

  • I'm just aiming to lose at the moment. I'm currently 217 and my goal weight is 130. I was considering really trying to lower my carbs and up protein.
  • Just finished my Week 2 Day 1 session. It was tough, but I'm so glad I didn't wimp out and repeat week 1, I needed to push myself. I completed 5 out of 6 runs, I had to stop at one point cos my leg was cramping up like a mofo, and now I'm mad at myself because of it! I'll definitely do 6 next time. Anyone fearing the jump,…
    in C25k Comment by jeyloz March 2014
  • I'm heading out on a run in a little while, I'm definitely gonna try week 2, I want the progress!
    in C25k Comment by jeyloz March 2014
  • I should be doing Week 2 Day 1 today, initially I had planned to repeat week 1 because my fitness level sucks, but during my last session I found myself saying 'I probably could've done a bit more if I really pushed myself' so now I'm thinking I should just got for week 2. It's just the hills that scare me!
    in C25k Comment by jeyloz March 2014
  • Hi from London/Kent. :)
  • Anyone had issues with blisters? I'm wearing running shoes that I've had for a while and are so comfortable, but I keep getting a blister in the same place. It doesn't bother me whilst running but oh my is it painful the next day! I have awful anyway all shoes kill me! Just wondering if any of you know a way to tackle it?
    in C25k Comment by jeyloz March 2014
  • Thanks, a lot of people have said to take measurements, I think it's something I'll start doing, how often do you measure?
  • It can be really depressing, but I guess you have to look at it from the perspective of the long term journey. Every little lb is a huge achievement. It's amazing that you're doing something about it, don't ever give up!
  • Tom Hiddleston, Shakespeare, Max Ernst.
  • Hi, I started C25K this week, today will be my third workout. I am ridiculously unfit and would never call myself a runner. The first session was great but I struggled with the second because my muscles were sore. I'm really looking forward to today's session as my muscles are well rested, so I guess it's all dependant on…
    in C25k Comment by jeyloz March 2014
  • I'm exactly the same, I wasn't seeing results so I cut my calories, which obviously didn't work. I'm finally learning to give my body time and not expect too much too fast.
  • I'm in London/Kent. Any Brits feel free to add me :)
  • Hi, I'm fairly new myself, joined a while ago but I fell off the wagon and now I'm back and determined! The fact that you're so excited about your weight loss is great and losing 6lb already is incredible, so there's your motivation right there :) My advice would be to use the site and the app as much as possible, log…
  • You look fantastic! Well done, what an inspiration you are! :)
  • This is wonderful, well done you for refusing to quit! This really is an inspiration to me, I've been stuck myself and today I upped my calories for the first time. All I've been thinking is more calories = more weight, so it's great to hear from somebody who's had the experience!
  • I'm training to be a teacher and work as youth worker at a charity for underprivileged young people, I've never had an issue with my tattoos. That said I'm also an actress so I have gotten them in subtle places so as not to lose castings and such. It would definitively affect my acting, all agencies want to know about them.
  • Thanks, I really can't wait to do it. I did the Moonwalk for breast cancer a few years back, but I walked it cos it was a full 26 miles. Such an achievement though, I can't wait for this one.
  • I'm in a very similar situation, lots of lovely people on here have helped and the general consensus seems to be; make sure you're weighing and logging everything properly, eat back burnt off calories and make sure you're eating enough in the first place. To me this is scary cos it's like being told eat more, which is why…
  • This all makes complete sense to me, honestly I haven't been eating all of my calories back, in fact I've probably not been eating enough full stop. I'm in training for a 5k run so I will definitely be taking that into account with my calorie consumption. Thanks.
  • I have been looking at the Polar ones but I just don't have the money right now. Hopefully I'll be able to afford it in a few months. It's so annoying cos I really want to track my exercise properly, would you recommend the chest monitor or just the wrist?
  • When I hit my goal weight I'm having a hip tattoo, one of my favourite Shakespearian quotes. When I can see abs I'll be booking myself in for Pole Dancing classes.
  • Thanks that's great!
  • Forgot to mention I also recalculated my suggested calorie intake and it has gone up to 1480 instead of 1200. Would that many calories a day really make so much of a difference?! I probably seem completely clueless, I have been reading up on lots of weight loss info and healthy approaches, as that is what I'm aiming for;…
  • Thanks for all the replies, a lot for me to read through which is great! From all your suggestions I guess it could be not eating enough : / I'm definitely weighing all my foods right and tracking calories accurately, so I don't think that is the issue. Tracking the calories burnt I depend on the machines at the gym, they…
  • Thanks for the suggestions!
  • It's so great to hear some of your stories. The sense of community on this site is overwhelming! Makes me all the more confident! Good luck to everyone!
  • Thanks everyone, just the encouragement I need!
  • I did weight watchers previously and alcohol was a big part of my diet because of college and uni, I specifically remember that although alcohol was considered "fattening" there were more diet friendly options. E.G beer, cider and wine have a higher calorific content, but spirits and diet sodas are much lower. So I'd say…
    in Alcohol Comment by jeyloz June 2013