

  • Greetings! I think I would like to try this challenge. I started MFP last year, did really well, but then had to fight to keep my school open, and ended up eating my way through a stressful school year. I am a mom of a fantastic 10 year old son, teach elementary school during the day and university at night. I would like…
  • I know it's hard to make that scale budge, especially if it's the one thing that you want more than anything. My suggestion is to trust the system. Friend me, if you would like an extra cheer leader. Use a support system, log everything that goes into your mouth, and my personal favorite, exercise. For me, that was the key…
  • I am so glad you posted this as well. I did the same thing. In 2007, I lost 65 pounds. I neared a landmark weight for myself, and freaked out. I have put it all back on since then, and am feeling horrible. I have to get past the self-sabotage...and honor myself enough to get to a healthy weight. I know I can do this, I…
  • Thanks gals. I am going to need all the support we can get. I did a weigh in today 248.6, that's 22 pounds since I started in July! I am so excited to see those numbers go down. Since I just started, I know the loss will slow down, and I just want to make sure I keep going even if they do slow down or plateau for awhile.…
  • I was just browsing through some forums, and would love to know if I may join this group with you? I want to lose over 100 pounds, and it's nice to read from some folks that want to lose more than like 5 pounds. I am 31 and live in Colorado. Would it be okay with you folks if I joined up with you?
  • I started my fitness pal last month -- July 7th or so... and I have lost 21 pounds since! It makes such a great difference knowing what is going in and how much exercise I am putting out. I have completed Day # 17 on Shred, and I can do almost all of the exercises!! WooooooooooooooHoooooooooooo! And as a teacher going back…
  • I started shred on July 24... I am making some great progress. I did level 1 for 9 days, level two for 7 and now, I tried level three. I was combating the boredom monster... Yipes -- for level 3, my wobblies are back!! Wow.
  • Wow, so much of what you said here makes sense to me. I have been on the same journey. About 4 years ago, I lost 60 pounds. I felt great, I looked so much better, I was finally successful, but I lost my motivation. Slowly, the weight came back... five pounds at a time. I kept telling myself that it was only 5 pounds, I had…
  • After the 30 day shred (I am on day 15), I want to try something new. I got the biggest loser for the Wii, and it has programs for 4, 8, or 12 weeks. Have any of you done this system? I have done the 30 day challenge on Wii Active twice, but I lose my interest after too much longer. What kinds of workouts do you like?…
  • I am looking forward to going on this journey with you too!! We can hold one another accountable.
  • EboniA - Congrats on your weight loss. That's so exciting. I hit a milestone this week too!! I lost 20 pounds last month. I know I just started, and I will always lose more initially... but I am so dang excited about it. I am doing shred, and I am on day #14 (for tomorrow). I am also on level two, but I like it more than…
  • Medical issues can be really rough. I would like to blame my major weight gains on health. I know that's not the only thing, but it's part of the way I came to be as heavy as I am. When I hit college, I was healthy, 150 pounds, and doing just fine. I gained the freshman 15 almost instantly, but then I got really sick. I…
  • hi guys ! Finished Day #11 today. I like level 2 much better than level one. I am still sweating up a storm, but much less sore. My son made it almost through 2/3 of the workout today! (but he is soooooooooooo sore!) I feel strong and am happy I can do more stuff! Something that is interesting though... I find the walk-out…
  • I have a question for you folks -- What weights do you choose to use? I have started with 3 lb weights, and I am certainly sweating, but I also feel like some days I might not be pushing hard enough. However, I tried one day with 5, and it dang near killed me. I mean, dropping a weight on your head has got to be dangerous…
  • I was reading other posts, and my reflections: Day #3 was my most sore. I felt different muscle groups each day, but I do think that you can push through it. Don't give up! I am on Day # 9.... and well, I did LEVEL 2 for the first time. It kicked my butt too... but I find level 2 easier to transition than beginning with…
  • If you have a brand you like, that feel good, check it out online. Sometimes I can styles that I like better that are not in stock in the stores, but if I know the brand, I don't have to worry about trying everything on.
  • Wow -- This is exactly why I love this site. So much information! The machine I was using did not ask me my weight, which is significantly higher than 154 lbs. Thanks for the advice every one. I did sweat, and I did work out for that 30 minutes(plus Shred, and walking the dogs), so both of those things are successes in and…
    in Question Comment by Rmeikel August 2010
  • I log the Shred as Circuit training (22 minutes) = 2 minutes warm up, 18 circuits, 2 minutes cool down.
  • I did Weight watchers... but it got too expensive when I wasn't losing anymore, so I lost my momentum and then the desire. I had to take three months off when I went on a Fulbright exchange to Uruguay, which I ate what my hosts fed me -- lots of beef... lots of cheese... etc. I gained and just didn't want to pay to go back…
  • I know how upsetting that can be. I feel frustrated when I go on my Wii, and only sometimes is it in the ball park of where I think that I am. I would buy a new scale for this journey. I have a Weight Watchers digital scale. I love it because it reads up to .2 of a pound, and it gives you lots of feedback. It does…
  • Just did day # 7 in Shred. I am getting ready to move up to the next level but the push ups are still hard for me. I brought the DVD with me on vacation, so I can still do it. My family got to watch! That was fun, (sarcastic). What is interesting is that my 9 year old can't do some of the stuff, he lasts about three…
  • I am on day 6, and it's a work out. I am thinking about staying on level one for the whole 10 days. I am still doing the modified push ups, but everything else I think I am rocking! I like that I sweat! I know I am doing something well because of it. I need to invest in a good couple of sports bras, and other than sore…
  • What a great idea. I want to lose 100 pounds. I know I can do it. I have tried and lost 60 before, but I gave it. If have friends who keep me accountable, it will really help. How do we add each other as friends? Right now, it says I have no friends here.
  • Have continued to work hard, but I have a question for your folks. Any of you large chested? I am having some soreness in my breasts, from all the bouncing. It's what has kept me away from serious cardio for years. What do you guys do to control the bounce. I am not going to let a little pain stop me, but I was wondering…
  • I didn't start on the 20th, but I started on the 24th... I read all of these posts, and figured it would be worth a try! I am on day 4, and rocking it. STill working on workout 1, not sure when i am ready to transition to 2, but I was most sore day 3, and am feeling better now!
  • Interesting challenge! I used to get really hungry about 10pm. At the time, I was working on another diet plan. The advice I was given worked for me. I had to look at all the things I was eating during the day and WHEN I was eating them. It turns out I was going very light on food in the morning and lunch so I could "eat…
  • I go back and forth with this. When I am bad, it let's me feel like it's okay to slip, and I tend to give up. I do better if I am a purest and continue doing well. The trick for me is to plan in whatever I feel I can't have. I will check out my calories for the day, and if I don't have enough, I either work out until I do,…
  • I am addicted to my scale as well!! I check every day, but actually record it every two days on here. The long and short of it is that my weight is simply feedback. It's a way to understand what's happening with my body. A hint to myself that I am slipping is that I want to avoid the scale all together. I also have learned…
  • I just started tonight, and am wanting to lose about 100 lbs. I am active, and didn't have too much trouble with the exercises. It's hard work, and you have to push yourself, but you can do it to your own ability level. I paid less than 10 bucks for it, so it's worth it even if you do it only a few times. I say go for it!