Not losing for a couple of weeks

I have been stuck at ruffly the same weight now for almost two weeks. I wasn't eating my exercise calories back, so I started doing that last week thinking perhaps that was the issue as to why I didn't lose the week before. Well guess what I am still at the same weight. I fluctuate, up 1lbs, then go back down 1lbs, never going below that lowest weight. It is getting extremely frustrating.

when I first started on MFP, I lost 10lbs in 5 weeks and then it basically stopped.

I go to the gym to do cardio every second day and burn 400 to 500 calories, and since the 17th, I have been doing the 30DS. The only time I can go to the gym during the week is at 3:30 and then on the weekends I go in the late morning before lunch.

Can you guys have a look at my diary and see if it is how I am eating? Or does anyone have any advice to jump start my system again?

I hadn't been taking my measurements, until last Wednesday when I measured myself, so I don't know if I have been losing inches in these past couple of weeks. My clothes don't feel any different in that time period.



  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    how tall are you?

    I have been stuck at my weight since Jan.. hit a whole month of plateau and then i was able to drop 1 lbs and that's it, i can't get under that. I also do a few days a week of 30-40 min cardio and i also have been doing 30ds. I haven't lost no lbs or inches :( not sure why? I am on track, eating healthier and logging everything. i do admit i don't eat enough veggies or drink enough water but i wouldn't think that would stop me from loosing at all... i actually stepped on the scale today and gained 1 lb, so back to what i have been stuck at since Jan :( *SIGH*.... i have always lost slowly .5 a week but nothing in 2 months???? WTH! no inches off of 2 full week of 30 ds yet???? i don't get it, what am i doing wrong? so i hope someone can give you answers and hopefully they can help me too....
  • I am about 5feet 4inches in height and currently weight between 162 and 164, depending on the day. it is so frustrating and discouraging. It makes me want to give up. I feel like I am doing all this work for nothing.
  • Can anyone offer any advice?
  • sbroadus
    sbroadus Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in the same boat! It's so frusterating!
  • So I guess no one wants to offer up any advice. Funny how people are quick to answer the regulars on there, but other people get no help at all.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    A lot of people are at work right now, or in classes. There are also time differences with the members on MFP. It is important to remember this before being quick to judge on response time.

    My advice would be to increase your water intake, assess your food intake and ensure nutritious foods and ensure that you are eating enough calories per day, and to mix up your fitness routine.

    Try a new routine, or change it a bit to give you a new workout.

    Hope this helps. It's how I broke my 8 week plateau.

    Best of luck.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i hear ya, it is frustrating. i find sometimes it's best to wait to get a response for your question otherwise i have found you get a lot of answers that arn't nice.... i bet tonight you will get a response that can hopefully help me too :)
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Your diary looks fine. You are clearly meticulous about recording so I'm not thinking you've missing off the Mars bar at lunch and the McDonalds on the way home from work.......:smile:

    Give me some more information on your cardio please. I'd like to understand what you are doing, what intensity and where you get your caloric burn rates from. IMO exercise machines and MFP exaggerate the amount burnt by a large degree. I *could* be that you are eating too much........a very unpopular thing to say on these boards :explode:

    Personally I eat back about half of what MFP suggests I have burnt and I am consistently dropping weight.
  • Venice57
    Venice57 Posts: 26 Member
    I also got stuck for about a week. Then I started looking at my net calories rather than just intake or eating back exercise calories. After adding in my exercise throughout the day, I now make sure that I net about 1000 calories per day. This means eating more some days that others, but since doing this I have consistently started working again and have had more energy, too!

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I track my calories burned with a FitBit, not the MFP exercise log. I have heard that MFP overestimates quite a bit. Not sure if FitBit does, too, but it seems to be working for me.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    I also got stuck for about a week. Then I started looking at my net calories rather than just intake or eating back exercise calories. After adding in my exercise throughout the day, I now make sure that I net about 1000 calories per day. This means eating more some days that others, but since doing this I have consistently started working again and have had more energy, too!

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I track my calories burned with a FitBit, not the MFP exercise log. I have heard that MFP overestimates quite a bit. Not sure if FitBit does, too, but it seems to be working for me.

    how do you figure out how many net calories you should have? i was doing 1200 calories and eating abck my exercise calories to stay at 1200 but now i upped mine to try and break my over month plateau. I changed my loss to a .5 loss a week now and it gave me 1310 calories. I do 30ds daily and burn anywhere from 160-220. and a few days a week i will pu tin 30-40 min cardio too. i thought you were supposed to stay at 1200 net.. so that is what i have been doing, maybe i shouldn't be?
  • Your diary looks fine. You are clearly meticulous about recording so I'm not thinking you've missing off the Mars bar at lunch and the McDonalds on the way home from work.......:smile:

    Give me some more information on your cardio please. I'd like to understand what you are doing, what intensity and where you get your caloric burn rates from. IMO exercise machines and MFP exaggerate the amount burnt by a large degree. I *could* be that you are eating too much........a very unpopular thing to say on these boards :explode:

    Personally I eat back about half of what MFP suggests I have burnt and I am consistently dropping weight.

    I log everything I eat and drink, even liquor. I have only eaten out three times since new years and that ones one hamburger from Wendys. A grilled chicken burger from Wendys, no fires or pop either time. and Once I ate at DQ.

    Not sure if my calories burned are over inflated or not. I was doing 45 to 60 mins on a treadmill, running 30 mins at 5.5m/hr and walking in between that at 3.8m/hr, so a routine would be walk 5 run 5, walk 5, run 10, walk 5, run 15, walk 5, run 10 (give or take some mins) the treadmill tells me I burn ruffly 450 to 500 calories. It only asks me for my weight before I begin. My heart rate is usually around 165 according to the machine.
    Last week I started do the elliptical for 30 mins trying to keep my heart rate in the fat burning zone, which is for the high 130 for my age. it says I burn about 250 for the 30mins. this machine does take my weight and age into account.

    I never go by what MFP gives me for calories, it is usually more than what the machines tell so I always change it.

    I can't afford a heart rate monitor.

    Should I perhaps take 50 cals off what the machine tells me and use that number for an input?
  • I also got stuck for about a week. Then I started looking at my net calories rather than just intake or eating back exercise calories. After adding in my exercise throughout the day, I now make sure that I net about 1000 calories per day. This means eating more some days that others, but since doing this I have consistently started working again and have had more energy, too!

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I track my calories burned with a FitBit, not the MFP exercise log. I have heard that MFP overestimates quite a bit. Not sure if FitBit does, too, but it seems to be working for me.

    The net calories take into consideration the calories you lost during exercise correct? So if the net calories say I ate 1200 calories, with say 400 exercise calories I actually end up eating 1600 for the day. So you are saying, I should eat back all my exercise calories and keep the net around 1000?

    this might be the reason I am not losing especially if I am over estimating the calories I am actually burning. I will try this, this week and see what happens.