One that stands out is my mom saying I was never as big as you at your age and now that I am exercising she says I hope you don't fall over with a heart attack. I believe people that love us say these things not to be cruel, but because they care. Does it suck? Yes.....But is it true? Yes
I am 269 and by the end of the month I should be 259 plus LESS! :)
Great job! I stopped smoking I would say within the past 2 years and smoked for 20 years (yikes) and still will smoke a cig every now and again, but the only thing that stops me is that I have started interval running. You are on the right track. Best of luck!
I will be losing 30 pounds plus and could use all the motivation and support that I can get! Love that we were thinking the same thing!
Great job!
Thank you for sharing. Very Inspirational! I am running my first 5K in October. Keep up the great work! We all have a first but at least you already completed your first and have it under your belt. GREAT JOB!
Great job!
Would love to hear any of your advice. I am on week 2 and a big girl at that with asthma not sure if I will make it to 1 min 30 sec but I am going to try.
I did the same thing last week and the 3 weeks prior to that. Ever since uhhh Easter :( A suggestion to you as it was to me that I am my worse enemy and me/you , we know how to do this so we just need to do it. So much easier said then done, but portion control we can eat whatever if needed just a small portion. Also, keep…
Congratulations! I hope to one day say the same thing about food and follow in the footsteps that you have traveled.
Great job! You must feel like a new person.
Great job!
I am a big fan of guac live at Chevy's and OTB. I use to eat so many chips plus, but now: I just mix my guac with salsa and pour it over top of lettuce. I limit myself to (2) chips :( I use the lettuce as my chips now!
Great question because I do the same with that darn sodium. :) Have a good weekend lady!
Thanks for sharing! Very inspiring and motivating :) You look great!
Hi Vicky I am right with you lady. We can do this!
Thanks. I usually have low blood pressure for even as big as I am and we had a dr's release for the program. I will make sure they check my blood pressure again on Friday. Thanks! Water oh my gosh so much I feel like the bathroom is my second best friend. :)
Thanks I am going to get a banana this morning. I pop Advil like candy and I am trying to do away with that in my new lifestyle. I have been drinking plenty of water since I am a big girl so I do not think its the water. Thanks again!