

  • Great Job.:happy:
  • Hi and Welcome to MFP. It's a great site with alot of great people. :smile:
  • Welcome to MFP. Good luck on your goal. The support here is out of this world. :smile:
  • Congrats, That is a great beginning. :smile:
  • Congrats :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Hi Evelyn, I am a new member to MFP also and really am enjoying this site. I was at 379 lbs on 7/31/08. That was when I started a program called "New Directions" offered by the Methodist Hospital System. It does not involve surgery. I attend the classes at the Willowbrook Methodist Hospital. The number there is…
  • Welcome and Congrats to you and your boyfriend for making a commitment for better health together. My son turns 30 on May 11th and he is working out to. Craig
  • Welcome to MFP. The people here are great and the support I see reading through the forums is awsome. I'm new myself and just learning to navigate the site. Best of Luck. Craig
  • Congrats and Well done. I felt the same when when I hit the South bound side of 300 a few months ago. :smile: Keep up the great work and you will reach your goal weight before you know it. Craig
  • I weigh in on Mondays, (class day), and stay off the scale at home. I am enjoying the heck out of this site though. Tracking my calories and excercise here is a lot easier than writing it all down. I try to keep in mind that this journey isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. If I slip up today, the race isn't over. I can regain…
  • Hi Letterfly, I am a new member here also. I just joined this week. I am in a program called "New Directions" offered by the Methodist Hospital System. It does not involve surgery. I attend the classes at the Willowbrook Methodist Hospital. The number there is 281-477-1265. They have introductory classes every Tuesday…
  • I was just introduced to your site this afternoon. I've just completed my 28th week with the Methodist Hospital. I'm down from 379 to 264. Still have 14 lbs to reach my doctors goal weight for me. I believe your site will be a great tool for maintaining what I've already lost and reaching my goal weight. I look forward t…
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