milzu Member


  • This is so me! Doesn't matter how much I eat for lunch, or how late I leave it, I am continuously peckish from lunchtime to about 4pm. I deal with it by grazing - start with a lunch around 300 - 400 calories. Then a piece of fruit an hour later. A cup of green tea. Then 14 almonds scattered across the afternoon. I try to…
  • The issue I have with this cardio vs weights thing is this: Running for the same amount of time, at the same pace month after month will not produce results, any more than lifting weights for the same number of reps at the same weight month after month will not produce results. There's no challenge! Neither debunks cardio…
  • @randirez - someone who can plank for 5 minutes
  • I'm the same. I have two danger periods - from after lunch to about 3pm, and from when I get home to dinner time. Solution: carrots, water and gum to snack on in the afternoon, and then I either eat dinner as soon as I get home, or I take the dog for a walk.
  • Seems like half a diet to me. Each one of those 'meals' is a snack. To have between real meals!
  • Eat food, mostly vegetables, not too much
  • If I'm alone with a large bag of potato chips, only one of us will come out alive and very thirsty.
  • 1. oats 2. rice cake thins 3. apples 4. broccoli 5. sweet potato 6. almonds 7. tea
  • Pulling weeds = nature's deadlift
  • I think it's common courtesy when staying at someone's house to pick up after yourself, leave the room how you found, and make yourself useful (doing the dishes, cooking a meal). And maybe a little gift as a thank you. This is standard even with family (minus the gift). But then maybe common courtesy is much like common…
  • I have a German Shepherd named Kai and he loves to run. It's winter here and the colder it is the happier he is. He knows when we're running that we're at work, so he'll stop to do his business, but otherwise there's no stopping for sniffs. He'll acknolwedge passing dogs with a turn of the head and keep charging forward.…
  • I used Hydroxy cut a few years ago, but didn't go the whole hog, with the pills and everything. Just an extremely low carb diet, with the protein poweder that had some kind of magic potion in them. The first week was nothing but shakes until dinner, which was fish & veggies. The second week was shakes, with lunch and…
    in Hydroxycut? Comment by milzu July 2012
  • I have many: The burn is what you came here for. Make the most of it. That burn is you getting fitter. yee ha! Breathe. In two three Out two three. Nothing lasts forever. Three minutes is nothing. Breathe. When doing hill sprints, I watch my dog as he runs ahead of me. He doesn't have any internal thoughts happening, he's…
  • When you confess to a having a crush on Dopey new topic: teddy bear
  • Of course its offensive. Not to mention it would preclude over 60 per cent of the population who are overweight. For a single person serious about finding 'the one' that's a whole lot of people they have automatically excluded, based on something that can be changed. Having said that, I wouldn't go for a fat guy. Just my…
  • Bump to watch later thanks.
  • THe 10 to 14% guys, with muscle. But then I don't actually date fitness models - the guys I go for a professionals, and so carry a little layer of fat, just like I do :)
  • Love my sprints and hill runs. Makes such a difference to overall speed, strength and endurance. I'm aiming for 10kms in 50 mins in August.
  • Thanks! perfect for those times I don't have any of my own get up and go :)
  • I breath in for three steps, out for three steps. I maintain a breathy conversation with my dog, but couldn't tell him a whole story lol. Up a hill or a cruise interval, I breath in for three, out for two. I think you're meant to breath in through your nose and out through your mouth - but the morning cold has me rather…
  • No problem with overweight instructors - one of my favourite spin instructors carries a few extra pounds, but oh boy she's a machine! Don't like unfit instructors though, I find I end up going their pace, rather than pushing myself to keep up with them.
  • It's all about consistency of effort, over months and years. Not days and weeks. Aim to be 100% good 80% of the time.
  • Walkers will say good morning. Runners keep to themselves. A big smile and a hello from a fellow runner resets my mindset to enjoying the run. So I pay it forward. Echo other's sentiments about little dogs. They all want to take on my German Shepherd. That hill in the distance isn't actually so far away once you start…
  • Absolutely! And the best part about 30 minutes is that when you really don't feel like doing it, you can tell yourself, it's only 30 minutes. Really not that long! And what others have said - make 30 minutes count! I do 7 exercises for one minute each, rest a minute, then repeat. That's 15 minutes done aready. Then another…
  • 1. Nothing lasts forever 2. I remind myself to be grateful that I have the health to be able to run 3. I picture someone I dislike overtaking me. No way!
  • Dogs make the best running partners! So long as you dont' mind breaking your rythym every now and then for sniff. Depending on the heat, my German Shepherd lasts around 6kms. He'll let me know he needs to cool down for a bit, before running again. For some reason though he loves sprinting up hills :oS Now that it's getting…
  • Flexing my willpower muscle and not having any chocolate all day. It's happened once or twice in the last three months :)
  • I love to run first thing in the morning. I'm up, dressed and running before I've woken up to the fact that I'm not snug in bed anymore. I'm fine on an empty stomach. But that's what works for me. My general rule is to wait an hour after eating anything before working out, and I don't have that time in the morning :) But…
  • All the time that it takes to cross the finish line without stopping, that will leave you feeling proud and ready to run another 10kms! Just don't stop! Having said that, I think anything under 60 minutes is a cracking pace (it'll qualify you as a 'runner' in those events that qualify people). The winner of the race will…