daily weigh-in club



  • my name is Star, looking for new friends for motivation and support. My weight today was 245.4 which is down a pound from yesterday!!
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    Hi, my name is Pi, and I am a daily weigh-er. LOL. I am 25, and I currently weigh 164. My starting weight was 205 (January of 2011), and my goal weight is 125. I love weighing myself everyday. Yes, there are crazy fluctuations, but I can handle them :)
  • Hi, I also weigh myself daily. It is when I stopped that these 15 lbs snuck up on me. I do resolve now and forever I will continue to weigh myself once I hit my goal wight again . I think twice a week, same day and time of day will be hepful to maitnence for me. I want to prevent this from creeping back up again. I am so happy to have found all of you and look forward to profiding positive support as well as welcome it or suggestions. I am new here so please, feel free to friend request me. Happy health fitness to us all~
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 326 Member
    Weight on 2/14- 188.8
    2/15- 188 lbs
  • stefftastic
    stefftastic Posts: 25 Member
    Yesterday: 224.4
    Today: 223.6 (-0.8) :smile:
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
  • cindym29
    cindym29 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey you guys :) I'm Cindy & i'm absolutely new to this website, but I know that forums and message boards have helped me lose weight in the past.
    my stats: 5'9" & yesterday I weighed 149.2

    I started this school year (I'm 21 and a junior in college) weighing roughly 137/138 and have gained roughly 15 lbs. I'm starting to lose weight again but I need help!

    so, let's do this. Thanks guys!
  • yesterday: 221.3
    today: 221.6 (+0.3)
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    It seems like everyday I weigh myself the scale goes up but when I hit my ACTUAL weigh in day, the scale goes down. Blah.
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    142 :)))))) Nearly there.....
  • Yesterday 190lbs
    Today 191lbs

    Oh the joys of PMS symptoms.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Is there an actual group for this? If so, please tell me how to join it.
  • ScrewyChars-6829586
  • Yesterday 164.4
    Today: 163.8 (-0.6)

    Slow and steady wins the race right? another gym day today, hopefully see another .6 lost tomorrow. I just hope I can keep it up over the weekend. I always seem to gain a pound or two.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi I am Eric I am currently off work because of my knee's are giving me problems. Over the last ten months I have had surgery on the left knee and now the right knee is getting bad. The knee's were the core reason for my weight loss as of today I have lost 30 pounds (I only update once a week on wen.) So far the weight loss hasn't given any relief to the knee's but I feel much better at 250 than I did at my highest weight of ERR my scale only goes to 300 it says ERR get the hell off me after that. No really my scale doesn't talk I made the last part up.
    I weigh myself everyday because I pass the scale every morning just a habit thank god my scale doesn't weigh in tenths I would throw it out the window on up days. I have ED. there it out there now..... Exercise Disorder I now feel I must cardio every day in order to eat to funny huh my fear of going over drives me crazy so if I burn say 700 cals everyday I am good. So now you must be wondering how can I do cardio with bad knee's my gym has Arc Trainers I can run on this machine 45 minutes to a hour with 0 pain
    This is my story friend me if you want we have fun at my little wall lol mostly it laughing at my expense but its laughter and thats all that counts to me Eric :laugh:
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    yesterday 193.6
    today: 192.2 (-1.4):happy:
  • Yesterday 169.5
    Today 169.0
  • Sorry I have not been posting everyday, but I have been weight everday. Yesterday I was 219.8 and today I am 218.4. I cannot wait to get to 210. That will be a small milestone for me, and then 199 will be the next goal. I refer under 200 as wonderland, haha.