Khalter1975 Member


  • Why are people so negative towards one another....isn't this website supposed to here to support one another?!?!?!
  • Well...I am back. Starting Monday April 9, 2013. I am for sure back on the saddle again. I have to start all over and be motivated. Let's face it...summer is just around the corner. I am going to Florida in two months so I have got to get it together. I recently had surgery so I cannot do any strenuous exercises until I am…
  • I am bad...I don't think I am going to really try until after spring break on April 1. I am really going to try then...
  • I had that week too! Back to the drawing board tomorrow...I have to do better...spring break in two weeks!
  • I AM IN! I need to be serious! LOL!
  • Okay Spring Break is coming up! I really need to stay focused but I am having a hard time! HELP! For the last two week I have been fine at the beginning of the week then I fall of the wagon. Think if I start back up Sunday I could lose some by the 22nd? :) I will try again...
  • I will follow it! :)
    in Blog Comment by Khalter1975 March 2013
  • I'm still doing it! However, like everyone else I have fallen off the wagon. I liek it and I am successful when I am motivated. Right now, I do it during the day most of the time, but then cheat a little at night.
  • Okay everyone....back to it tomorrow. I have 26 more days till spring break. Would like to lost around 10...but would be happy with 5-7. Here I go again!
  • I gotta get back into it...I have fallen off the wagon...but...haven't gained...So back to it...of course that's what I said last week...NEED SOME MOTIVATION!!!
  • I have to start on Cycle one again....have a had a bad two weeks. I still am at a weight loss of 8 lbs and would like to lose about 5 to 8 more by March 23. So I hope I can do it...
  • I am having a hard time staying motivated these last five days....I need a boost.
  • I knew that I couldn't live without some carbs so at night I have a small amount of mms. You only live once. I have been keeping track of all my calories on MFP. This week I had chips and cheese three night in a row....but I counted them all. I did only lose 1 pound instead of the 2 or 3 I was hoping's okay. I just…
  • Can you tell me what Earndit is?
  • I know I should follow it to a T...but sometimes a little bit of mms make me feel better! LOL!!! Also, I like to enjoy a cocktail or two on the weekends. I guess I shouldn't complain to much if I have lost some....I should cut out the mms.... Thanks so much for the response. It helps when I have people to motivate me!
  • I am on Day 12 cycle 1 and have lost 4.2 pounds. Is that okay? It seems that everyone else has lost more weight? I know I haven't been totally perfect on the diet...had a couple cocktails and 1/4 cup mms. But I was hoping for 6 pounds. Any words of encouragement? How much do people normally lose on the second cycle? thanks…
  • So I should do Cycle 2 one day and Cycle 1 the next and so on?
  • Does anyone know if I can do Cycle 1 for 2 sets of 17 days? Has anyone ever done this? Thanks! Krista
  • Thank you!!!
  • Me too! I started on Monday! I need buddies!
  • I am starting late. But I would like to join. I will be weighing in on Friday. I started on January 7.
  • Is a small amount of vodka ok on the 17 day diet?
  • I started today....let me know how you are doing.
  • Hope you are doing well!
  • Monday- 3/5= 3miles Tuesday-3/6=4 milies (54 min)
    in WEEK 1 Comment by Khalter1975 March 2012
  • Walk/Ran at a about a 13.5 pace for 65 minutes=5 miles
    in WEEK 1 Comment by Khalter1975 March 2012
  • Hi everyone! I am jogging for 1 minute then walking at a 4.1 pace for 2 min. Today I did 45 min and burned about 400 calories. This is my fourth day on MFP and I love it. I hope to keep it up, a little nervous about sticking to it. I figured if i can make it past two weeks then I am good! :smile: Good luck everyone!
    in WEEK 1 Comment by Khalter1975 March 2012
  • I am new and very motivated also! Can't wait to start seeing results! I have already posted my story on the "afraid to weigh myself" post...that is my big issue... Good luck to everyone!
  • I haven't wieghed myself since about last May. I am always my thinnest between May and October. Then after that everything goes down hill. Then in January I beat myself up and feel so bad about myself and start watching my weight again. It is a cycle that has happened since I can remember. Now that I am older it is getting…