

  • Thanks for the feedback! Cycling with very low tension will probably work. Once I have the surgery, the flutter kick in a pool will be doable, right now it's actually pretty painful. Even using the elliptical right now is painful. I like the swimming idea, though.
  • Bye bye, ****head. What a douche.
  • Strenghth training should be part of your exercise routine now. And "toning" is just building muscle. Strength training regularly will increase your metabolic rate.
  • Wow, your rules are pretty much the same as mine. I cut out all dairy for a while, but have recently started eating cottage cheese and plan Greek yogurt again. I don't eat red meat or poultry, so I need them as a protein source. I limit my sodium intake to less than 2000 daily. I NEVER eat fast food (closest thing is…
  • If I were you, I'd pay more attention to the time spent running as opposed to the distance. Running slow is fine. Even if you aren't able to run the distance recommended at the end of each week, you've gradually increased the time you are able to run. Build up to 30 minutes of running, regardless of the distance. You can…
  • I used to use SP, but it's become so bloated with graphics and clutter. I ended up spending way more time than I wanted to just to log food and exercise. MFP is much simpler.
  • Fabulous! You look perfect at a 9/10.
  • I dropped my total cholesterol 88 point in three months. I did this by committing to a vegan diet for that amount of time. It took some work - I had to re-stock my kitchen with vegan food, but it was totally worth it for me. It got me in the habit of clean eating. I have added fish, egg whites, and a small amount of dairy…
  • It definitely has an effect on me. I sometimes go three or four months without a period, but feel premenstrual for most of that time. Bloated, water weight gain, food cravings. Ugh.
  • 47 here, with seriously f*cked up hormones. LOL!
  • If you know you shouldn't do it, why do you? Weigh yourself once a week - max.
    in Weight Gain Comment by sipseyab May 2012
  • I'm going to agree with most of the other posters. Your situation is much like living with an alcoholic - you can't make him stop drinking (eating crap), but you don't have to buy and serve him the booze (crap food). He's a big boy and can make his own decisions. He can also shop for and make his own dinner if he chooses.…
  • I wear Merrell barefoot shoes for running and lifting.
  • Great ideas, thanks guys! I totally forgot about egg beaters - protein without the fat.
  • Never mind!! Found it. :-)
  • Fabulous!! You look awesome. I stopped weighing myself, too. I lost 4 inches in three weeks but the scale didn't move. Now I just use the measuring tape. :-) Congrats!
  • One of my faves is a scrambled egg and cheese burrito. Plus some kind of fruit.
  • I'm a writer and live on a farm. My daily farm chores (feeding horses, goats, dogs) keep me fairly active in the morning. Then I come in and work for a while. I usually do my "serious" exercise in the afternoon: Run three days a week, P90X six days,, etc I have found that I need to schedule my time just like if I worked at…
  • <jaw dropping>
  • You look fabulous!! I stopped weighing myself two weeks ago for the same reason. I've lost a total of four inches and have dropped a size in jeans, but the scale says I haven't lost a single pound. And now I don't care! :-)
  • I've gone from a 16 to a 14 in less than a month. But, according to my scale, I haven't lost a single pound. I got rid of my scale! :-)
  • I got rid of my scale for this reason. I had lost NO weight, but then I took my measurements and found I had lost a total of four inches. I refuse to be brainwashed by some stupid mechanical device. Honestly, I don't care how much I weigh. I just want to fit into my old jeans again, and feel good.
  • Well, I think you look great! But I like the next to last photos better. I think the chest hair makes you seem more defined or something. I think a fit hairy chest looks better than a bald pumped chest. But, that's just my opinion. Either way, you have made some fantastic strides in your fitness. Congrats!
  • Yup. Say nothing, just set an example. She probably already knows she's out of shape, she doesn't need someone telling her. Buy her some cool workout clothes, bring home some fruit and make her a big fruit salad to keep in the fridge, suggest the two of you start a new sport together (hiking, tennis, etc).
  • I am also a vegetarian, and sometimes struggle with getting enough calories (although at my weight, it wouldn't have quite the negative effect it could have on you). Peanut butter, avocados, refried beans, eggs, cheese...these are all things I have fully stocked in my kitchen. Breakfast for me is often a refried bean and…
  • Good job! I'm doing P90X and love it. I'm finishing up my third week and can see some definition in my arms and butt already. It's a great workout, and you do a different workout every day, so you don't get bored.
  • I've deleted a few people who I didn't think were taking their fitness seriously, or were obsessing about not losing weight after two weeks. It clogs up my news feed, and it's not helpful to me. I've also ignored friend request from people who have hundreds of friends already. I guess I don't understand why they need that…
  • Anyone who considers themselves one!
  • That sounds like a good suggestion for the MFP tech board. I think I'll go post it.
  • But, I can't figure out how to remove my ticker!