30 Day Shred Starting in August!



  • ReMo6579
    ReMo6579 Posts: 1
    I just joined the site today and decided that this is the workout I'm going to do! My daughter will be 6 months old on August 22nd and my goal was to be be at or below my pre-pregnancy weight (I was on WW when I got pregnant). I have 6 lbs to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight and 20 lbs to lose to get to where I know I'd be comfortable in all of my clothes.

    I didn't even own a scale till I got pregnant and so I don't rely on it, but how my clothes fit is my ultimate challenge and goal! I'll take my measurements on Saturday and will start to track myself then . . . Wishing you all luck and motivation! :wink:
  • SilverRoxy
    SilverRoxy Posts: 64
    Yes....count me in. I need motivation!! I bought the CD months ago and recently joined a different group on here who was doing the shred. So far I've done it a few times in the past two weeks, but not every day. It really is a good workout but I'll use your support to get me up and moving every day!
    MMJAB Posts: 1
    WHERE in Canada can I get this DVD, does anyone know?
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    WHERE in Canada can I get this DVD, does anyone know?

    We have them at walmarts. All the work out videos are back by the exercise equipment. I am assuming there is a walmart near you.
  • SilverRoxy
    SilverRoxy Posts: 64
    Oh...and considering I haven't lost any pounds in a while ...UGH!!....I'll take measurements and compare them at the end.
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    I got my disk in the mail. I have wanted to take a sneak peek at what I am in for, but I am afraid it will scare me! :) So we start in 3 days.

    Between this, Karate, C25K program, 200 sit up challenge, and strength training I am hoping to see some great progress.
  • I started this a week ago but I was so sore I stopped. BUT I did it again last night and I'm no where near as sore as the last time. Wahoo! That means PROGRESS! Anyway, I like the things she says during the workout. Really motivates me! "The time when your muscles are the most sore, that's them getting STRONGER!" or something like that. I really need to hear stuff like that to keep me going! :smile:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Hey everyone! So glad to see so many people who are looking forward to 30DS as much as I am! I'll be starting a new thread late tomorrow night, and we can start posting about our progress on Sunday! I'll post the link to the new thread here so keep your eyes peeled! :D
  • I'm in!
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    I am on day 6, and it's a work out. I am thinking about staying on level one for the whole 10 days. I am still doing the modified push ups, but everything else I think I am rocking! I like that I sweat! I know I am doing something well because of it. I need to invest in a good couple of sports bras, and other than sore shoulders, I am doing just fine.
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    Mine is in the post and should arrive by the 1st..so yep, I'll give it a go!
  • I'd never heard of jillian micheals or the shred til I started using MFP. I'm beginning to think I'm the only English person on here! You've all convinced me. I sent off to Amazon for the DVD last weekend as was hoping to make a start yesterday while my flatmate's away and I have a long weekend off......but I'm still waiting for it to arrive :yawn:
    Still some hope it may arrive this morning as the postman hasn't been yet (or maybe he has but there was nothing for me: DOH!). If it does...count me in.
  • yippee...just arrived: count me in. Is it ok if I add you as a friend and you can keep me in the loop? :smile:
  • hannah_lin
    hannah_lin Posts: 54
    I haven't been doing her program daily, but I've been doing the dvd about 4 times a week-- and I have to say that it's probably the most effective workout I've ever had in my life. I saw results almost immediately, and it's targeted areas that nothing else has been able to fix. I heartily recommend it!! Good luck guys :)
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    I have had this dvd for a year and a half and only did it 2 times when I first got it. This is the kick in the *kitten* that I needed. Will start tomorrow!
  • numbers aren't my strong point so always rubbish with dates....thought today was the 1st...still sweating after my first shred. bring it on :happy:
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    Just did day # 7 in Shred. I am getting ready to move up to the next level but the push ups are still hard for me. I brought the DVD with me on vacation, so I can still do it. My family got to watch! That was fun, (sarcastic). What is interesting is that my 9 year old can't do some of the stuff, he lasts about three minutes.
  • I'm kind of concerned about doing the 30DS every day and only consuming about 1300 calories, as MFP suggests. I've heard some people say that in order to work out that much and lose weight, I would need to consume more.

  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I made the thread a little early because some of us are in very different time zones. Here's the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/109898-august-shredheads-30-day-shred-8-1-8-30
  • fetish215
    fetish215 Posts: 5
    I'm in. I started the shred today and let me tell you i'm out of shape. I worked muscles i didn't know i had. i'm just afraid that I am going to be so sore tomorrow that I'm not going to be able to do it again. I did have to stop a few times during it but I got right back in and kept working out. Def need to lose something between now and the 15th. Leaving for Myrtle Beach then and I would like to at least feel good about myself. Any motivations or suggestions to keep the positiveness and not give up and worry???

    Thanks. Any advice would help.
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