August ShredHeads! - 30 Day Shred 8/1 - 8/30



  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Well I pushed myself to do day three, and I'm glad I did.

    Anyone else notice that the girl on the left in the red shorts actually takes a break when she thinks the camera isn't on her. It's during the first set of static lunges and bicep curls. She just does the curls. I could be mistaken, but I'm definitely going to look for it on purpose next time. If I can make it through without breaks, and one of the trainers has to break then I think that's saying something! lol

    haha I've heard other people say that too! Natalie is a slacker!!

    Also, as for doing it every day, I'm going to keep it up even though I can barely walk today haha. I always figured muscles need time to recuperate too but if Jillian says I should do it every day, I figure it's worth a try.

    Question: Are the backs of anyone else's thighs not sore at all? I'm wondering if that's cause I'm not doing something right or if the moves in Level One just don't work that area all that much? Also I'm a bit worried because my abs aren't sore again today. I don't really know what to do about that, maybe I should work in 8 Minute Abs or something?
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    I didn't notice about Natalie...will have to look for it next time, lol I also pushed myself and did day 3 today as well...I am glad I did also! It was uncomfortable being sore but I did it. So far I am not anymore sore than I already was....hope it stays that quads as I said were very sore last night and today still. Just a bit better today. Hoping they don't get even worse tonight or tomorrow after doing day 3 today. The backs of my thighs are not sore either, just the front and my calves too...but the quads are what is hurting the most for me.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I didn't notice about Natalie...will have to look for it next time, lol I also pushed myself and did day 3 today as well...I am glad I did also! It was uncomfortable being sore but I did it. So far I am not anymore sore than I already was....hope it stays that quads as I said were very sore last night and today still. Just a bit better today. Hoping they don't get even worse tonight or tomorrow after doing day 3 today. The backs of my thighs are not sore either, just the front and my calves too...but the quads are what is hurting the most for me.

    me too! I'm limping all over the place because my quads hurt so much. I was surprised after day one when my calves hurt, I didn't know I worked them out at all! What a nice surprise!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey everyone!

    i'm new here but i also started the shred on august 1st. so far, i've only done it once (haha) but i'm going to attempt a second day of it tonight. i wanted to do it yesterday but i could barely move! my legs are still sore today but i'm going to power through it! (hopefully i dont regret it!)

    keep it up everyone! lets do this together!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Ok, so my plan to do the shred AND making the cut didn't work so well, i really think you need a partner to do making the cut but thats just me, so i revised my plan

    I day LV1 DAY2 X2 today!!! First day was hard I had to stop a few times, this morning i stopped fewer times, and this afternoon even fewer and even did a few real push ups (working on form) so day 2 down 28 to go!!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Level 1 day 3 down! I'm not nearly as tired and wobbly as I was two days ago, so I guess that's good. In the shower I started thinking about how many days are left and when I will start seeing results, and what if I don't (I'm a very impatient person!) but made myself stop and slow down. Gotta take this one day at a time!
    Still no sore abs! I feel it when I'm doing the exercises but not the next day. Am I the only one? Do you think this means I'm not going to see results there?
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Level 1 day 3 down! I'm not nearly as tired and wobbly as I was two days ago, so I guess that's good. In the shower I started thinking about how many days are left and when I will start seeing results, and what if I don't (I'm a very impatient person!) but made myself stop and slow down. Gotta take this one day at a time!
    Still no sore abs! I feel it when I'm doing the exercises but not the next day. Am I the only one? Do you think this means I'm not going to see results there?

    The first time I tried this program (two years ago) I remember not feeling anything in my abs either. For whatever reason this time around I am but it's only my lower abs I feel.
  • breakthestage
    L1D3 done! I'm sweating so much it's ridiculous; I have to keep a towel handy :P

    I've read everyone's posts and I have a few things to say. In this workout we're not doing anything involving the hamstrings (back of the thigh) so that's why you're not feeling it. :)

    And I haven't been feeling the abs either! Today I pushed it a lot harder with the bicycle crunches; I went a lot faster and didn't come all the way down, just sort of stayed in the crunch position and boy did I feel it then! Maybe you can try that?

    Also, I've been using 5lb weights and I die on the side lunges. I have to break almost every time. :(

    Other than that, Jillian keeps kicking my butt. Hopefully it will get easier soon, haha.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    I did my 2nd day today despite being insanely sore from a session withthe trainer. Today my neighbor felt the need to use a broom or something else to hit the ceiling (we are on the 2nd floor). I sincerely hope this does not continue, I do not want to scale down the intensity of those cardio bursts, they really get my heart rate up. I did try to move around the living room, so maybe that will help lol. I don't want to quit, what a dumbass
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    i finished day 2 last night. i was worried about being super sore today again (especially in my legs!) but surprisingly i feel better! my muscles are still very slightly sore, but at least i can walk and use the bathroom with ease now (i, too, found it hard to sit on the toilet cuz of my legs hurting! lol). i also noticed that the workout was definitely easier this time. still hard, and still wasn't able to do everything, but it was definitely better than day 1.

    i, too, feel that my abs aren't getting the workout they should be. i tried to focus on making sure i was using all of those muscles for every workout and i expected them to be slightly sore, but nope, nothin today! i might do some extra crunches tonight after the shred just to make sure they're getting their fix! :)
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Just done day four and really feeling it now! Was hoping I might be feeling a bit better but still having to take the occasional break. Still not feeling it in my abs so will try a bit harder tomorrow! :laugh: It's good fun though and definately keeping me motivated and determined to get fit.
  • pinkandloopy
    erm...I haven't felt sore at I doing it wrong? Just off to shred now so will see if anything hurts tomorrow :tongue:
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Did day 4 earlier this afternoon and I am happy to say that it DOES get EASIER!!! Thank quads were soooo sore on Monday after day 2 and into early Tuesday. Yesterday was a bit difficult because I was so sore. Today? I am not that sore anymore AND I had more stamina with the cardio. The only times I stopped at all was the first set of cardio where you do jumping jacks, jumping rope, jumping jacks, jumping rope...stopped at the end of each about 3-4 seconds early. But didn't stop at all on the cardio at the end...the last cardio where you do jumping jacks, butt kicks, punching. For some reason switching back and forth between jumping jacks and jumping rope is so hard for me! I had to stop more the previous 3 days. All in all, I felt good today that it was easier for me. :happy:

    Pink....might be because you are already in good shape, maybe? For me...I am not, lol
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    hi guys !

    Finished Day #11 today. I like level 2 much better than level one. I am still sweating up a storm, but much less sore. My son made it almost through 2/3 of the workout today! (but he is soooooooooooo sore!) I feel strong and am happy I can do more stuff! Something that is interesting though... I find the walk-out push ups so much easier than the regular ones. I am strong enough to do several, but get stuck in the endurance that level one requires. Anyone feeling the same way?
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L1D4 done. I did it at my brother's today, I hope his downstairs neighbour doesn't hate me! The plus/downside of this was using his 2lb weights for the side lunges and arm lifts instead of boyfriend's 1lb weights. Those arm lifts get me every time! I think it's because my arms are still so sore and SO not used to being worked (I've never previously worked out my upper body). Level one is definitely getting easier, but I'm actually a little sad about it - the wobbles and soreness were such a great reminder of how hard I'm working and the results I'll (hopefully) get. Now that I'm less sore, I feel like I'm cheating! Does anyone else miss the pain?

    Keep up the good work everyone, you're all doing so great! We're almost halfway done with level one! :D
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Good job!!! I do not miss the,my quads are much better now! I use 3lb weights and today my arms really it felt it on those side lunges...more than the other days!
  • pinkandloopy
    Pink....might be because you are already in good shape, maybe? For me...I am not, lol

    :laugh: bless you...really not the case! haven't excerised for years. I look after 11 month old twins so busy all day and lif them a lot, walk as much as I can but definitely not in good shape. Nice thought though....maybe in 25 days??
    Just got up at 5,30 to shred b4 work...see if that makes something hurt!?
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I feel bad that I skipped my workout yesterday. I totally had my alarm set an hour earlier so that I could get the shred in before work, but I ended up waking in the middle of the night and not getting back to sleep until three hours later :-( So I reset my alarm for the usual wakeup time. I didn't get a workout in at all yesterday AND was over my calorie count. I feel terrible today.

    But I totally plan to do the shred today, and I have some cleaning to do, so hopefully that will burn some calories as well. I haven't given up!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Finished Day 3 of the Shred last night. Still feelin good. Arms are slightly sore and I feel it in my abs a little more than I have been. I'm still sweatin like crazy, so it must be working! I seriously can't wait to see the results once this month is over.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Is anyone seeing the scale move at all so far? Mine has not budged....seems like I was losing better before I started the shred..getting discouraging :ohwell: