

  • It didn't help me at all. It's easier to focus on good food intake and exercise. Nothing in a bottle will give you lasting positive results.
  • Keep at it! You look fantastic!
  • ugh! technical difficulty ... lol
  • July 1 - 5.31 July 2 - 1.61 July 3 - 4.6 July 4 - 4.99 July 5 - Rest July 6 - Unplanned rest day - walked 4.32 July 7 - 5.30 July 8 - 3.73 (+ 45 min Zumba) July 9 - 3.78 July 10 - 4.18 (+60 min Zumba) July 11 - 4.17 July 12 - Unplanned rest July 13 - Unplanned rest July 14 - 2.09 July 15 - 2.54 July 16-18 - In the car to…
  • July 1 - 5.31 July 2 - 1.61 July 3 - 4.6 July 4 - 4.99 July 5 - Rest July 6 - Unplanned rest day - walked 4.32 July 7 - 5.30 July 8 - 3.73 (+ 45 min Zumba) July 9 - 3.78 July 10 - 4.18 (+60 min Zumba) July 11 - 4.17 July 12 - Unplanned rest July 13 - Unplanned rest July 14 - 2.09 July 15 - 2.54
  • Hello everyone. My name is Kriya and I live in MO with my amazing husband and two teenage girls. I was an avid runner about 10 years ago. (several 5Ks, some 10Ks, a 1/2 and 3 marathons) I went back to school as a non-traditional student and...that about says it all. I'm starting up again and am finding it very difficult to…
  • I would love to say that school has made me fat, but...I'm guessing my love for sweets might have something to do with it. I lost 15 lbs last summer and by December had gained it all back. Summer has gloriously returned with beautiful sun and some extra time. I'm back down 10. I would really like to figure out how to find…
  • July 1 - 5.31 July 2 - 1.61 July 3 - 4.6 July 4 - 4.99 July 5 - Rest July 6 - Unplanned rest day - walked 4.32 July 7 - 5.30 July 8 - 3.73 (+ 45 min Zumba) July 9 - 3.78 July 10 - 4.18 (+60 min Zumba) July 11 - 4.17 July 12 - Unplanned rest July 13 - Unplanned rest July 14 - 2.09 (Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!)
  • July 1 - 5.31 July 2 - 1.61 July 3 - 4.6 July 4 - 4.99 July 5 - Rest July 6 - Unplanned rest day - walked 4.32 July 7 - 5.30 July 8 - 3.73 (+ 45 min Zumba) July 9 - 3.78 July 10 - 4.18 (+60 min Zumba) July 11 - 4.17 *Note to self: Today I learned that it is not a good idea to drink smirnoff before you run.
  • July 1 - 5.31 July 2 - 1.61 July 3 - 4.6 July 4 - 4.99 July 5 - Rest July 6 - Unplanned rest day - walked 4.32 July 7 - 5.30 July 8 - 3.73 (+ 45 min Zumba) July 9 - 3.78
  • vaseline or spanx
  • fat secret - When going to the beach I would find the largest woman possible and lay my towel down near her. I no longer need to compare myself to others, or mentally put others down to make myself feel better. Thank God for that!
  • July 1 - 5.31 July 2 - 1.61 July 3 - 4.6 July 4 - 4.99 July 5 - Rest July 6 - Unplanned rest day - walked 4.32 July 7 - 5.30 **Super Excited! On mile 3 I averaged just over 10 min. mile! ** Yea me :smile: July 8 - 3.73 (+ 45 min Zumba)
  • congrats! start reading to your belly right now. :smile:
  • July 3 - 4.6 July 4 - 4.99 July 5 - Rest July 6 - Unplanned rest day - walked 4.32
  • July 2: 3.45 (6.21 total)
  • Hit my goal last month! I'm not very good at posting though ... I'll add that to my goal. :smile: Goal: 50 running miles July 1: 2.76
  • You can do this! There is so much support out here ... just do what you did - reach out and get it! Take action and with that you will take control of your weight loss and your life. I don't think it ever gets easier, but the excuses become white noise that you have the power to disregard. Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • Better late than never. :smile:
  • I had no motivator to quit either. I knew everything that everyone is mentioning ... so do you. The only thing I knew, more than anything, was that I already knew the reasons that should be motivating. I needed to quit because I wanted to be a role model for my children, because I want to be here to play with my…
  • Count me in. Back to school on Aug 12th. Any and all help with accountability and motivation are always welcomed.
  • My feet are very very very flat and I love my Asics. An old running partner of mines loves her Nikes, but they don't work for me at all. It just depends on your feet, mechanics, pronation, etc. I cannot help you with that. I have no doubt there are 100 of people out there who are much more educated on helping you determine…
  • Just start! Select either a distance or time limit, when I started I chose 30 min daily. Then I just got up, put my shoes on, and went. If I could only jog from light post to light post and I had to stop and walk - so be it. Eventually I was able to jog the full 30 min. Don't allow not knowing be your excuse for not…
  • I am starting at ground zero ... again. However, someone posted, and I'm paraphrasing, "find what you have the biggest issue with." For me that is and will probably always be Dr. Pepper. So- No Dr. Pepper for me. :) It's strange, but on the 6/3/13 I was getting ready for work, couldn't stand how I looked in my clothing,…