August ShredHeads! - 30 Day Shred 8/1 - 8/30



  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    I finished D4 for me last night... almost didn't do it, but pushed myself to & felt great after. My weight hasn't budged since earlier this week though. :/ I'm hoping I'm at least losing some inches!

    I don't think my weight's gone down any either, but I'm more interested in losing inches. How often do you plan on measuring yourself? I'm really trying to avoid it until the end of the 30 days, but it's so hard!

    I plan on measuring myself at the end of the month. I don't want to measure before then because I'd rather be surprised (hopefully in a good way!) with the results after doing it for a while. :)
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Hello all! I have to bow out gracefully. I did day 1-5 last week..Sunday-Thursday and then decided that it is not for me at this time...for a few reasons. However, I was going out and walking prior to starting the shred and have gone back to that...except I just started doing Leslie Sansone...walk at home series...I am doing the 5 day slim down. I have done it twice so far and love it! :smile: I did 1 mile the first time as that was what I had been walking on my own. Today I did 2 miles and felt great! I wish all of you much success and great results with the shred! :flowerforyou:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I think I was totally just kidding about doing Shred twice today. I was in the hospital last night because of a bit of a kidney infection, and now the antibiotics I'm taking are making me way tired, so I think I'll just take the loss and be a day behind. I'm posting here now, though, to hold myself accountable so that I WILL Shred once tonight. :)
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    I havn't Shred since last Tuesday! I fell down on Wednesday and hurt my lower back, seriously black and blue. I tripped and landed perfectly on my lower back on the edge of my desk, took out the printer, and slid into the vacuum which ended up in a few pieces... I am a big girl that wrecked havoc in the home office. So I've been playing it safe and staying away from any activity. Yesterday I decided to go for a bike ride and I am a little sore today, but feeling much better finally! I will do Day 3 tomorrow. CAN'T FREAKING WAIT to start Shredding, i.e. sweeting, again!!! :bigsmile:
  • Today was my 7th day to shred. I didn't measure myself at the start but did so tonight. After measuring I decided to try on a pair of cut off jeans that before MFP and 30 DS took all my strength just to button. Tonight however, I was able to button them with ease. Now we're talkin'! I look forward to see how many inches I will lose!! I am so excited...and MOTIVATED!!!!!!!!!! :smile:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Day 8 finally done. I'm getting kind of bored with level one, it's not destroying me the way I loved/hated the first few days. I'm really looking forward to level 2.

    MommaFreem - That's AWESOME that you're fitting better in your jeans. You're making such huge progress so quickly, I'm sure you'll see great results by the time this Shred is done. Meanwhile, your success is an inspiration; I hope I can see changes like yours!

    zolamercedes - I hope you're alright! I'm super duper clumsy so I know what it's like to totally wipe out. I think it was definitely the right choice to take some time off from exercising, and I'm glad to see you're back!

    MaureenH39 - Sorry to hear you'll be leaving our little group. I wish you lots of success too with your exercising and your journey

    Everyone else, Congratulations on all of your success and progress thus far! I hope you're all already seeing great results. I should probably try harder to post here more often but I promise I'm reading everything - I check this thread so many times a day just to see how everyone's doing. Keep up the great work!! :flowerforyou:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    MommaFreem , I'm glad you're already starting to see results. That is so motivating to hear!

    Today I completed day 6 of shred. I understand what everyone is saying about being able to do all the moves without modifications before going on to level2. I still can't do the push ups. I have to do girlie push ups. I can do all the jumping jacks now and I couldn't before. I still have a problem with the side lunges with front raises.

    I see that people are doing the shred everyday, I do it every other day. I do the 10 pound slim down on exercise tv in between time. Also, I go to the gym 3 to 4 days a week. I don't think I would be able to do it everyday because I need to take a break so I don't get burned out. I did do it Sunday and then again today. I will do it again on Wednesday.

    So I don't know if its just me, but I find Jillian's voice to be so annoying. I had to mute the tv and listen to music while I did the workout.
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    I started shred on July 24... I am making some great progress. I did level 1 for 9 days, level two for 7 and now, I tried level three. I was combating the boredom monster... Yipes -- for level 3, my wobblies are back!! Wow.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Well finally made it to day 10 and feeling tired! Getting bored of Jillian. I know what she says now almost word for word so definately ready for moving on to level II. Trying to get my daughter to join in because yesterday we were doing a dance game for the wii and she admitted that she is not as fit as me and had to give up after a few songs!
  • tlraney1
    tlraney1 Posts: 10
    I was doing the shred every day until last Saturday. When I did it on Friday, my body was like a noodle and I couldn't do what I was supposed to do. I only did 15 min on Friday and could barely walk when I stopped. Friends of mine told me that you MUST take time to allow your body to rest. I know that Jillian says no resting during the workout but my body couldn't take 6 days a week straight of that plus cardio (wii step or walking the dogs).

    So, I am breaking it down to 3 days of shred / cardio then 1 day of only cardio and will see what happens.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    tlraney1- i had the same problem! friday i hurt my quad- i must have twisted weird or jumped weird but it hurt pretty bad and i barely made it through that workout. i took saturday off & did the shred again sunday but my while my quad was ok, my body wasn't reacting right to the workout, i just felt so tired. i decided that i'm going to switch things up too- i think it will work best with my body. yesterday i did a half hour on the elliptical & 10 mins on the bike and a bunch of crunches. i think i'm going to switch between that and the shred for a while.

    i will still measure up with everyone at the end of the month! i will just probably be starting level 3 around then though.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Completed Day 9 for me, and I think I'm ready to move on. I'm not winded anymore during the cardio, and the strength isn't as hard either. I did take it easy yesterday because my knees were starting to hurt, but I took 900 mg of fish oil before my workout today and noticed a big difference. I think I'm going to start L2 tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to get up and do it before work in the morning. I've been lucky these last 10 days, having to work afternoon or evening and getting in my workout at a decent hour in the morning.

    I don't think I'm getting great results. I have lost a pound, but honestly I was hoping to have lost at least two by now. I think I lost two inches in my waist, but I'm not sure I measured myself right the first time! lol Either way, I'm going strong and happy that I'm committed to this. It has helped me so much to have a place like MFP that allows me to talk about my workout and that holds me accountable.

    Good job, everyone!
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    Did day 2 of level 2 today. All that plank work is HARD!! I don't feel like I got hit by a truck like I did on day 2 of level 1 though. I have Zumba tonight and tomorrow is a rest day so I'll be back at it on Thursday. Fun!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    Hi ya everyone! I started the Shred on the 1st and I just finished L1D9!!!!! Hope it's ok that I jump in a little late?

    I feel stronger today.... and SO excited to move on to level2!!
  • I have a question. I just started the Shred today. I have it on demand with comcast. I think it is only Level 1 though.
    Does the dvd you buy have all 3 levels on it?
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks sngnyrslp... I kicked butt today on L1D3!! I was tired, and the back was a pain while jumping around and doing crunches, but I pushed through and feel great. So happy I am back. Can't wait to make it to D10. That will be awesome. I really need to get those push-ups down though... grrrr
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    eastcoaster...yes the DVD has all levels on it. sngnyrslp...thanks! :happy:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    tlraney, I agree about resting. I think you are doing the right thing by only doing shred 3 days a week. Resting is when your muscles rebuild and grow. It also makes you less sore when you skip a day.

    miss_amy, yesterday was my rest day from shred too. I did 30 minutes on the stairmill and 15 minutes of rowing. I felt great this morning. But I am getting ready to tackle the shred when I'm done. I can't wait to measure at the end of the month and hear about everyone else's progress.

    bree, I have to get my workout in early too, or its no guarantee it will get done once my day gets started. Great job on moving on to level 2. If the pounds don't come off, the inches will. So kudos to you!

    MFT2010, welcome! Glad you could join us. How was level 2?

    eastcoaster, I'm doing shred on demand also. The one dvd has all three levels. Have you tried boost metabolism, quick trouble zones, or yoga meltdown? I think I'm going to substitute for one of top two when I am finished with level 1.

    zolamercedes, push ups are still my worse enemy too. But I will get there and you will too!

    Good morning Maureen!!

    I'll post later.....time to get shredded!
  • JessikaJ
    JessikaJ Posts: 43
    Yesterday was day 12 for me... Today will be L2D3... this **** is tough! feeling pretty sore and not looking forward to the workout tonight. I just came off maternity leave as of monday so my fiance and i are now having to do our workout at night instead of the AM because i leave for work at 6:20! We havent missed a day yet but all this plank work and shoulder work in level 2 is really rockin me today....
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Just done L2D1 and it was hard work! All those planks and I don't have much upper body strength. Hopefully this will get easier.
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