Water and sodium

Although I stay in my calorie range, and am losing weight, I go over on my sodium level almost always. My question is....does anyone know if drinking water actually helps flush sodium out of your system?


  • SheIsElusive
    yes, definitely...
  • tradingfoods
    tradingfoods Posts: 64 Member
    hi i had ask the same question the other day and got several responses, i also overdo on the sodium, its hard not too. that was many of the suggestions and responses i got. they said if you over do the sodium then drink the extra water it will help.
    good luck have a good day
  • cm4508
    cm4508 Posts: 19 Member
    Great question because I do the same with that darn sodium. :) Have a good weekend lady!
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Although I stay in my calorie range, and am losing weight, I go over on my sodium level almost always. My question is....does anyone know if drinking water actually helps flush sodium out of your system?

    It does help. Also, if you're having trouble with your sodium intake, try reducing processed foods, such as ready-made dinners (even diet meals), pasta sauces, fast foods etc. A big culprit also are fat-free products, such as dressings and yoghurts and such, because all of those contain added sodium to make up for the flavor lost by reducing fat.

    Bottom line is: if you make it yourself, you know what's in it. Try eating fresh fruit and veg and lean protein you've prepared yourself--you'll be surprised how drastically your sodium intake will drop.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    Although I stay in my calorie range, and am losing weight, I go over on my sodium level almost always. My question is....does anyone know if drinking water actually helps flush sodium out of your system?

    It does help. Also, if you're having trouble with your sodium intake, try reducing processed foods, such as ready-made dinners (even diet meals), pasta sauces, fast foods etc. A big culprit also are fat-free products, such as dressings and yoghurts and such, because all of those contain added sodium to make up for the flavor lost by reducing fat.

    Bottom line is: if you make it yourself, you know what's in it. Try eating fresh fruit and veg and lean protein you've prepared yourself--you'll be surprised how drastically your sodium intake will drop.

    Good suggestions. Years ago I was a Weight Watchers member and we were always told that water helps to flush fats and sodium from our system. Don't be suprised when you up your vegetables that you see some high sodium levels. Some fresh vegetables, carrots for instance, have alot of sodium, and will be reflected in your total sodium levels for the day. Added salt, of course is alot worse than what you'll get with fresh veggies.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Although I stay in my calorie range, and am losing weight, I go over on my sodium level almost always. My question is....does anyone know if drinking water actually helps flush sodium out of your system?

    Yes, it does. When I go way over my sodium, I usually put on an extra pound or so in retained water, and drinking extra water helps flush it out and get me back on track.

    But if you're getting WAY too much sodium every day, you need to work on bringing that down. If you're exceeding it by a few hundred milligrams a day, drink an extra glass of water and don't sweat it (actually, do sweat it - perspiration is also an excellent sodium depleter! grin)

    What is your recommended sodium level and what is your average?

    The easiest way to cut sodium is to look at your food diary, figure out what has the most sodium, and find an alternative source for whatever you need from that food.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Sodium:potassium ratio is extremely important, and often neglected.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Best thing for the sodium issue with me was leaving the middle of the grocery store and doing my grocery shopping around the perimeter of the store. Most of the processed stuff is in the middle... and there are certain things i won't give up (like wheat crackers) but for the most part, fresh fruit, veggies and meat.

    But also - drinking plenty of water... and I sweat a lot when I work out - so have a feeling that's shedding some of my sodium intake.
  • Longlittledoggie
    Longlittledoggie Posts: 2 Member
    I have to keep my sodium low for blood pressure reasons and while I found it daunting it first, I can easily stay below 1500mg a day now.

    There are actually a ton of great low sodium/no salt added foods that make very easy substitutes. A few of my favorites that easily save me 1000 mg a day: Safeway Very Low Sodium Multigrain Bread, Trader Joe's No Salt Added Fire Roasted Salsa, Trader Joe's Low Salt Marinara, Pacific Farms Low Sodium Broth. I have many more, but those are the ones that taste great and I reach for often.

    According to my cardiologist, most of us should really strive for under at least under 2000 mg a day, if not 1500 (especially if you are over 50) regardless of how much water you drink.