Any 5'4" girls with similar stats?



  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm 5'4

    SW - 183
    GW - 128
  • jollydz
    jollydz Posts: 3
    Hi! I'm 5'4"

    SW: 163
    CW: 139.6
    GW: 130 (for now...)

    I've been on MFP since Dec. 2011 and have lost everything just by honestly tracking my food and being better about exercising. I love this site and am so grateful that it's free!
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96

    SW 148
    CW 141
    GW 125
    UGW 119 (just under 120, haha)

    I'm going on a beach vacation 6 weeks from today, so I just took "before" pics and measurements.
  • Hey!

    I'm 5'4" and just started with this so I need all the help tricks and secrets I can get!

    SW 203
    CW 202
    GW 145 (for now)

    If any one would like to be my friend :( lol and help motivate me please do so!
  • Wow! Lots of 5'4" girls! Yay! I'm adding all of you guys :)

    What I'm up to right now:

    -Keeping track of my eating via MFP
    -Training for a half-marathon on May 6th (my first one!)
    -Doing some strength training between running days

    My plans:

    Start 30DS a few days after my marathon (while continuing some running obviously) and do it for the 30 days leading up to my volunteer trip to Costa Rica (leaving June 8). I want to look as good as possible and be as fit as possible before I go!

    What are you guys up to right now??? :)

    p.s. if anyone has tumblr, check out my health/fitness/weight loss blog:
  • NSQuintana
    NSQuintana Posts: 207
    Hi, I am 5'4

    SW: 144
    CW: 135
    GW: 125
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    Wow! Lots of 5'4" girls! Yay! I'm adding all of you guys :)

    What I'm up to right now:

    -Keeping track of my eating via MFP
    -Training for a half-marathon on May 6th (my first one!)
    -Doing some strength training between running days

    My plans:

    Start 30DS a few days after my marathon (while continuing some running obviously) and do it for the 30 days leading up to my volunteer trip to Costa Rica (leaving June 8). I want to look as good as possible and be as fit as possible before I go!

    I'm running a half on May 6 too! My second one, first was two years ago. And I'm going to Cabo May 31 for 7 days, so even more motivation!
  • desirez131
    desirez131 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm exactly 5'4"


    Hopefully I can lose a big chunk before Cancun!
  • rae_84
    rae_84 Posts: 40 Member

    Here are my stats:

    5'4 [and a half :)]
    SW: 153
    CW: 141
    GW: 125

    Feel free to add me!
  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    SW 168
    CW 164
    GW 130
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Im 5'4"

    SW: 195.5
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I'm 5'4" with goal weight range of 120-125. The jeans in my profile pic were from when I was 215 pounds, and that shot was taken last year when I was 122. Had some health problems that threw me off a bit late last year but am dropping the weight again now. Currently at 130.
  • meli_ssa4
    meli_ssa4 Posts: 66
    Hey there,

    Here is my info

    SW: 175
    CW: 154
    GW: 130

    I would love to get to 120, but I don't think it is realistic for me right now, I would be extremely happy with 130 to 135. But maybe someday get down to 120, that would be awesome.

    Add me as a friend if you want.
  • kc3poh
    kc3poh Posts: 10
    I'm 5', close! :)

    SW: 163
    CW: 155
    GW: 125

    What I'm up to:

    I am starting a 12 week fitness program next Monday through the YMCA. The person that loses the highest percentage of weight, wins a car. LOL. I doubt I will win, but it will be fun to "play" with my friends.

    I am counting calories and making sure to save room in my totals for a treat almost everyday.

    I am doing the elliptical and some strength training.
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Ive been wanting to start a MFP group for women with similar stats as me... maybe you ladies would be up for it...???
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    5'3" - 5'4"

    I'm currently leaning out to 128, I have too much lean mas to come even close to 120# safely.

    I lift weights and do some cardio.
  • Here too:

    SW: 178
    GW: 135

    I'm adding you... :smile:
  • I'm 5'4" and almost 42 years old. Three kids.

    SW - 175
    CW - 163
    GW - 145
    UGW - 130ish

    What is the 30DS?
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member

    Just shy of 5ft4 here :)

    SW: 183lbs
    CW: 156lbs
    GW: 130ish lbs

    Feel free to add me if you want! I've been here since October and lose weight, then maintain for a few weeks, then repeat so my body gets used to each new weight :smile:
  • Hey
    I'm 5'4"
    SW: 146
    CW: 132
    GW: 125
    UGW: 120 not sure if it's attainable after 2 kids!! But it was the size I was when I got married!

    I'll friend you, I'm curious about this 30DS, I've heard others on it too, is it a workout or diet? (I'm not a fan of "diets")