I am eating less calories and not loosing weight



  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    What did MFP set your target goal as to loose weight? MFP calculates a deficit for you according to your height and weight and the expected goal you have set for your self. However if you eating below it then you starving yourself hence your body will hold onto every bit you eating and as a result you will not loose. There could be a few reasons you not loosing weight. Maybe for your height you don't need to loose anymore weight??? Maybe you just need to tone???

    Here is a very good article to help you if you have hit a plateau.http://www.everydayhealth.com/fitness-specialist/dealing-with-weight-loss-plateaus.aspx?xid=nl_LosingItWithJillianMichaels_20111025.

    Hope this helps.
    You welcome to friend me:)
  • diane1029
    I agree, you need to EAT MORE. Eat your 1200 k/cals and log your exercise. Eating too much protein can also turn into fat if unused, so stick to your numbers and add more calories rather than less. If you don't already do so, add resistance training into the mix (weights) that is a huge fat-burner!
  • adk88
    adk88 Posts: 143 Member
    I had the same problem I lost 23 pounds in the first three months and then lowered my calories to 1200 and plateaued for the next three weeks straight. I raised my calories again about a week and a half ago and I have lost 2 more pounds since.

    I'll have to start having a cheat day once in a while too, I've heard on quite a few different occasions that it can actually help with losing.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    very interesting thread... I have been at a plateau for 3.5 months... so finding this very informative... I did up my calories the last 2 days ( and it was actually sooooo hard to do. Was interesting to see how my mindset about food has changed over the last 2.5 years! ) ...today is my back in track day...so will see what works....
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Also watch the quality of what you're eating, and watch whether you're losing inches but not weight (an indicator that you are burning fat but gaining a bit of muscle, which weighs more, all of which is desirable). Quality of food, in case you're not already with me on this, means cut out processed foods, learn to read labels, shop the perimeter (whole foods: produce from fruit to leafy greens to peppers to starchy veg; bulk for, whole grains, simple cereals (low sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no HFCS) and beans (though canned, low-sodium plain beans are a great pantry staple); meat and fish counters; dairy department for some cheese, skim or lowfat milk, bakery for breads without preservatives and high fructose corn syrups. Oh, and coffee, of course :D But seriously, if you're not already with me on this one, you should educate yourself about omitting processed foods with preservatives and additives and getting whole foods, and knowing how to cook them so they taste nice (and don't take all your time). If all of your 1200 calories, or most, are very wholesome, your body will know what to do with them.
    But watch your waistline...
  • AliciaPascutto
    AliciaPascutto Posts: 3 Member
    WOW!!! Let me see if I got this right.... I definitely have to increase my calorie intake and Decrease carbohydrates and have cheat days once in a while!! it sounds great!! I am not that hungry as it is now so i guess increasing my 1200 calories a day to 1300 is not that bad. I want to loose 25 ponds by sometime next year. Lets see how this works out for me.

    Thank you all :)
  • efarrar13
    Agree with everyone else...bump up your cals. If that doesn't work then maybe see your doctor and get your thyroid checked.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I did the same thing when I started here. I ate the 1200 and was starving. So I bumped
    my calories up to 1390 it seems to work.
    Also watch out for those snacks you forget to count. :tongue:

    Oh, and don't forget to exercise as much as you can. :bigsmile:

    Good Luck
  • JCassedy
    JCassedy Posts: 9 Member
    EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES!!!!! I consume 1280 a day PLUS whatever I burn working out and I lose 1.5 to 2 pounds a week even though I am almost about to goal. I plateau at 150/148 and then I up my calorie intake to 1480. Hope this helps!
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Glad I saw this post! I too am at a plateu and I will also try to eat all of my exercise calories and see if this helps me too! Lots of great advice here!