daily weigh-in club



  • cindym29
    cindym29 Posts: 60 Member
    oyeee what is going on body?!
    So, I've been working out and have changed my eating to more healthy things and somehow instead of losing I'm gaining?

    from my caloric intake, there's not a chance I could have gained 0.6 lbs ...I had maybe max 1600 calories yesterday, and I burned off about 450 at the gym. My calorie burn from just living is about 1300 (you know, breathing, sleeping, etc..) WHAT IS GOING ON?! anyone with a response, could you message me? or add me :) thanks everyone.

    Btw, weighing yourself is crucial for weightloss. I would mindlessly gained a ton of weight if I didn't weigh in everyday.
  • Today my weight is at 122, gained a few lbs over the weekend, but I am sure they will be back off in a couple of days.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    yesterday: 130.5
    today: 131.0 (+.5)

    ugh, ugh, ugh! i am so frustrated that i can't seem to get serious. i started this thread at 126.6. i can't believe the scale keeps going up and up, which means i have been eating and overeating.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    godblessourhome: Great run. Do you just do this long run once a week?

    i run one long run a week and two short 30-45 minute runs. next week my long run is 6 miles.
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    Still 142 and I'm eating lots... yaaaaaay!! Must have revved up my metabolism enough to cope!
  • Hi, i am 47 yrs old (48 on 9th march..1st goal) and i started the Atkins diet on 31st January.
    I was 203lbs.
    I usually weigh myself weekly on a Friday morning.
    Last Friday i was 192 lbs
    This morning i was 190
    and as of just now my scales say 188lbs....

    can your weight actually drop in 5 hours or is it just body fluctuation?
  • Yesterday: 163.4
    Today: 161.8 (-1.6)

    I guess my day off from the gym worked, although I did do day 5 of 30 day shred. I is getting a lot easier each day, except for those stupid push ups. I hate those. I even ate a bit over my goals, fat, carbs, and protein, but some how stayed under my calories.
  • Yesterday: 188lbs
    Today: 188lbs

    Phew..... my binge at a Mardi Gras party didn't show up... I didn't think I ate/drank 3500 calories in that meal.... stuck to the one adult beverage and it was a vegetarian gathering... but there was more dishes than I expected (potluck) so had a heaping spoonful of each. And that King Cake! Someone showed me the trick of heating it up...
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    yesterday 195.4
    today: 195.2 (-0.2)

    better then nothing
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I haven't weighed in several days. WHAT ??? Oh well, I probably will do so tonight. I am really thinking that with my new mindset I should be seeing some downward movement.
  • Yesterday 167.0
    Today 167.0

  • Yesterdays weight- 222.4
    Today's weight- 218.8

    Woohoo. After having a terrible weekend of eating badly and gaining 4 lbs, i got it off in 2 days! Now I need to get to 215 ASAP!
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    Yesterday: 165.5
    Today: 163.8 (-1.7)

    I almost can't believe it. Yesterday I took full advantage of Fat Tuesday and had myself a spike day. I was fully prepared to suffer the consequences this morning, but the scale read lower this AM. What the....?!?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    yesterday: 131.0
    today: 132.0 (+1.0)

    good job to those that lost, even after indulging for fat tuesday. keep it up!

    i have officially hit my high. if i go any higher than this, i am gonna have a breakdown. lol. i never wanted to be higher than 130, but apparently seeing 130 on the scale wasn't enough to motivate me. 132 is. i am now back to 22 pounds from my goal weight. it is only down from here on out!
  • Yesterday I was 222.8 and today I am 218.2! Really happy to be back down under 220. Here is to getting to my first small goal of 210!
  • Hi everyone :) my name is Jerilyn im 5'8 24 years old & on feb 13th of this month I weighed in @ 250 lbs! The heaviest I ever been. The next day I woke up and started eating healthy n got up off the couch. Its been a little over a week and I weigh in @ 243 lbs. (with the help of suppliments) Its a start :) but I do find myself weigh'n in everyday. It's what motivates me, I see I lost a 1/2 lb I get excited and keep on staying active. My bf threatens he is going to take my scale away and only allow me to weigh myself once a week :( I really hope not.
  • Yesterday 190
    Today 188

  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    Yesterday 153.6
    Today 153.6
    Didn't eat enough yesterday
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    Yesterday 190
    Today 188

    Same here! Yay to us both for breaking 190!!