

  • I have been paleo for about 3 weeks and am loving it. Feel free to add me as well. I keep my diary fairly up-to-date.
  • Feel free to add me as well and anyone else that wants too. I am two weeks into doing paleo. Going good so far. I log my foods almost everyday, sometimes on the weekend when I don't have easy access to my computer and don't want to take the time on my phone I won't bother, but I try to keep it up today.
  • At least you have a Whole foods, where I live it is really hard to get paleo food, especially now that the fresh vegetables stands are closing for the year, where I can get fresh local veggies, fruit and meat. once they close I am going to have to go a hunt for everything. The supermarkets here do have organic and natural…
  • How often are you eating the other food, is it just once in awhile? I don't really have any advice for you, but I am really worried about doing the same thing. I have only been eating paleo for about 10 days now and just getting use to picking the right types of food to eat. Thankfully my husband is doing this with me so I…
  • Hi there, I just started the Paleo lifestyle last week. I got tired of basically being tired and bloated all the time. Just in a week I have lost 5lbs, don't feel bloated, and am not feeling tired or sluggish anymore. I can actually sit at work in the afternoon's now after lunch and not feel like I need a nap. Feel free to…
  • Hey there, Here is my info SW: 175 CW: 154 GW: 130 I would love to get to 120, but I don't think it is realistic for me right now, I would be extremely happy with 130 to 135. But maybe someday get down to 120, that would be awesome. Add me as a friend if you want.
  • Nope I haven't tried the couch to 5k. I will have to look it up and see what it is all about. So interval training will most likely give me the best bang for my buck?
  • For me obsessing with counting calories is helping me learn how much nutritional value is in the food I am eating so for the rest of my life I can know what I can eat and what I shouldn't eat. (notice I say shouldn't). And I will know if I do eat that piece of cake or the piece of chocolate later when I have lost my weight…
  • stevia is an all natural sweetener, it has not artificial anything and no chemicals. I used Krisda, these are the ingredients in it: Inulin (chicory root), erythritol, stevia leaf extract, natural flavor. I did research on each of these ingredients before I purchased it, because Walmart sales their own brand of stevia and…
  • Do you think it is possible to drink to much water? I probably drink at least 80oz a day. Plus a cup of green tea (8oz)
  • I am in the same situation. I have flucuated up and down 1 or 2lbs for the lasr twi weeks. It is very frustrating. I list 10lbs in the first 5 weeks and now nothing. Some days I wonder why even bother, but I know I have to keep trying. I think if I am still not losing me the end of next week I am going to talk to my…
  • The net calories take into consideration the calories you lost during exercise correct? So if the net calories say I ate 1200 calories, with say 400 exercise calories I actually end up eating 1600 for the day. So you are saying, I should eat back all my exercise calories and keep the net around 1000? this might be the…
  • I log everything I eat and drink, even liquor. I have only eaten out three times since new years and that ones one hamburger from Wendys. A grilled chicken burger from Wendys, no fires or pop either time. and Once I ate at DQ. Not sure if my calories burned are over inflated or not. I was doing 45 to 60 mins on a…
  • So I guess no one wants to offer up any advice. Funny how people are quick to answer the regulars on there, but other people get no help at all.
  • Can anyone offer any advice?
  • I am about 5feet 4inches in height and currently weight between 162 and 164, depending on the day. it is so frustrating and discouraging. It makes me want to give up. I feel like I am doing all this work for nothing.
  • Wow you burn that much doing the 30DS? I would never have thought it would be that high? perhaps I am underestimating to much
  • hi there, I have been doing 30DS for 10 days now. I will be doing my last session on level 1 tonight. And moving onto level 2 tomorrow. I log it using the Circuit training, general and specify around 150 for calories. Not sure if that is low or not, but I thought the default of 196 was alittle high. Other people may have…
  • these sound great, I am going to have try them this weekend.
  • I was going to write the same thing. After two kids who were both upwards of 11lbs, I have horrible muffin top and I would have to buy jeans/pants that go up to the bottom of my boobs to hide it.
  • I didn't weigh in yesterday: Wednesday: 161.8 Today: 162.4 (+.6) I seem to be at a stand still around this weight. Not sure what is going on, perhaps I am getting some muscle from doing the 30DS. I am on day 8 today. I am also doing cardio every other day for 60mins. I haven't eaten back all my calories on some days…
  • I actually had 896 calories in for the day before I went to the gym at 3:30, then I came home and made supper for another 569 calories.
  • This is the same as me, if I eat them back I always gain. but if I just stick to my goal of 1200, then I see a change
  • so basically, if you are suppose to eat back your exercise calories, then in reality you don't even have to go the gym as long as you only eat to your goal of 1200 calories you will still lose weight. I don't eat all mine back because if I did, I would be eating all day long. Like yesterday I went to the gym and I did the…
  • Yesterday: 163.4 Today: 161.8 (-1.6) I guess my day off from the gym worked, although I did do day 5 of 30 day shred. I is getting a lot easier each day, except for those stupid push ups. I hate those. I even ate a bit over my goals, fat, carbs, and protein, but some how stayed under my calories.
  • What about genetically modified crops? this is a Canadian website, however the same is happening in the US as well.
  • Yesterday: 163.4 today: 163.4 No change, grr. I have no idea what is going on. Today is a rest day for me from exercise, so if I stay at my goal for calories I should be good tomorrow. I am still aiming for my mini goal of 158 by March 5th. godblessourhome: Great run. Do you just do this long run once a week?
  • I didn't weigh myself on Saturday, but here are my numbers: Friday: 164.4 Sunday: 162.8 (1.6) Today: 163.4 (+0.6) I am still down from my Friday's weight, so I am exciting about that because I usually add a pound or two over the weekend. I started the 30 day Shred on Friday and have done that for three days straight and…
  • Yesterday: 163.8 Today: 164.4 (+0.6) Shouldn't have had those Tostitos last night :grumble:
  • What is planking