't get my water in. You have inspired me to line up my bottles and get busy! What a great idea! Cheering you on.....Just grin…
  • Very proud of you! You are a testament to what can happen with a little hard work and perserverance....I started my journey @ 244 pounds...size 18W on August 1...I'm down 24 lbs so far and still want to lose about 76 more. Keep working hard, you'll get to your goal weight....God is good all the time! Thanks for…
  • I started my program August 1.....I revved up and started exercising 2.5 to 3 hrs a day...various things (Jillian 30DS included in that mix)....the first 3 weeks, I was losing about a pound/week.....I think my body started hoarding the calories ( I try to keep my calories between 1200/1300) and didn't want to let go. Keep…
  • So very proud of you.....I am on my own mission and will not give up until I WIN this battle. God is certainly my strength through this! I'm cheering you on! Hard work pays off!:smile:
  • I don't know how well I would be as an accountability partner, but I'm certainly here to encourage. I have bounced all over 200-almost 300 currently at 226. I started Myfitnesspal (for the second time) a few weeks ago and I'm down 17 pounds. The most important thing I have found is don't give up and get your…
  • My dear sweet husband has been getting up with me each morning to do P90x.....I'm not a fitness guru and many of the exercises are hard (I keep working..but have to modify some)....but I'm able to do more each week. I like the change ups each day....not the same workout everyday....keeps it interesting. I am seeing…
  • Start always get up at 5:00 and get workout and time with God in before my day starts....hard to make excuses that way. Get back in the's a journey!
  • I always look for things on the menu that are grilled. Stay away from all the extras. I also take my salad dressing with me because there are few places that offer fat free dressings. Portion size is my biggest problem.....I try to order a "to go" box before I ever start eating and place half of my entree in the "to go"…