Need motivation. (I think)

I will try and add some pics on here later so you can get a better idea of what I'm working with. I have SLOWWWWLY lost 20lbs. Went from 175 in May to 155 a few weeks ago. Now I can't lose that. I am actually at 158 right now. Figured I could use a boost. My problem with that though is that I am working my *kitten* off here. I don't need motivation to get to the gym, I go 5-7 days on my own no problem. I eat well every day. No hardcore dieter here I have just learned what is good what is not and I stay away from the nots. This is a lifestyle not a diet so I see no need to completely deprive myself. I have trained my taste buds pretty well though. Anyway let me go through a normal day and see if you have any good feedback.

I am 20, 5'7 and 155-158lbs (first goal will be met at 150)

I drink water all day and take cla tonalin and fish oil twice a day

I normally have a protein shake with soy milk in the morning
I have a snack before lunch either a banana or oatmeal with water cinnamon and peanut butter
An example of lunch would be tuna sandwich on wheat bread (is this the best bread for me?) or maybe soup. Campbell's select harvest.
I try to eat once more before I leave work because I normally go straight to the gym. Normally would eat baby spinach with a small amount of light dressing
Last meal is usually a protein shake, an agg sandwich (slowly not eating many of these) or my favorite an egg white omelet with baby spinach and mustard.

As far as workouts, I try to switch them every two months. Right now (started in September) I am doing 5-10 min warm up, then strength, (days are separated by legs, shoulder/arms, core, chest/back) then 10-20 min of cardio

Hopefully I am gaining muscle. It may sound like I'm at a good weight but I am far from it. Thanks for the feedback so far!


  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    You are at a great weight. It will be very hard for you to lose much more because you are very close to what you should be at for your height. I would try adding more protein and whole grains if you do not already and drinking more water. You could also try to change up your workout. Good luck!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Sounds like your body wants to be around 158 and doesn't want to drop anymore - it is your body's natural weight. It happens. Plus, if you are close to your goal - the weight comes off much slower (believe me I know). It is happening to me as we speak. I lost 50 lbs pretty steadily, but now, it is coming off much slower. You could keep trying to see if it will drop anymore, but it also could just be your body's natural weight in which it won't drop anymore.
  • JCassedy
    JCassedy Posts: 9 Member
    You most likely are at your target weight for your body. At a size small I am 150 pounds. I had to try super hard to get to 147 and kept yo-yoing those 3 pounds for about 9 months. I am 5'5" and 33. I have found also that when I drop below 145 (back in college) I look extremely unhealthy and people used to ask me what I was on. Good luck figuring it out and keep up your life style change. :)
  • JCassedy
    JCassedy Posts: 9 Member
    quick side note..... I put on the weight with protein shakes, even if I use it as a meal replacement. But we are all different:happy:
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks guys! I have updated my post
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    You are at a great weight. It will be very hard for you to lose much more because you are very close to what you should be at for your height. I would try adding more protein and whole grains if you do not already and drinking more water. You could also try to change up your workout. Good luck!

    Great advice thank you!
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    You most likely are at your target weight for your body. At a size small I am 150 pounds. I had to try super hard to get to 147 and kept yo-yoing those 3 pounds for about 9 months. I am 5'5" and 33. I have found also that when I drop below 145 (back in college) I look extremely unhealthy and people used to ask me what I was on. Good luck figuring it out and keep up your life style change. :)

    Good thoughts. I think I have a long way to go, I will post most recent bathing suit pics here soon.
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    Trying to get pictures on here....
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member