JCassedy Member


  • EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES!!!!! I consume 1280 a day PLUS whatever I burn working out and I lose 1.5 to 2 pounds a week even though I am almost about to goal. I plateau at 150/148 and then I up my calorie intake to 1480. Hope this helps!
  • quick side note..... I put on the weight with protein shakes, even if I use it as a meal replacement. But we are all different:happy:
  • You most likely are at your target weight for your body. At a size small I am 150 pounds. I had to try super hard to get to 147 and kept yo-yoing those 3 pounds for about 9 months. I am 5'5" and 33. I have found also that when I drop below 145 (back in college) I look extremely unhealthy and people used to ask me what I…
  • 1. Greek Yogurt 2. Hummus 3. Sweet Potato Chips 4. Part Skim Milk Mozzarella Stick 5. Lindt 70% Dark Chocolate (2 squares) 6. Chicken Breast/Ground Turkey or Chicken 7. Home made soups with lots of veggies 8. Rice Crackers 9. Brown Rice 10. Organic Blue Tortilla Chips
  • I, too, am prone to very large arms, and at one time they were over 16 inches around. So when I started the weight lose journey I refused to use anything over 5 pounds and I kept to strict cardio with some strength training using the balance ball and band. I used Denise Austin (she is really annoying though) Shrink your…
  • I really cut down on my sugar in the beginning... that is including the fruit. Fiber one (the twiggy cardboard stuff) became a staple for snacking along with 70% dark chocolate to curb the sweet tooth. I lost my first 40 pounds in a bit over 4 months. Alos... Hummus (homemade) I pre sliced my green peppers, carrots,…
  • I find that when I hit a plateau it is because I have not eaten ALL my calories consistently (you can not over eat one day and under eat the next and call it even, it does not work that way) and that I am too consistent with my meals. Mix it up, have something you usually don't eat in your diet (but within portion). Remind…
    in Plateau Comment by JCassedy July 2009
  • I had bye-bye arms in the worst way... and I gain muscle rather quickly, especially in my arms. I used Denise Austin's Shrink Your Female Fat Zones at first with 5 pound weights. Now I do that on top of doing push ups during my work out (about 10 every 6 minutes). Huge difference in my arms. Good luck!
  • If that is all your eating and staying that active, you are not consuming enough calories by mid-day and you should be starving. Try to eat am egg with whole wheat toast and a piece of fruit for breakfast and then a salad with some grilled chicken on top for lunch.. you may see an improvement on appetite. They say if you…